White inferiority complex confimed

Beyond the shadow of a doubt. Caught red handed pushing revisionism dressed up as "science".

Latest ancient Egyptian DNA results debunked.


Sup Forums btfo


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Either DNA is meaningful or it is not. You can't have it both ways monkey boy

source, for the love of god

Read the article

If the DNA of the mummies were white, it just means that the ruling class was white.

>Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods

Literally who cares at that point? Egypt was a shell of its former self in Ptolemaic Egypt and later.


Lisa made this thread earlier but no one took the bait pseudoscientific bait. Hotep got so butthurt she had to make it twice lmao

> I don't like what this DNA says
> not valid
> whitey BTFO
very sad

Read the article, and tell me where they are wrong


Read the article.

DNA is meaningful, but so are environmental conditions. Darwinian evolution mandates this.

This isn't an article. It's a dumb opinion piece from a crank site.


shooo shooo

We must now review a ton of history since it has been proven that objectivity among white anthropologist and genetic labs is a myth.

Good one less reparations to pay and if the Egyptians built something more useful than extremely expensive burial ground perhaps they would still be around. Aqueducts and even long boats were infinitely more useful and during the age of enlightenment Europe just blew everyone away. What exactly does a pyramid do? Does it provide food, fresh water, shelter, new territory, faster travel? Nope no even one of the above and that is why they fail.

Nope, there is actual DNA, and scientific method analysis

Read the article

I did
reeks of bias from the very beginning, which is ironic, given how many times they mention it
it's pure butthurt kangz-ism
hey, but have your (You)

I've always (almost) pitied niggers for their inferiority complex. Before meeting other peoples, still living like cave men, in loin clothes armed with the greatest and only black technological advance, the spear. Knowing in their heart of hearts, they will quickly degenerate to that state again without the white race.

lmfao just KILL YOURSELF black0idz
your history is shit and will always be shit.

Thanks for the keks OP

>http link
>raw link
Eat a nigger dick

>African Restoration
Oh yeah not biased at all.

Never disputed the argument o the article. Post-Ptotemys, Egypt was a hellhole that never recovered, largely due to abuses at the hands of Greek and Roman rulers. Pretending that lording over that shell of an empire is an accomplishment is delusional. It's the same as Germans saying "we wuz Romans n shiet" after Rome was sacked.

nah ^_^

Ha, nobody has claim, the pyramids were built 12000 years or more before any of the later human races came and squatted in the ruins and scrawled on them. We don't even know if the builders were human. These "tombs" were massive machines beyond the technology of ANY early human civilisation. You people are fucking light-years behind in your understanding, catch up. Here, have an unfinished low-quality WIP red-pill to wet your appetite...

The article has nothing to do with the Ptolemies and everything to do with the origin.

Did you read the right article?


Who gives a shit what Nubians did? you are not a Nubian, you're disgusting west african monkey. kys nigger

Read the article

Nigger talking about fragility trying to steal other cultures. I watched hidden colors motherfucker.


Egyptians spoke an Afroasiatic language not a Bantu(nigger) language, furthermore, Ancient Egyptians had no negroid in them and clustrer with Levantines.

answer the points he made, you fucking spineless moron, the more you dodge your responsibility to stand for your views the more everyone disregards you

I read the article.
Here is the Tldr for anyone wondering. Also use the archive link.
>some pharohs had a gene that is from africa (nothing more specific)
>Tutukamen was in africa
>must of had that gene, whitey just playin
>wypipo btfo

There were no verifiable sources, as evidenced by OP not posting any.

Read the article.

The Egyptians we like to think about claimed the pyramids. They couldn't have built them fool.

>Imagine today that the French civilization has disappeared and that in 2000 years we try to determine which people were at its origin. The first thing we should do is to consult the documents of the time period to find out what were the important places of this ancient territory. Then we would realize that the greatest people of France were buried in royal tombs in the Parisian Region and also at the Panthéon in Paris. After excavating the remains it would be easy to determine that the French civilization was the work of the white people
>If, on the other hand, one were to go to Marseilles in the south, so many Berbers and Arabs would be found in the cemeteries, and one would falsely conclude that France was the work of the Berbers and the Arabs

What if the tombs were raided, and the bodies used as medicine;

>In the Middle Ages, based on a mistranslation from the Arabic term for bitumen, it was thought that mummies possessed healing properties. As a result, it became common practice to grind Egyptian mummies into a powder to be sold and used as medicine
>Artists also made use of Egyptian mummies; a brownish pigment known as mummy brown
>European aristocrats would occasionally entertain themselves by purchasing mummies, having them unwrapped, and holding observation sessions.[115] These sessions destroyed hundreds of mummies, because the exposure to the air caused them to disintegrate

So whites made Egypt, and then niggers came in and stole their bodies.

the pathetic projection based insult campaign paints a clearer picture day by day

Link me to the peer reviewed paper and I will read that. LMAO @ you if it is chinese or american though.

At least you read the article

But german is ok though?

Certainly. Link it.

before that. The collapse of the bronze age(500 years or so before rome was even a village on a hill) was the beginning of the end of Egypt as a true culture. They were conquered and passed around to multiple dynasties and states like that 40something actress you wanked to as a kid for another thousand years before becoming almost completely irrelevant. Climate, tech and immigration. The we wuz arguement is as pedantic as it is historically innacurate.

It was rhetorical. The "study" debunked was conducted by a German based lab.

Read the article, it's all in it.

Is that you in the picture OP bebe? I'm horrifically racist but I like that nubian body of yours.

I put about as much legitimacy in blogs as I do in US or Chinese science.

White Egypt refers to the pre dynastic days when the 3 pyramids at Giza were built.

African DNA and the decline of the civilisation came after

why so racist ?
If blacks can't invent the wheel they can't built a pyramid. All attempts to do so after white Egypt failed miserably

>nigger lying on the internet
>in any way anything other than definite confirmation of the complete and total failure and inferiority of blacks

You are a dumbass.

No there isn't
Not even remotely, this dumb pseudoscience bitch decide to cherrypick a single gene out of the study that MOSTLY belong to sub-saharan nogs (mostly, not completely) and espouses that single fucking gene as rock solid evidence that we wuz kangz.
She then decides to call everyone who came to the factual and scientific result racist, talk about how we wuz kangz, and then mentions how whypeepo are trying to enslave the kangz again or some shit.
I read it, all the way through.
>pic related is her

Read the article

Read the article

This has NOTHING to do with the great pyramids.
Monkey blood didn't come into Egypt until thousands of years later

Read the article

I did, please drop your biases and learn to science, I know it's hard for Kangz but please try

will you shut up.

READ THE ARTICLE is not an argument and almost every peer reviewed study regarding Egyptian DNA says you are wrong so go ahead and glass yourself.

From the article.
>One underestimate the unshakable determination of a child who wants to find his parents that have been hidden away from him. We will not bend our heads any more. We will carry no more complexes. We will not feel inferior again. We will no longer return to the state of shame and self-hate the occupant has taught us and in which we were painfully dwelling before we discovered our history. We are going to make these feelings history.
Massive oil driller here,
I've heard this kinda talk from black chicks before, and it always ends the same way.
With them cumming themselves into a coma after being ridicule-fucked by me.

So you got a pic? Show me what you're working with.

Remember boys make sure to be using adblock when visiting shitholes like that website, someone should probably archive it too desu

>hihi lmao at "ARTICLE"

Kid, an 'article' actually means a 'published, peer-reviewed, scientific article'. Johannes Krause (whom I suppose you accuse of data falsification), is a world-renowned biochemist.
You would drop out in the first week of the course taught by his assistant's assistant.

I can write egyptians were chinese aliens on a blog tonight but it won't be worth shit. The 'article' you linked is similar to an attempt made by an illiterate child to argue with an educated adult. That is your level. Get an education, blackie.

All these strawman and questions are addressed in the article, but almost nobody wants to see thier white insecurity exposed.

no your dumb nigger and that means the jews were enslaved by dumb niggers that they tricked because they were a bunch of dumb niggers

People like you are why the elites decided to keep all the secrets for themselves, too retarded to see what's in front of your face.

most niggers are mentally incapable of getting educated

There is a peer reviewed genetic study within the article. A DNA test that actually tests native Egyptians.

The Jews used to be "niggers" they originated in Ethiopia with the rest of the Egyptians, but we're a tribe that migrated further north and whitened. They still carry black genes to this day.

wtf are you talking about there is no strawman only overwhelming evidence that the egyptians were not niggers.

OP is a fucking faggot.
Sounds like a broken robot "read the article, read the article".
Saged and gayed for this shittiness.

Pseudoscience trash blog. I read the article, now show me the peer-reviewed genetic study that supports the article's claims.

And it's the opposite of the WE WUZ narrative.

Read the article everything is addressed and truthful.

It's referenced within the article. Learn to read

The source for the article is another article. Basically it says they wuz a royal bloodline of dick washers (slaves). Technically royalty, but the title is given to protect them because they are expensive property. Like putting a ADT sign in your front yard.

You can't be srs? In what journal was it published then? Anal biochem? FEBS?

> not published in a 'peer-reviewed scientific journal' = could be dailymail or literally a blog

lisapoyakama (lmao) WILL NOT DO

No it isn't, it just leads to another article retard.

Nubians =/= West Africans
That would be like me, an Anglo, taking credit for what the Slavs did

There was a study done in 2012 by a company named tribes or some shit. Look it up. It is referenced in the article.

Wtf is this

Read the fucking article.

But you would call Slavs "white" right?

>Renowned archeologists, archaeogeneticists, experts in bioinformatics, and renowned biochemist Joannes Kraus (also co-director of Max Planck inst. btw) publish a scientific article in a peer-reviewed journal based on hours of top-level research concluding ancient Egyptians were nowhere near black

>Blackie DeShawn 'debunks' the research on his blog

Fuck the US. No respect - not even for hard sciences.

The Kraus article is 2017 dude

Read the article. It addresses your german hero.

Your opinion article has been noted. Now, you've been asked for a paper to back it up. Can you provide us with one?

How has everyone not realized this is a slide thread?

Read the article

Newer research (especially when conducted by people like the kraus team) takes precedence over older conclusions. Read the 2017 article. If there is something wrong with it, other scientists will refute the findings. But you can't 'debunk' the findings using older research baka

It's obvious the ancient Egyptians weren't black. Have you never seen this movie.

this isn't a scientific paper and there are no sources baka, also even a fucking retarded baby could see how this site is biased baka

Im not a biochemist specifically myself. But I trust the scientific method and hard sciences. Until there is a further study REFUTING Kraus's findings, Egyptian DNA was free of African DNA until the post Roman periods. End of story. There is also the possibility that there will never be such a study. Reading Kraus's team abstract, they seem to be confident in their conclusion. So start waving goodbye to your black egyptian' illusions.

Read the article

It doesn't debunk the study. At best it provides two older studies that would seem to contradict it and then says well... it must be wrong then.

my point exactly. dumbass poltards with no education will still read it, though

But have you considered read the article?

Then there is no point. It would be like saying, 'well I guess the previous research was wrong'. We don't need a blogger to write that for us, we have the original Kraus paper that refutes previous beliefs.

Not a chance. I only read scientific papers. I believe the latest findings are the most accurate. I don't need a blogger's opinion.

Go be KANGZ somewhere else

Did. Its garbage.
>Omg they look a bit like us so we wuz kangz
No. Niggers are niggers, gypos were gypos. Similar to phenicians. Some were darker, other lighter, but they were not niggers. Their slaves were.

>Read the fuggin' article

No *clap* one *clap* wants *clap* to *clap* read *clap* your *clap* shitty *clap* fan *clap* fiction *clap*

I read it, it's horrible, no sourcess, baseless claims, logical fallacies, never adressess piles of evidence against it, pretty good for a coon tho, keep trying.


Wash my dick.


It is clear the whites are getting castrated lmao, no other reason to have a knife under the balls, and hold their hands while they wriggle around

>Modern blacks desperate for historical cultural significance
>Claim their ancestors birthed the success of Egyptian civilization, and the Pharaohs were black
>Ancient Hieroglyphs already depict Egypt's peak civilization being ruled by whites
>Mummified rulers dating from the height of the civilization's success are white.
>Long after Egypt has passed it's peak and fallen into destitution, blacks decided to role-play as faux-rulers in a dying kingdom whose kings have long been dead.
>Crank-site journalists strategically select a sad and irrelevant period in history to attempt tube-feeding their uneducated readers with some half-baked propaganda.

It's basically as if someone, today, went to Lacemedonia and found nigger/arab DNA in the populace and then attributed ancient Sparta to niggers/arabs.