Guys what can we do?
Guys what can we do?
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They're all gonna die. And when it is over for them, they are coming for us.
Kill all Niggers.
>be white SA farmer
>build up arable land from dirt
>sell food to poor blaqs
>get your farm taken away, no compensation, probably killed
shit makes me mad
>be white
>everyone hates you
Minorities should not be successful.
>be jewish
>everyone hates you
Minorities should not be successful.
>be minority
>everyone tries to help you
Fail at everything because low IQ and lazy
>without minorities africa will fail!!!!!
>minorities are just lazy retards!!!
pick one.
come back to europe you fucking retards everyone here is waiting for you cunts
Now is the time to GTFO of S.A. and if you can't afford to then rig the place up with explosives and go scorched earth on them. Don't give those commie nigger fucks anything.
fuck off already you faggot. There is literally no reason why I should give a shit about South Africa and if you are too fucking stupid to abandon that sinking ship then you deserve to get necklaced. you really want to fuck the niggers over then fucking leave and watch the country finally implode.
fuck you white boy and get the fuck out of africa
thats right bitch
> with bullets, gas chambers, and zero self awareness
I want all niggers and arabs out of my country, I want all white people out of South Africa
You do know whites founded south Africa and it was completely uninhabited when they made it, right? It was founded by whites and niggers got shipped in by Britain.
they shouldn't have let in any minorities then.
>implying people in europe are not aware about the situation in south africa and would not help boers coming
kill yourself meme flag faggot
>flee rabid niggers in africa
>greeted by rabid niggers and muslims in europe
what an improvement
Unironically end your life nigger.
I think the issue is that he is referring to minorities as shitskins and whites as not minorities
looking like a reality now.
That's a shit way to think of things.
minorities are whichever group is smaller in a country composed of multiple groups.
minorities should not exist, homogeneity should be striven for.
at least here they have a chance to put up a fight, they could also redpill the population, it would be a great thing for them to come.
dey be no place fur dey white man in africa it be our land and yous be steelin so time you be go home or we be deal wit dey white devil