Why does it seem like as time progresses a society always gets worse?

Why does it seem like as time progresses a society always gets worse?

Must be migration.

Wrong people in power


Because entropy is a constant of nature.

Rise and Fall of Empires

They discard the basic facts of Human Nature and they think everyone else has too.

It was sad watching Bailey get homogenized into standard porn star tits and looks. But I wasn't aware he ballooned into a whale.

>“Cualquier tiempo pasado fue mejor”. Jorge Manrique (h. 1440-1479).
>Any past time was better

As people get older, they tend to forget the dull/bad shit.

There is also some nostalgia because youth is the best time of life.

Reality is that if you could go back in time, you'd probably kill yourself. It's not to say that there are some things worse, but we are better, on average, even with all the degeneracy.

Your definition of worse is wrong. Change your personal values to fit the new reality. In other words be more Canadian.

>Can't have kids
>Still look like you had 2

Because as the seasons change...so do civilizations. The great cycle of birth and death.

Ok god you mixed the duck out of the timelines again. Jazz and Bailey are different persons, undo this demommaton you made.

Sauce on this vixen?

it has a dick

Huhhh, so even trannies hit the wall.

That’s the only way not to go insane.

Trannies hit the wall much faster than roasties.
There has never been an attractive tranny over the age of 30 in human history.

Guy has no testosterone. Can't blame him for putting on a few pounds, damn.

the absolute state of fat jewish men lmao

Kek. He's going bald too. He will look like an old fat bald degenerate in no time.

Anyone have the balding pic?

What is history
What is repeating it self

those digits
that post


Because millennials are getting fat as they go through their 30's... Because everyone gets fat as they go through their 30's. Just wait until you see how those arm sleeves age on the women.

Explain to me how is natural to take a car and make 20 km in less than 20 minutes...

the quads of complete truth

Callohoun research and the mousetopia seems to to give right to the Falling society and degeneracy.

yet, objectively, society became better, more peaceful and powerful.

There is a strange phenomena in the era of the information, were scandals and minority reports gets boosted, giving the impression of decadency.

Moreover, the perception of society is always a relative perception and you might get angry when you get a flat tire, while 200 years ago you'd never had that problem

>overdone lip injections
>hair looks like a wig
>went from nice twink figure to landwhale

The time window for a trap to look hot is 14-29. By the time you hit 30, your body and facial structure becomes to masculine to look passable as a trap unless you're asian. And that's why you don't become a trap kids!

Humans evolved using tools and innovating said tools to be more efficient or effective or powerful as needed.



Bailey is jew?

Human life cycles are a lot shorter than mice's.
Also we haven't reached our population limit yet.

This reminds me of the "garrotting panic" in Victorian England. There was a widespread panic because 2 people had been mugged on the streets of London over the course of several weeks.
Things are getting worse.

>There has never been an attractive tranny over the age of 30 in human history.
Mariana aged like a fine wine

Is this another faggot thread on Sup Forums? Could somebody rouse the mods out of their medically induced comas and GET THE FAGGOT SPAM OFF OF Sup Forums?

>linetrap turned into barreltrap
what went wrong?

>that mannish body
fucking degenerate

Eva Paradis and Mia Isabella are still pretty hot

you're right. Iraq wasn't better under Saddam. it's much better as some lawless shithole.

Even the twin towers are much better now than they were 20 years ago.

Just bigger ass to fuck whata wrong?

because that's the part of the cycle we're on. hang on, it gets better

we go full circle

I wish it was easier to find new solo scenes of Mia Isabella. Does she even make them anymore? My favorites always seem to switch to hardcore stuff exclusively, and I don't really like anything other than solo masturbation

big ass is not the same as fat ass

because you're projecting your failure to improve onto the rest of the world


I'd argue Bailey Jay has a better body than Sarina. A big ass needs big thighs to compliment it or else you end up looking like you had obvious work done

Fat Bailey is best Bailey.

holy fuck did he really get fat???

Just be glad you dont know

ok kek


>Sauce on this vixen?
I don't advise it. Eating this thing will give you AIDS or ebola.

Bailey jay

gee, it's almost like its a bad idea to fuck up your hormonal system.

We're at the intersection of whether we are to be conquered or spark a renaissance (instigated by a return to masculine vales).

The lesson in all of this is that women, including effeminate men, should never be in charge of the state due to their innate motherly instinct. This instinct is fantastic for the tribe and community, but it becomes a problem when that community is expanded to outside groups. This love for outsiders in all Western countries is poisoning our potential; it's a womanly, motherly trait that must be held close, kept inside the in-group.

Sarina looks terrible now days.