Should the age of consent be lowered? What if I told you this girl is 12.
Should the age of consent be lowered? What if I told you this girl is 12
Looks it in the face, and that alone still makes me uncomfortable. Though that alone wouldn't make it illegal.
I'd still say "show me ID"
if they're old enough to feed, then they are old enough to breed
Your time is coming Podesta.
The girl on the right was 12 and killed herself because of being bullied
Go away, Mr. Moore.
You sound like a faggot, for even caring about a face when there is a nice pair of tits on the screen. However some women still retain youthful faces well into adulthood and it’s considered attractive. This is known as neoteny and is a result of sexual selection.
my peepe would become even bigger
I'd bully her with my dick, if you know what I mean
>What if I told you this girl is 12
What if I told you you've been reported for posting purvy kiddie porn in a forum of peace and enlightenment.
>Sup Forums is a board of peace.
what do you mean?
Why kill yourself when you have tits like a cow in calf?
those stories are almost always falsified
He gets uncomfortable when seeing a kids face, obviously he is a faggot.
Knowing how fucked up America is he probably will have to pay for the kid lmao
He will just change his haircut, name and move to some state where nobody will look for him. One of the Dakotas?
Depends on culture honestly, it just sucks that girls are reaching puberty earlier than they were a hundred years ago, imagine being a 12 yearold in the body of a fertile 16 yearold, its gotta take a toll. If we reinstated the importance of the nuclear family model, the age of consent could be lowered to 14/15 but now society is too depraved and corrupted by feminism, slut culture and marxism to allow that.