Why are there so many communists on Sup Forums now? What changed?

Why are there so many communists on Sup Forums now? What changed?

What are you talking about? Sup Forums has always been a Bolshevik board.

Israel first! Workers of the world unite!

Sup Forums is a JEW board now

We're winning.

google 50 cent army

Reddit invaded us.

Sup Forums has always been an extreme free speech forum

larping as commies is the hottest trend in shitposting for now

this too shall pass

Stop eating food.

Congratulations, you've won an ocean of piss!

capitalism sucks and people are waking up to that fact. and also pol is a general politics board not a natsoc echo chamber.

Fascism > All


there is just 3 spergs posting with a meme flag
and also leftypol and shareblue shilling guncontrol after florida

half the commies here, including me, are just baiting for (You)s
some have always been commies
the rest are shills from leftypol and loser discords.

/leftypol/ is trying to subvert this board for whatever reason. Remember Saul Alinsky's first rule, power is not what you have but what your enemy thinks you have. They're small in numbers but they're organizing so that they're bumping pro communist / socialist / nazbol threads to the first page, although it's pointless since they always get ass raped in a debate

Do you faggots even know what lurking is.

Commies get

>Why are there so many communists on Sup Forums now?

They're just LARPing faggots Nigel.

And besides, there is nothing that a good "sage" does not solve


A lot of Anons have discovered that the Wh*Te race is responsible for everything bad. communism is the only logical conclusion to the Wh*Te Subhuman problem.

Wh*Te subhumans,

your time is up. Communism will win. Viva la revolucion.

Seems like there are less now.

There's no point in saging bait threads since retards will still bump it. Ignoring them all together will make them die faster

They dont have anywhere else to go.sad

I hope a communist revolution happens. When it inevitably fails, Feudalism will finally rise again and all the commies will be hanged, drawn and quartered

cause you fags haven't concentrated them on your own /leftypol/. the proliferation of trashy slide threads and the fact that this Sup Forums isn't explicitly natsoc is laughable. don't mind me I like to drop in from time to time and check to see if this place is still shit. it is but mine is being DDOSed right now. get rid of the flags or lock them to geographic IP ranges, that might help.


at least spell it right

Lol we are making sure Wh*Te subhumans will never be a majority in any country anymore, your power is fading to brown working people of the world.

Enjoy your last years, Wh*Toid.


They are all larpers fishing for (you)s. Only an actual retard would honestly be in favor of communism.

It's the start of the Mexican era caused by progresism

Shut up Wh*Te subhuman, only because your wh*Te subhuman brain cant comprehend socialist ideas doesnt mean we cant implement them properly.

You are further proof that us Communists should accelerate the destruction of the Wh*Te race via immigration and race mixing.

tell me one (1) reason as to why Whites are subhumans? Everything you use was either created by Whites or Asians

don't take the bait faggot