What is your opinion on race mixing ?

What is your opinion on race mixing ?

Gassable offense.

saged and reported

Its ok as long as its not with niggers or jungle asians.


animal cruelty at worst, poor taste at best. unless you live on the border between the two countries, it will be difficult for your children to get their own identity.

It's good only if it's me the one impregnating the white woman.

I thought Texans were white?

I don't care since I have never been with a girl my own race. Just make sure you don't let your child develop identity problems.

No self respecting white man EVER wants to be with a woman who defiled herself with a nigger.

>7.5 with no tits

aint even jelly

They both disgust me.


??? why

I agree.

That bitch better get out of the way, I want that BIG BLACK COCK!

This is the only answer. Sage this kike thread

Why ?

Why do Americans racemix with Hispanics so much?


It's a distraction that keeps pathetic cucks obsessed with the personal lives of others, and not focused on the crimes of those in government, OP is a shill trying to distract you. Focus on globalist criminals. Focus on human trafficking.


A$AP Rocky is based af.

It's make up.

Their ladies are really hot

It's a tranny. Large wide male skull, straight up and down body with no female hips. Look at that massive man jaw. It's a straight up dude.

True. Its disgusting.

It's fucking disgusting and deplorable outside of pornography.

It creates disorder and dissolves trust within society and groups.

>Don't take away my cuck porn

Back to TRS, shill.

White male Asian female is the only acceptable Sup Forums approved form of racemixing

It doesnt even matter at this point even if we white males would want to stop it we cant white women want this and the jews makes money of it so at this point things for the most part are lost.

qt women.

You're from romania you're "safe" from that no ?

You throw your genes in the toilet. Your turn: why fucking niggers and sand people, creating hybrids of lesser intelligence, more unstable mind and no identity is something one should do ?
Science says no. So ?

Targeted devolution orchestrated by the Jews.

No one cares what the betabux/ATM wants.

Didn't know she got BLACKED. What a waste.

It's beautiful as long as it doesn't involve us.

who is she?

It's a problem if everybody is doing it yeah, but if it's like

when you watch this much tranny porn that you see every woman as a tranny, No wonder why you hide your flag.

Elle Fanning

american's are really brainwashed

Any amount of a problem is, by definition, a problem. Why tolerate any of it?

I don't think there is much wrong with English and Welsh having children. Scots should keep to their own though.

My ID has a fucking ad in it. I bet gookmoot did this.

It's a good thing. White people have not yet learned how to be multicultural.


>What is your opinion on race mixing ?

>What is your opinion on race mixing ?
ask old moot

7.5 ?

"muh dik"

kill yourself nigger

kill yourself

>Sup Forums approved form of racemixing
hang yourself

Funny how thoes "globalists" are jewish, but that's (((pure coincidence))) though right.

>tfw mixed black/white

Doesn't bother me at all desu

How many of you even have white lids of your own?

It should be allowed because it's a mix of superior races but still discouraged because the kids will have identity issues.

jews are superior to both

In intellect but not in culture, I still consider them to be part of the superior race groups though.

It's only OK for Whites if it's with East Asians. Non-Whites and Non-Asians mixing I don't give a fuck. Whites mixing with Niggers, Spics and Arabs is disgusting.

You are correct sir.

My Hapa son has 0 identity issues. He's an American and right-wing as fuck.

It's basically long-suffering genocide.

The one in the middle is apparently his daughter from another marriage. At least Hispanics are already half white.


A$AP Rocky is probably the worst thing to happen to hip-hop in the past 5 years.

"Cause I'm the nigga, the nigga nigga"

Levels of nignoggery we previously thought not possible. I hate him, his friends, and his music. He's a truly awful and boring human being.

Whats going on here:
parents degenerate, woman slut, man gangbanger wf bm: kid is ubermensch, higher iq, taller, stronger, more successful than parents social etc

Parents masterrace, father MBA, mother doctor AF WM: kid is degenerate drug addict, whore, useless drain to society short, unattractive objectively, deformities and social problems.

Only in IQ. They seem to be too smart for their own good and become corrupted by their own intelligence. Also they are generally not attractive people.


Right wing hapas have always been a threat to society


All hapas(mentally ill cases) have been right wingers, the ones who are a threat to society, burned rice can't be made upright.

lul Adam Lanza was half jewish you're making his point for him, you mixed up mongrel

Great thing too behold

I'm not mixed, my son is. Also the supreme gentleman Elliot Rodger was half-Jew as well. Really makes you think...

>breeding with insectoids
You will be one of the first to go in the gas chambers

I'm right wing and hapa. When the race war starts, not only do I have to watch out for spics and nogs, but overzealous mongrel ypeepo. feelsbadman

I would snap you in half like a twig. You will literally do nothing.

Keep your chin up, I plan on making a group for White / Asian alliance.

Is it in a box cart on the way to the (((gas chambers)))?

Oh your not Hapa you were just trolling? Yes it's in a box cart. We gas you in the cart... gtfo.

Nah not trolling. What's your address, I'll come to you when SHTF.

Race mixing is only kosher when Lil B The Based God performs coitus interruptus upon muh bitch

>What is your opinion on race mixing ?
It's good for niggers. And bad for everyone else.

It's bad, pol told me all about it



>>when you update the nodejs package

punctuation, you retard. fucking use it.

White - Hispanic mixing is nearly 50% of all mixed marriages


Ovens for traitors

White men fucking brown Qewts is ok. But coalburners get the noose

basically this

This one is 75% white, wearing colored contacts, and still doesn’t look white.

this, although I concede that asians are honorary aryans and it is not a tragedy to mix with them as it is to mix with nogs

Elle Fanning isn't dating that guy, she is a confirmed lesbian

Oh, sorry this more up your ally?

Why do young white women love black guys so much? I thought this was just a Sup Forums meme, but I'm seeing it everywhere irl just walking around downtown or at the mall now.

As somebody that's mix myself I don't really give a shit white women are worthless anyways

I don't mind it