It's time

Okay guys it's time my wife and I are giving up our guns I'm an ALT right conservative and I have owned guns my entire life pro-nra and I'm redpilled but I think it's finally time this is gone too far I can't stand idly by and watch people get killed any longer innocent kids this is a gun problem it's guns killing people do you guys really think if that kid had an assault rifle didn't have an assault rifle she wouldn't have been able to go in there and kill 17 people no way buddy no way if he had a Glock it wouldn't have happened I'm giving up my gun because it's the right thing to do it's a human thing to do I know kids who have suffered in school shootings this is gone too far we have a problem in America it's a gun problem give up their guns stand against tyranny it's the right thing to do. Wife is driving me to give up my guns right now I'm turning them in I'm taking a stand nobody needs a weapon absolutely nobody come on guys me too let's get together let's stop the hate. The Killing

Kill yourself shill.

Well said based American. I'm a European in here in Europe we have absolutely no guns and that's why we have absolutely zero killings it's so much better here and it's all because of our strict gun laws I'm an all Rider as well BTW hail Trump hail Hitler

Thanks based Euro I totally agree with everything you're saying and I'm just so jealous of how your app operates everyday I wish the United States could be more like Europe such a beautiful white place will get that someday kid I truly believe it

TLDR, shareblue
Shall not be infringed
From my cold dead hands

Quit larping fagot

Yea its great here in europe we have almost none gun killings, but we have acid attacks, granade attacks, massive stab attacks and a terrorist attack every 2 months

i know youre an actual conservative and laughing your ass off at the replies to your pointless ironic shitpost

>Hello my fellow alt-right, NRA lovers. Time to hand in your guns for real this time. It appears our arguments have suddenly vanished. [[cackles quietly in shekel]]

load your gun and please shot yourself in the face faggot

This isn't your blog you FAGGOT. Nobody gives a fuck

Millions of children will die in the coming civil war that you Kikes started. Just remember, Jews Die First.


Okay i believe you. This convincing post definitely changed my opinion on the subject. Wtf i hate guns now. Fuck protecting myself and shit. Guns are racist anyways. Thank you for spending your precious time writing this user, you are an eye opener.

kek this is the worst level of cmmie shilling ive ever seen, get on the jidfs level noob, you'll become one of use sure enough

You must be a troll

Pretty wordy for low effort bait.

Post guns or gtfo

>inb4 gun is a shitty pistol

Nice try.


This shit happens way too much now.

Yeah dude I'm ALT right too redpilled white power 14/89 dues valt and I've been a fascist all my life but like I'm coming to the conclusion that I was wrong because we should ban guns and all white males are racist

PS.: I'm voting for Hillary next election and joined antifa guys, but I was right-wing all my life