Financial Peace

Everybody on this board under the age of 50 can retire a millionaire. All you have to do is follow Dave Ramsey’s baby steps.

>Take his course Financial Peace University through your local Church
>Read his book The Total Money Makeover
>Or just look up his Baby Steps on YouTube

This is the #1 way we can combat the system

Other urls found in this thread:

It’s a get rich slow scheme but it works every time

I'm not paying for this guy's course. I used to listen to him on the radio at work. His advice works if you follow it. Some bones I'd pick with him, but if you do what he says you'll retire comfy.

You don't need a book though:
- Eliminate extra/unnecessary expenses.
- Pick up extra hours or another job.
- Save up an emergency fund.
- Pay debts off, smallest to largest.
- Fully stock emergency fund of 3-6 months expenses.
- Invest in mutual funds.

The average couple that goes through this course pays off 5k in debt and saves 3k. For only paying $100 that’s a great ROI. But if you don’t wanna do that all of his stuff is on YouTube

>one thing you left out

Yes, yes. "Every dollar has a name." I remember.

Just out of curiosity, why don’t you follow him anymore?

Shameless bump

Lol, easy to say. It's only possible if you're fairly paid for your work, or live in a tent. Also you can never get sick.
And here's a trick, you can probably do all that -- live like a spartan, have no live beside work -- but there's no guarantee you will live long enough to enjoy this "retirement"

Fucking amazing that saving, investing and avoiding debt are concepts people find worth buying.
How many other obvious things do people need to be taught? Fire is hot. Don't eat feces.

Lol you think it would be easy but America is broke. Millions of people live and die in debt

I think his advice assumes you're a burger who doesn't have to fight for toilet scrubbing jobs, isn't adverse to working >40 hours in a week, and doesn't have to fund a massive welfare state with their taxes.

Even American burger flippers can move up in the world while living a pretty comfortable life.

It’s easy to say and do. You can always work multiple jobs to increase your income. The #1 thing is living within your means

holy shit what a fucking revelation! Saving money, investing wisely, and living frugally are ways to accumulate wealth? WTF I've never heard of this before

Yeah it’s common sense lol. But you’d be fucking shocked at the amount of people who are flat broke.

>10k+ in credit card debt
>50k student loan
>20k car debt
>living pay check to pay check

>doesn't have to fund a massive welfare state with their taxes
yeah, that must be it

I don't want to be a millionaire
I want the collapse of society

Not gonna happen

>go to local church
>costs $150 to take this class
>class taught by old monotone fucker
>watch video and take notes in your workbook
>course only gives you basic advice like "have an emergency fund" and "budget your money"

Are Gentiles really that stupid with their dough?


I watched a few of his videos. Pretty much started doing this since I don't tend to spend money and thought why not make the most out of this.

Managed to save £20k from working a year and a half, invested it.

A bit later sold 10k to buy crypto.

Now I have £15k in index funds at £24k in crypto

desperate to get out of the rat race now

This. Accumulating wealth is counter productive and just feeds the enemy that is holding us down.
Materialism fueled by nihilism is socioital aids.

I remember some old guy telling me at work about this couple he knew that worked their whole lives, even ran a 2nd job cleaning. They finally started to retire, bought a top of the line winnebago with cash then found out the wife had some sort of aggressive cancer and died within 6 months.

You’d rather live your entire life a slave to debt?


I just had to right a essay on him in personal finance

Leafs are cancer

Yes. Honestly I'm not even Jewish but I can see why they hold contempt against a significant portion of gentiles. Totally retarded towards money.

We'll see

What’s your financial plan?

Cause the gentile you’re talking about is worth $55 million and has made thousands of people millionaires and gotten millions of people out of debt

There's nothing wrong with real wealth. A large family, some arable land, some livestock. But this 100 bucks a week in an index fund and hope (((they))) don't fuck me too hard is straight up bullshit.

no I'm not talking about Dave Ramsey dumbass. I'm talking about all the people who need to pay to listen to those common senses.
Yes, I have read his book (download for free, why pay?) Paying off debt, have emergency fund, invest a little bit, live within your means. That's fucking common sense.

... $150 to tell people to write a budget?
Kudos for trying to help people out though. Seriously, many--in the US especially--are completely economically illiterate and I applaud anyone working to help remedy that.
But perhaps lowering the price point would do more towards increasing your attendance versus doing something silly like, say, posting on a basket weaving forum full of house-bound NEETs. $150 is a bit steep; rich people don't need your advice and poor people can't afford that.

Just get a good paying job 4HEad.
Just get money 4HEad.
Just don’t spend that money 4HEad.

Everyone who is seeking to minimize expenses is well aware of the shit that they need to do to save money. But above all else they don’t have the capital to back it up while keeping the absolute minimum (insurance, utilities, mortgage (to stay in a reasonable home, close to your job so you don’t waste time and money on gas and needless car maintenance), food and money towards debt).

Ffs I barely see anyone who works in jobs where they are struggling to get by, even go out out with family and friends, like how boomers did. They also drive 10+ year old vehicles and live with their parents.

I can tell you the chief problems with people struggling to get by are caused by boomers. Their greed has hidden wealth outside of American borders into the hands of people that hate us. In addition to the rise of the internet and (((electronic banking))) there has been a centralization of wealth out of the hands of today’s youth (save the PoS that go to Ibiza every year and that are also part of a Greek organization in college). Not to mention the rapidly expanding student debt and pension/SS crisis that once again filters wealth out of the youth.

So fuck off with your shit advice. It means little to those of us that wait months to just even see that we got denied from a job that we went to get a STEM degree for.

>Be failed real estate guy
>Get your ass way the fuck in debt
>Learn how to actually pay your bills the same way every single sensible person on the planet does
>Start with the small ones, work your way up
>Actually, just be a disciplined fuck and you'll have $$$
>Write a book, develop a "system" that's based on COMMON FUCKING KNOWLEDGE
>Sell that shit to churches (no one's ever though of this, quite smart actually)
I mean, people really are stupid, but this guy made money for doing absolutely nothing but common sense budgeting.


His story is here:
Yes, I'm attention posting, but it's noteworthy. Dave is just a regular guy activating common sense. Am I the only one here that could make out a check at 11 years old?

Half the people in this country lack the motivation to do anything on their own. They need someone to tell them what to do and how to do it, and the class is effective in the way that it gets people motivated

If you don’t want to pay look him up on YouTube everything is on there. Unironically Some of the greatest minds are on this basket weaving forum and they need this advice

By that logic we can just employ drill sergeants across America. Imagine how productive this country would be again.

Common sense budgeting is what stupid people need. There’s no reason to hate the guy for teaching it

Isn't that what I said in the beginning? Reread what I said. I mean Dave has done a great job in helping people, and I have no problems with him. I even heard that bankers hate him and tried to stop his book because his advices hurt their "master-plan" of enslaving people by debt.

My problems are the naiveness and stupidity of majority of people towards money/credit/investing.

I don't hate him, hold up a sec.

Do you realize HOW FUCKING ANNOYING IT IS to grow up in Georgia, have everyone singing this guy's praises (like he's a fucking Jesus economics guru) and have to LITERALLY EXPLAIN to people how you do your own finances to see the expression of mystification they give? When I'm done explaining, I always get the same response:

"Wow, you should really go to one of his seminars! You talk just like him!"

It's at this point in your life, as 27 years of age, that you realize that everyone around you really is a complete fucking dumbass.

That’s was my bad I did misread that. But yes I agree that it is frustrating how naive people are towards money. But that is why I am trying to promote Dave and spread the word, I’m sure a few people on here could use the advice

>spend 50 years scrimping and saving
>retirement just 5 more years away
>dollar crashes and wipes out all your work overnight
>kill yourself while you last thought is all those times you didnt live today so you could save tommorow were pointless

>Invest in mutual funds.

Index funds are where it's at.

Yeah, what this guy's saying. It's sad, really.

No, seriously, more power to him for shrink-wrapping common sense and selling it as a commodity. It caught on, and as I said previously, everyone at every church worships this guy's fiscal conservatism. Good for them!

But when you realize --HOW-- it caught on so well, you almost have an out of body experience where you see these IQ numbers above your head surge upwards, while people around you that you thought were fairly intelligent start dropping points rapidly.

If you learned something so utterly profound from his system so as to make you a disciple of his, spreading the gospel of fiscal responsibility, then the public education has failed you so terribly that we should be having debates on it's serious need of reform.

Retirement is a home paid for. That is literally it.

Thank you for restoring my faith. I am blown away by the naiveness and trusting in the system of majority of Americans.
>tricked into over-spending everything and not living within your means meme
>tricked into cold-called penny stock meme
>tricked into subprime mortgage meme
>tricked into renting house meme
>tricked into learning useless degrees meme
>tricked into believing in everything MSMs say
>tricked into voluntarily going to war in Middle East because "thank you for your service" meme
>tricked into welcoming refugees meme

How many more tricks can Americans get before they wake the fuck up?

No problem. Yeah I like Dave too, spread his words out as far as possible.

used to date a girl who had like 30k in cc debt, she would always be upset about it, i told her to stop worrying about it and just start paying it off, we would go out less, etc. about a year later she had paid off 10k of it and was so thankfull for my help. i said honey they send you the same advice i gave each month in a bill. just pay the bill plus a little more. not hard

women are stupid with money, they rake up massive debt and then get married and its now the mans responsibility . stupid

What if I'm already a Mega millionaire I'm Hindu Living in America motherfucker

this kills the Dave

The public education system has failed me and many others. No where in America do you see schools teaching what Dave teaches

Spoiler: I'm working in a Marketing department of a company and most of us know that products and ads targeting women and students are the most to be shared/clicked/bought.

You know the legendary De Beer's ad campaign right? Forever force every man on the planet to buy a woman a diamond for marriage, even if everyone knows about the ads' existence.

You also know about the "Torches of Freedom" campaign right? The tobacoo industry hijacked the feminist movement in the 20s to say that "smoking tobacoo is woman empowerment" and literally 30% of women fell for that. I literally laughed out loud while reading it.

its pretty clear women have no self control when it comes to spending, and either do minorities. white men aren't being seen on tv and ads as much because advertisers are going for the low hanging fruit, them being stupid and starting to see more and more financial assetts to blow is an advertisers wet dream. thats my view why we see blacks and women more and more in ad driven content.

Mfw you bought bitcoin at 22k and now it’s at 10k

>why we see blacks and women more and more in ad driven content.
Want another redpill? Do you know why even though white men have the largest purchasing power but ads don't usually target them?

Because advertisers know if women/children like something emotionally, they can make their men/parents pay for it. The men are manipulated into paying because if they don't they feel "not worthy enough"

The reason why blacks are in more ad driven content and not white males are because blacks are more easily manipulated into buying things than whites. But where do they get all the money? Now you understand high tax for middle class: Basically transfer of wealth from white males to minorities and then get minorities pay for goods.

In my experience, Asians and Jewish are the hardest to trick into buying things.

It's mediocre to sub-par advice for the financially illiterate and inept.

That said, despite his numerous bankruptcies, he was smart in identifying and exploiting one of the most gullible consumer groups out there: Christians. Hollywood has been really foolish in alienating them.

Literally everything you listed is basic fiscal conservatism. Why then do Americans, including conservatives, reject all of it?

>invest all your spending money for 30 years just so you can be a rich old fuck with a limp dick

I’d rather enjoy and utilize my youth instead of hoard my sheckles

What does Sup Forums think of damien posalendis 21 year old self made millionaire from greece college drop out. Comes from a country where a doctor gets paid like 50k USD a year at best

If you had kids, you’d be singing a different tune. Morons like you are why we have a 21 trillion dollar debt.

Because they are retarded and naive when it comes to money and advertisements.
KYS retard. You are the exact problem of America.

the whole course is a torrent away. Its babby tier finance for people who hate numbers.

the message though is well crafted for christians. Mutual funds are pure shit though.

and his goals are too modest for my taste.

18M is the cut off from being upper middle class to nuveau riche

Moar marketing stories pls. As a huwhite male with 125+ IQ, I can't remember the last thing I fell for.
Rent $250 (living with parents)
Insurance $220
Phone $40
Student Loan $100
Gas $45
Misc/Entertainment $50

white men play video games though

I am about to graduate college with no debt, no help from my parents, which more than most can say. I dont save because I have just enough to get by and have a little fun, but I’ll have zero debt. Once I get a real career with big boy money then I will worry about saving/kids

t. shillington shiller III

Because most people are taught how advertising works
In middle school my grade did a 4 week class in the library on advertising techniques, how to spot manipulation and why certain visuals and sounds make you feel a certain way. It wasn't even that intensive, just basic skeptisicm

Aren't taught*

babies first financial responsibility
still he's helping a lot of people and making bank off of it
I listen to him from time to time just to listen to the stupid shit people get into

What exactly would I be shilling dumbass?

Go ahead and retire with nothing to show for

Bois play video games. Why would I waste hundreds of dollars on yet another SJW infested hobby which doesn't get me any closer to financial independence or freedom?

Most white males often fall for video games and tech stuff ads.

First rule of marketing: Always targeting emotions and the subconsciousness. If an ad shows enough times for you even if you don't pay attention to it, the first time you actually see the product in Walmart or Amazon your subconsciousness kicks in and you feel the product as authenticated.

Also, South Park is correct, ads are truly getting smarter. I'm working on a water filter product and when we decide to create a facebook page for it, instead of creating the facebook page with the name of the product, we create a "Water filter marketplace" page to make it objective. And then we write objective contents on the fanpage to draw people in, and then only occasionally get our products in for people to buy.

Also, most "top rankings" you saw, even about colleges are biased and payed for. Most "awards/certificates" also are payed for.

If you're interested I can tell you about how Walmart and other retails organize shelves the way to manipulate your emotions.

>If you're interested I can tell you about how Walmart and other retails organize shelves the way to manipulate your emotions.

pls tell me more user

Well, if you notice about Walmart:
1. Most Walmart stores in different places are organized differently
2. Walmart never has any concrete map of every item for you to quickly grab and go
3. The most bought "need" items are on the back, while "want" stuff is on the front, and you usually have to take some time before finding exactly what you want