Why are bongs afraid of snow and frost all of a sudden?

>beast from the east
>brutal winter blast
>black ice warning
This is sensationalism at it's finest.
Well better get out and salt the roads then you fuckers. And put some clothes on.
What has happened? Is it all these immigrants from africa and middle east complaining or what, i can't believe it's actual brits forgetting what frost and snow is like?
Here's a tip for the immigrants which genetics are so poor with regards to cold that they freeze their nuts off with a few minus degrees.
>get thermo overalls with suspenders
>get winter shoes and winter socks/extra socks.
>get gloves, a hat, a nice warm insulated coat that closes at the neck.
>A scarf that you can put over your nosebridge. And for the ultimate pussy, buy some ski glasses and put them on. There you go, like walking around in 10 degrees eventhough it's - 10 or -15 degrees outside.
There you go, you can now be a nigger and middle easterner in britain in 2018 where you discovered that cold and frost exists.

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We always freak the fuck out when this happens, British people obsessing over the weather is a real thing.

I'm in the red weather warning "potential loss of life" area and there's only about 4 or 5 inches of snow

Because they're all sand niggers now

Bit over the top don't you think?
>threatening widespread chaos
Then you learn 4 people who didn't listen to the forecast crashed and died in automobile accidents. and a few dousin other crashes but without casualties, similar "numpties" as you call them, that similar drove like it's in the summer or whatever.
>Forecasters warned Storm Emma, due to hit on Thursday night, will bring misery to “millions more of us”.
Come on.
>Temperatures plunged to -8.9C (16F) in Hampshire on Monday night. Lows of between -5C and -15C are forecast this week. Bitter winds could make it feel close to -17C in the North and -10C even in the far South.
>Severe warnings remain at an amber level, one below red which urges people to “take action now” to avoid the weather.
>I'm in the red weather warning "potential loss of life" area and there's only about 4 or 5 inches of snow
Has to be immigrants freaking out about this.

This is a serious storm and its likely several people will die over the next few days because of it.

Being prepared is the key. Talking about it is because its exciting.

These people arent used to blizzards.

British people aren't that bothered. But we don't get typical Scandinavian winters so it can disrupt transport, other than that it's just tabloid headlines and you know how dumbed down and retarded most media is now.

>Talking about it is because its exciting.
I guess so. It's just a pretty normal thing, that shouldn't surprise anyone in these regions.

Yeah i assumed that aswell is why i say it's probably mostly migrants. It does show how sensationalized the news media has gotten over the years.

its funny I live in michigan and we had 12 inches of snow in about 8 hours this winter and everyone was just outside cross country sking and doing donuts in their cars while the media was like DANGER DANGER DANGER SUPER DEADLY SNOW. its funny because all the shitskins wear 800 dollar canada goose arctic parkas in -5 and -10 c weather like its cold when whites are walking around in sweaters and hats. it god nice and cold -20 -30 c this winter and that was comfy

It's mostly media sensationalism. Most people I know are out having fun. But we have had ridiculous amounts of snow.

they are not used to snow like this, its obvious

they dont even have snow plows

Yeah snow isn't a problem, it's more the black ice, is why you need to salt and you'll be fine, pavement and road and otherwise just not drive like a complete idiot and you'll be fine. For those who don't know what black ice is is when you have rain/moisture that near instantly freezes on the asfalt/road and you can't see it because it's transparent obviously. So it looks like it's normal unfrosted asfalt but has ice on top of it, hence the term black ice.

I've never see a snow plow in my life.

Southerners are soyboys, they work in media or fashion and get to work by bike or tube.
Northerners are the industrial backbone of this country are culturally stronger willed and are the archetypal 'stiff upper lip' kind of Britons. Southerners laugh at Northerners for being humble and relatively poor just because we haven't got an internet cafe at every junction. It really pisses me off when ever I see someone on this board posting cringey things happening in Britain because 9/10 times its from the south. For instance, nearly all of the police tweets about butter knives are from Suffolk and Kent.

Quite literally every southerner I have had the misfortune of coming across is autistic in some sense because they don't fucking talk to each other at all and just complain about the weather or their personal issues as if I give a flying fuck. Plus they've got a serious hygiene problem, I once got with a Southern girl and her pubes were curlier than my arse hair and her teeth were as yellow as the stereotype goes, perhaps if they ever smiled at each other they'd feel the need to clean their pegs.

Really? I really thought you bongs had all of that standing by? Turns out i was wrong. Seems your anti snow/frost fleet is terribly inefficient.
>Almost 4,000 gritters with ploughs have been sent out to clear roads of ice and thick snow. The RAC foundation said around 500 snow ploughs have been put on standby ahead of severe falls later this week.
>But director Steve Gooding said: “Even with the scale of the gritting fleet poised for deployment it would be unrealistic to expect every road to be kept clear of snow and ice at all times.
>“Motorists need to be on their guard and if the snowfall is as deep as some forecasters predict, be ready to ask themselves ‘is my journey really necessary?’”

then you are fucked

the nords think you are part of scandanavia apparently

>let me tell you about your country

Honestly this place is full of fucking pussies.

It's general winter that's coming to save us by freezing all the niggers.


>>let me tell you about your country
I'm not telling you about your country, i'm just asking if it's sensationalism or something that genuinely surprises you?

shut the fuck up mutts

>It's general winter that's coming to save us by freezing all the niggers.

I wonder if we'll see a shitton of immigrants crashing their heads into the pavement in the UK because they were too lazy to salt outside their houses?

the british version of a snow plow is some wanker running around on the highway with a shovel in his hands

Where the fuck were you? I'm in the south and that sounds like you were in a real shit hole.

I thought after Brexit the UK no longer needs to get permission from the EU to shovel their driveways and snowplow.

>white people only need to last until the new ice age, after it you will have your 100% ethno-state

All those sandniggers you got there don't understand cold weather so they need to reeducate the population on chilly temps and frozen precipitation.

People here freak out over weather. We can have >1 of snow and try driving on the motorway, it’s hell. I’ve never been bothered by it, I remember in high school wanting to go out after and all my pussy friends would be like “muhhhh it’s too cold” and they still are to this day. We are just pedantic with this kind of thing, a few years ago a double decker literally fell over near my house because of a bit of ice. Probably immigrants freaking out too, although I don’t live in a city with many of them


>white people only need to last until the new ice age, after it you will have your 100% ethno-state

sounds like a sound plan

the problem is these english are going to take the day off and get pissed and then run around in the snow without proper clothing and some of them will freeze to death

Ok thanks for the video, unfortunately i don't understand french, and i don't see really the relevance to this conversation but thanks for your contribution.

>All those sandniggers you got there don't understand cold weather so they need to reeducate the population on chilly temps and frozen precipitation.
Seems a little like that, but as most UK posters like this guy have pointed out they are just generally being pedantic about this sort of thing. Does however seem to indicate in the article that their anti snow/frost fleet is terribly inefficient to the point where they admit that they are incapable of keeping the roads free of snow. Something that actually surprised me because i thought british were well prepared for that sort of thing, turns out i was wrong. Either way it's really not that big of a deal if you just execise a tiny bit of common sense and personal responsibility by clearing and salting in front of your own places.

And it's not even a snow shovel

Muslims only do well in sand

Well i ofcourse hope you bongs don't fall on your ass and crash into all kinds of things driving like maniacs, with this impending snowstorm coming.

>tfw 4x4 master race
Fuck those bus wankers let them freeze

you are right, its like a shovel for cow shit

A week ago I was stuck a half mile out on the lake in an ice-house in northern Minnesota overnight with no propane and temperatures fell to -8 F. Guess what, if you crawl under blankets and stay there till morning you'll be fucking fine.

Because we're fucking retarded incompetent cowards I guess. I love the snow.

Thanks Switzerland and checked those sweet digits.

This almost never happens.

That's why. It has been at least 6 years since I saw more than 1cm of snow.

This storm is hell. Send help.

Quit being a pansy.
Was just biking today.

pussy. It's the end of february, solar gain alone will melt it all in a few days.

TFW bicycle paths are cleared earlier than roads.

I hope that all their cities froze to death. I hope that my hope does not offend englishmen and irish and scots and other natives.

that pic makes me sad.

Because they're not white anymore.

>Why are bongs afraid of snow and frost all of a sudden?
because they are fucking sandniggers

>All those bourgeois luxuries
What are you some kind of pussy?

I'm in South Yorkshire & we've had maybe 4 inches. Drove to Derbyshire this morning, they had 3" & the chaos unironically began on the border. No grit schedule, no testicular fortitude, no sympathy for scabs.
As usual the media is making out it's a big thing but it's quite ordinary except -2 + snow is quite rare here. Normally it only snows when the mercury hovers around 1 or 2 degrees.

>tfw you freeze your nuts off while carrying your sports equipment with flat tires.

I fucking hate this country

So it should be. Any plan?

>Why are bongs afraid of snow and frost all of a sudden?
Because no one in the UK is actually from there.

Pakistanis aren't used to the cold user.

Only non whites hate snow. White people thrive in the snow, it is our friend. It wipes out the sub human filth and cleanses the population of shitty people. If niggers/arabs had no welfare, they would die in a single european winter. Niggers living in europe is a social construct.


Dad is weak as shit against snow.

I think its because of the decrease in white population, and more browns and pakis around, that are less adapted to a colder climate.

this will cheer you up


>tfw northern US and its 60 degrees
whew enjoying your extra long winter eurocucks?
>inb4 I enjoy being buried in snow and shit for longer then I should have to deal with it

UK and Ireland are much milder/wetter than continental european countries on the same latitude, heavy snow and sustained temperatures below zero is actually uncommon

f-five inches is pretty big ok stop bullying

i hate is but i see it as a cleansing force, purging hordes of darkies with ice death, pneumonia, hypathermia, they go down like flies, rub some meat grease round ya knackers put your balaclava on and get on with it, be gone a quick as it came

This has to be fucking fake surely

>So it should be. Any plan?
Switching gears in the conversation, that's fine i'll bite.
To learn to say NO. related article.
The way to do it has always been simple. If you say no, they have nowhere else to go but back, they can just sit and sputter till they figure that out. Implementing it is a bit harder with the idiots who want to say yes and don't understand the implications for their own future. They don't think ahead. I guess if i want to bring the topic into what we are talking about now, much like bongs did not think ahead for this situation. Pic very related. And if these "yes" people would realize the implications and how bad that will be for their own future, they would say NO right now aswell. So we must try to bridge that gap of understanding because when they finally get it, they will know what to do.

Ok, well it's good to know something new, i assumed your conditions were similar. Feel like an idiot that i didn't know this about you guys. But thank you.

aussie brings the bants.

Sorry here is archive link archive.is/DDr1V

It has to do with being an island, the thermal mass of water versus land and absorbing the heat of the gulf stream


Right. Makes sense.

I’ll be watching the news to see how many brown people die

>I’ll be watching the news to see how many brown people die
The snowstorm dubbed 'Emma' is scheduled to hit britain tomorrow, so if you are wanting to watch for that kind of happening if that's your thing, stay tuned starting tomorrow night and the next couple of days if some immigrants are going to fall on their ass and crash into the pavement etc.

who /beast/ here

moar beast

Our normal weather tends to be overcast clouds and rain. Not warm, slightly cold, but tolerable.

Meant to reply to the Dane.

Significant snowfall is pretty uncommon here so when it does happen it makes the news, public transport fucks up, retards crash their cars and people panic buy shit. We're not used to it.

Right. Thank you.

Yeah, the tabloids are the best cross section of regular people. Dumbass.

It isn't sensationalism though, usually it is and everyone knows it but this is the worst weather I've ever seen in my life and there is no infrastructure to deal with it. Normally there will be very light snow fall which quickly melts but there's been a foot in the last few hours and not one snow plough or gritter has come round and I live besides a busy road. No one has anything like snow chains for their cars, cleats for their shoes, snow shovels etc. because there's literally never any need so when it is needed we're fucked. (I do have these things but I also have no need to go out so I'm just getting comfy as fuck)

Wow you brits are soft. Try oil rigging or fishing when its -40

>danish autist has absolutely no idea what the weather is usually like in Britain, the thread

I don't have thermal underwear and a winter parka because the last time I needed them was 2008. The only winter clearance vehicles we have are salt gritters to deal with small amounts of road ice. No-one has a snow fleet on standby because it wouldn't have moved this decade. It's nothing to do with fucking immigrants, your standard white British northerner has the same reaction to snow.

Get angry about it why don't you.

Wow you canucks are soft, try having a country which is relevant on the world stage.

It’s pretty chilly out - first time in the my life the media has bigged up the weather and turned out to be right

I'm prepared for the next ice age. Are you?

Because our government and local councils are incapable of preparing the public space for abnormal weather and our infrastructure isn't built to deal with snow and ice.

The individual can manage in the cold, society can't.

Lol you havent been relevant since 1945

bit of the pot calling the fucking kettle black here

After muslim standards, that's deadly. Somebody has to keep muh goatfuckrz safe and alive , user. WE CAN'T LOSE THOSE VOTES !!!

Yea,their media is acting like this is happening in Indonesia or Thailand or some other tropical place so they are so shocked lol
Media loves to be fucking nsentional over everything

At least we don't have delusions of grandeur-- now get in the kitchen and make me some tea and crumpets, bitch!


>To learn to say NO.
Problem is - nobody cares about your no until you have nukes or smth.

>Problem is - nobody cares about your no until you have nukes or smth.
This is why self deterministic nation states are good. So we can say no, then others are sovereignly free to that they can say yes whatever they like. It's the reason why also ultimately the EU has to go, we should all leave and sovereignly do bilateral trade agreements with eachother just like it functioned before the EU, the youth don't know that things functioned incredibly well before EU existed, so they don't know that it's totally unnecessary to facilitate that.

>I'm in the red weather warning "potential loss of life"

Sure, but that's literally aimed only at 80 grannies who can't work the central heating system and can't move so freeze to death due to incredible frailness.

Also, it's only the south and midlands that has this issue, the north and Scotland seem to just carry on as normal because they get this every year.

t. midlander

>delusions of grandeur

remind me again what language you're speaking?