Syria General /sg/ - 'Friendship With Putin Ended, The Rope Is My Best Friend Now' Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Feb 26
>Afrin Feb 26
>Yemen Feb 26
>Idlib Feb 25
>Random Feb 12
>DeZ-Bukamal Feb12

>Lavrov on Syria

Devs Feb 28
>Idlib; HTS launches large op against Jabhat Tahrir Souriya, cap Kafr Losen, Aqrabat, Deir Hassan, and Qah, currently attacking Atmeh
>UN report claims the North Korea sent supplies for manufacturing chemical weapons on 40 occasions between 2012-2017
>Syrian envoy to the UN states military forces could not have used chemical weapons, as they do not possess them
>E Ghouta; SAA resumes offensive in suburbs of Harasta and Arbeen, capture area around Sayyed Mohammad Mosque, advance along Harasta-Douma St
>Deir Ezzor; ISIS claims to have killed 13 SDF fighters and captured 4 more in the town of Al-Sha’afah
>Peskov; Russia doing its best to maintain humanitarian pauses in Eastern Ghouta
>Ru MoD; Over 300 civilians can’t leave East Ghouta due to terrorist shelling
>Turkish military sends reinforcements to Afrin for 2nd phase of Operation Olive Branch
>YPG destroys FSA vehicle in Afrin, killing three
>Possible US sanctions ‘obstacle’ for Iraq as it studies issue of buying S-400 systems – FM
>Afghan president offers recognition of Taliban as political group, proposes ceasefire, prisoner exch, new elections/constitution review


Other urls found in this thread:

Best post.


What happend to the soldier?

is he dead?


What do you think he's doing right now

>my feet hurt
>i wonder if anyone still listens to my music
>i miss Junaid Hussein sometimes
>tfw no comfy life in London anymore

Did he dieded?

He realized he lives in Russia.

Jews are fucking gay

Фaшиcты пoвecили yкpaинцa, pyccкoгo и бeлopyca. Пpишли пapтизaны, нaчaли cнимaть тeлa, cмoтpят — a бeлopyc-тo живoй! Пapтизaны cпpaшивaют: — Пapeнь, ты кaк живoй-тo ocтaлcя? — Cпaчaткy шыю штocьцi здaвiлa мoцнa-мoцнa, a пoтым нiчoгa… пpыцяpпeўcя…

New Caspian Report video: Understanding the Turkish mindset

Mostly talks about the divide between the secular and european-like Marmara region, and the conservative religious Anatolia mountains areas.

You the Albanian that made this post? If so, do you have further insights into events, developments, and politics in Syria/ME that you can or feel like contributing?

#Syria: as was expected #HTS has launched a counter attack from Baby al-Hawa, reclaiming Atmeh and repelling an attack on al-Dana. Meanwhile they have left Morek, meaning rebels now control the M5

>hanged himself on the staircase of his soldier's dormitory
nice dorm, id kill myself too

Thread deleted in 3..2.. 1

Depression from being bullied during mandatory conscription period, I imagine.
If half the stories are true, then regular humiliation and even homosexual rape are not too uncommon.

It's not even gore.

He discovered he is related to Navalny.

are russians operating in the ground assaults of ghouta? seen quite a few pictures with fighters who dont look very syrian


that makes a lot of sense, indeed...

This made me smile.
>t. JJ
Read these posts. It's basically an expansion on that theory. Third one goes into speculation territory at the end, but it's still worth a read.

>Syrian Army destroys rebel mortar site after attack on Damascus (video)

BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:25 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) artillery destroyed a rebel mortar site in the East Ghouta, today, a military source told Al-Masdar News.

According to the source, the Syrian Army’ identified and destroyed the Jaysh Al-Islam mortar site after the latter fired several rockets and artillery shells into Damascus city this morning.

The video below shows the moment the Syrian Army’s artillery units scored a direct hit on the rebel mortar site in the city of Douma:

Since this counter-attack by the Syrian Army, the Islamist rebels have refrained from attacking the eastern part of Damascus city.

All dangerous areas of Damascus have Russian troops.


Shit looks abandoned. If that is the dormitory then I understand why he killed himself.

dude on the right looks british including uniform

And dude on the right is clearly wearing EMR camo.

its a cia psyop


Navalny is not a crooked neo-Soviet dinosaur like Putin and Navalny actually cares about his own country and *Russian* people.

That image perfectly describes what life is like in Russia

no u

Finland is best country death to america and white death to ryssäs

When the gains are done for today, I will be releasing a February Shitgif compilation. However, because the filesize will be way too large to fit anywhere on Sup Forums (25+MB), I will be posting it at the other place, and linking directly to the file, as well as the January one.
>(You) in anticipation of these gifs.

Did Jewish Jew get b&?
yeah ok. but it is not that radically different from british camo

Or did he just delete?

>normalfag memes on Sup Forums

He hasn't said so at the other place (yet). So it's more likely he deleted hisp ost

>what is compression and scaling or using webm


You caught one the other week so it's not out of the question.

And now another night of shelling begins in the Donbas...

Thanks bro,
but you could just convert it to webm.

It was for baiting on /ptg/

I.. don't know how to convert to webm. And I'm concerned about drop in quality.

Well, this guy is wearing some standart multicam, while brits use MTP. Look them up, they have similiar colors but different patterns.

I know

And now, for your semiregularly-scheduled Shitmaps


Speaking of bans, I dunno if you saw this but Edgy got rangeb&. Gookmoot up to his usual tricks.


>>>muh other place

whats the point in you having your special little club if you cant go a single thread without mentioning it?

என் இரகசியங்களை விட்டுவிடாதே.

>>GDP of Russia - 1.283 trillion USD (2016)
>>GDP of Brazil - 1.796 trillion USD (2016)

מוות לאסד!
מוות לאיראן!

Because Satan, the mods there actually care, and the mods here on Sup Forums have b& people for mentioning it by name.




The oil price collapse rekt Russia's shit.
They'll recover. Eventually...

i have nothing against it, have even been tempted to migrate my self but it just seems counter productive to mention it so frequently desu

Well, Brazil is a global superpower. Russia is a rust bucket. If Brazil was in Syria they could finish this war in one month.

Well, the site sees somewhat low traffic, so it's good practice to fish. There's only so much a few posters can do.

They look like top lads.

I think this is interesting.

You literally won’t see any drop in quality from a 25mb file to webm

I though Putin put a stop to that. The main reason was that in the 70s soviet army needed more men so they conscripted felons straight from the prison. The problem was they were all homos and also physically stronger than 18yo conscript kids. So they started all kinds of homo rituals and big part of it stuck


>pls be my ai gf-tier get

At least it’s not a tr*mpfag get

At least it's an organic get, is all I can say.

To put things in perspective, 20 years ago people would cut off body parts to avoid being drafted. Nowadays there is actually a surplus of people wanting to serve in some regions. But of course being in the army can still suck, especially if you are unlucky with your unit assignment.


>> GDP of Russia - 4,000,096
>> GDP of Brazil - 3,219,129

nice try but at least take into account domestic prices and exchange rates, Brazil is in nothing better than Russia kid

Pretty edgy OP pic.
OP is a faggot.

Is current Russia operating the most cost-effective foreign policy ever?

russians are 100% taking part in ground offensives, wonder if the rebels will manage to capture one

>To put things in perspective, 20 years ago people would cut off body parts to avoid being drafted.
Weeeeeew lads. Here you could just say "I'm gay" and they won't draft you. Mandatory military service ended just in time for me not go to, but also just in time for me to get my balls fondled and ass probed by the doctors. Riding that thin borderline.

I copied the numbers from another thread where I saw them, but Google says so too. Where are yours from?

>waging war
Olegs are securing the humanitarian corridor, interesting footage.

You're comparing nominal GDP while he's comparing GDP by purchasing power parity

I dont know, but even with the 2014 financial crisis they are doing much better than Brazil shitpolicies

what is google?

they are operating more effectively than USA (because they have no choice) but its not that hard to do better "bombing country to dust for taxpayer money and then rebuilding it from scratch for taxpayer money"

SAA tank blown up by ISIS ATGM, catastrophic kill


This was from a photo-only report, sorry.


>Security Council meeting on Syria

2008 called

Wishing for Syrian and allies victory so that Jewlandia gets Iran on it's doorsteps and Zio-Sunni Imperialism keeps retreating and losing ground to Shiites.

You cheeky fucker...

Russia doesn't really have a special FP

People are just used to the overly emotional FP of America where politicians treat everything they don't geopolitics wise as their sisters being violated

I'm busy right now, tell him to call back later.

Ok, so how do I convert to webm? And then there's still the filesize limit (3MB)

Well, in 90% of such cases soldier finds out that his gf is cheating on him, while he's serving. Add to this eternal depression and meaningless of existence in Russia. So he went full "fuck this, I'm outta here" mode.

Hi! What is the mood there in Jewistan now that everything is backfiring? Apocalyptic?

The guys with red berets are Akhmeds actually, those are Chechen military police.