I used to look down on people who visited brothels/whore houses (me being in a relationship and all, looking down on people because i am so much above them, right?). So yeah i broke up recently and ever since last night, I completely changed my mind.
At first I only wanted to take a stroll through the red light district of my city, honest and just curious. I have to say that almost every single woman there was extremely attractive and very young. I have to repeat myself by saying that I did not have the intention to go inside. But then my eyes saw this blonde glasses cutie, very much like pic related. Went closer, she opened the window, smiled, and told me to ''come inside baby, it's warm (In english with an eastern european accent).
We had fun, actual fun, we laughed, talked for a few minutes about lots of stuff, including jews and how i would like to take her out some time (jokingly), she treated me like a king and i had one of the best sex of my life, for 30 minutes. I didn't come but that didn't matter.
The catch, what did that cost me? 50€ Or 4 hours of work. I did the math, it's actually pretty affordable to have sex with literal 10/10's once per week.
I realize that i am very biased because of the recent break-up, but I would gladly pay that price so that i won't have to deal with women-bullshit. For a while at least.
I had a great time with a whore and I would like to apologize to everyone that i made fun of for doing so as well.