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link? Or what is the reason at least?


This guy doesn’t seem real to me, I think he is a crisis actor.

I enjoyed his livestreams

Is this all for that Hillary shit? Wtf.

Repeat after me: LAND OF THE FREE!

Land of the free doesnt mean you are free to commit crime you fucking moron

He will pay a fine and no prison.
He did nothing wrong.

Jesus Christ a liberals really hate poor Martin I hope he gets out

Shkreli literally did nothing wrong though

Literally what did he do wrong? I can't think of anything that he legally did wrong.

He wasn't Jewish.

How about you look up what he is charged with and then look up what the punishment for those charges are. Holy shit you people are so fucking dumb.

He did literally as much wrong as Hitler did

Everything he did is completely legal ans by the books. Every other company does the same exaxt thing only now its getting noticed so he really is a martyr and the people who got his drug were covered by insurance so the people with the disease were unaffected and if they couldn't afford it he'd give it away for free

Gay mafia and gays in the deep state throwing the book at him for "raising the price" of an HIV drug.

They want to make an example of him, so no mad scientist out there tries to genocide them.

never mess with the clinton mafia

What crime?? Lmao

Asking people on a livestream, most of whom are never gonna get close to hillary, to get a strand of her hair is a crime worth 20 years in prison? get the fuck outta here

this is a joke, kangaroo court

Yeah you can't break federal laws. Life is not a game you manchild.
> Shkreli was convicted of two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud in August 2017.

For opposing Hillary

>he isn't Jewish
That's why he's locked up. He's the new Martin Luther in many ways.

This it's fucked up.

Whatt happened to the guy that wanted to go outside jail to scream for a hundred bucks?

Fuck it.

Bump this it's the most important thing happening right now the rest are slides.


Is that David Hogg?

>he didn't pay back his creditors more than enough in enough time

topkek, this country deserves to burn

He is liberal himself. He liked Niggerbama and said "America is already great" during election season

That's probably because you're a retard.

>Being this dumb

He was probably baiting dude.

Those who break the rules are scum.

But those who abandon their friends are worst than scum.


he sucks wu-tang dick hard

He supported Trump and trolled the fuck out of Bernie you dumb faggot. He's just a good autistic boy he dindu nuffin

>degenerate capitalist gets btfo for being a scumbag
I know he's just a head the system is feeding to the plebs, but he still deserves it.

Chad is giving Stacy mouth to pussy resuscitation in a no smoking zone. How do you explain this?

>making money bad

For crimes against ZOG. Sad!

Have you heard his debate with /pol'sfavsjwautist/ Destiny? That's what he said.


He has enough money to pay the niggers not to buttrape him. Martin Sheckelreli will be fine lads.

Are you retarded?

We have some down syndrome poster, and I suspect it's you, you can tell us as long as we explain slowly he has always showed to be receptive and insightful.


who is taking the picture?

based peruvian bunny poster did you move to australia?

His sentencing is set for March 9th so we'll know then. I don't think he'll get more than 5 years.

Either way fuck him -- he's an Albanian corrupt wigger faggot. He seems so Reddit-esque to me as well. I hope he gets raped in jail by a big Serbian and Negro thug at the same time.

This is a poster I am unfamiliar with

Same reason why Supreme Court judges routinely make treasonous rulings that spit in the face of everything this country was founded on

Same reason trump can hardly get much done

The government is full to the brim of traitors

desu last time i saw his post was 2015 so maybe its someone else

he's already paid 1 million in fines, and is literally in prison right now

>201st century

Sup Forums will never realize it's own stupidity. Sad.

So, nothing?

he defrauded investors by intentionally lying about the value of his stock, and manipulating the perceived value of his companies to induce fraudulent investment. It's serious shit, and anyone thinking he'll get less than 10 years is insane. Yesterday in court, all his pleas and deals got shut down, basically implying he's fucked, because they only do it with open and shut verdicts.

Isn't that 21?

You fucking nigger, every day verified accounts on twitter threaten trump with way worse shit and get away with it. This is a fucking leftist kangaroo court setting an example for Killary.

The fuck is this shit!!! I had no idea this guy was in jail in the first place.
Fucking piece of shit hillary is!!
From what i understand he gave away alot of his expensive drug for free to people. Fuckkk u hillary. Trump administration needs to step in. He does not deserve this


I can only assume all these shills ranting about some hillary shit are paid by martin to help make him self a internet army to get out of jail

20 years in prison for joking about getting a strand of Hillary Clinton's hair? What the actual fuck?
Killary needs to die painfully, how many lives has she ruined to date?

he talked shit to Hilldawg and supported Trump, he will get life

He lied about the value of his company, which is something every single Jew on Wall Street does but never gets in trouble for. He's not part of the tribe though, so off to jail he goes.

I just watched the American Greed episode about him last night. He's an autistic asshole who committed minor SEC violations but the investors still got their money back so he didn't really do anything wrong.

A lot of things MAY happen. Someone might drop an anvil from the sky and it might land on your head tomorrow. You MAY spontaneously combust before you even finish reading this sentence trough some quantum physics bullshit.
Talking about what ''may'' happen is retarded. The fact is that Shkreli has done nothing wrong or illegal. They have literally nothing on him so the chance of him going to jail is basically 0%. They just drag him trough courts and waste his time.

This was completely political and done to scare us, wake up sheeple the wolf it's at the door.

Her husband


Meanwhile Trump secretly pardoned a massive literal kike who used slave labor and was looking at 20 years. Justice is a joke in this country and Trump's a faggot kike

Her husband


W-why did they s-swap wives for this pic?

She's easily confused.

There is a picture with trump doing the same thing. Trump has fucked hillary you know it.

He defrauded investors by making them filthy rich.

i'll gladly be manipulated if it means i get 3x my initial investment

u burgers sure are fucking stupid

Steve, what are you doing? Thats not an MRE. You can't put that out onto a tray, Steve.

sec rules fag

I love those 20 year sentences for victimless crimes.

oh, wow, securities fraud in America is Wall Street 101. (Just don't get caught)

nobody plays by those rules and are only invoked when the state has an axe to grind. Most of them pay a fine and walk. Skhreli has been both demonized and targeted.

I don't know about that. I just know I miss his livestreams.

>mfw all these useful idiots who fell for the Albanian merchant's totally /your guy/ schtick
he didnt even release that nigger album for you fags lel

Shkreli was targeted because he used his money to have the wrong kind of fun.

And this site hasn't been the same since he got arrested.

Heard he's yoked now.

>he didn't even release that nigger album for you fags
Exactly why he's /our guy/

how many times do you think he's been raped?

Rust in piece.

Also, he won't survive 20 years in prison.

>returning 3 x initial investment
It took more than ten years for Walter Schloss, a Kike legend, to get that kind of return

He has no friends, though.

I talked to him back in the tuvalu threads, that's enough for me.

I'm not sure. He could buy the people off pretty easily

>has dna proof of hill being a reptile
>immediately gets 20 years in the can
Anybody remember this?

It's fun to see how Sup Forums is always on the wrong side of everything. This board is actually great to get advice on political matters as long as you do the opposite.

>I talked to him back in the tuvalu threads, that's enough for me.

Friendship requires reciprocity, fag.

>Friendship requires reciprocity

Not really, my body my rules.

kek i duo boosted this motherfucker in league of legends like 5 times he paid me $300

Jason chaffetz is a faggot who deserves a long death for picking on Martin

What the fuck is the context of this picture

the shadows to their left imply there are people walking toward them?


The problem with trying to be a living meme is that at the end of the day, people move on and your left alone with it all.

Ya I only saw a couple of his streams, he has enhanced autism for sure.
But he seemed cool, not at all like the guy the (((media))) portrays him as.
He's one of ours.

>Not really, my body my rules.

His sick mind, his rules. Shkrelli doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself. And even he got himself into prison for that hillary stunt.

He is a victim of his own stupidity.