>muh crisis actors
Shut the fuck up, you conspiratard
Sup Forums BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>35 cans
the fuck...
Shut the fuck up you shill
WOW, you really offered an opposing viewpoint!
They are arranged 5x7 we can safely assume
Crisis actor shill out in full force
I suppose we can, you damn autist. I've never seen a 35 can pack.
I find funny how Sup Forums would rather believe that an elderly man grew an inch than that kids involved in a shooting are willingly lobbying for gun control.
what happened to his jaw to make him look like that
Looks like he moved it to one side + camera angle
Costco brah
Take the bait, swallow the hook.
>His father is his handler.
>Broward County Senator is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
>Police officers stand down during "shooting"
>Sheriff Israel shmoozes Dem party antigun radicals.
>"Shooting" occurs on the same day as a drill. like other false flags.
>Video footage of fake crisis mode behavior paramedics and first responders. Empty gurneys, etc...
>David Hogg recited lines and on camera flubs being coached.
>CNN fake news Anderson Cooper (CIA shill) MSM propaganda running this kid as spokesman for crisis.
>Other kids with conflicting accounts, even multiple shooter.
>Still don't know the real story behind the LasVegas shooting.
If you believe this shit is authentic you're fucking retarded and nothing will save you from your own unhinged perceptions of reality.
>Circumstantial evidence
>tinfoil hat “evidence”
The official drink of CNN
>Broward county senator is Debbie Wassermann-Schulz
Conspiratard detected. Schulz is a democratic congresswoman for Miami, not Broward
i don't think anyone thought he was an actor, actor. i think we all know he and the mutt dike go to the school.
the point is they were chosen because they're THEATER/drama kids with democrat connected families. they weren't even in the same building as the shooting. they were never in danger. they're exploiting dead classmates for fame & $$$$
been sucking off anderson cooper too much
>Overwhelming circumstantial evidence requires closer inspection.
Wake up normie, you're being railroaded by deep state propaganda. 10 yrs now...
Even beaners realize this makes no sense at all. We're somewhat of an expert when it comes to gun violence.
Stop being retarded.
>Just believe us, or you’re retarded
Nice brainwashing techniques
If by "us" you mean the MSM, I agree.
>implying this board acts any differently
>Trump suspiciously grows 1 inch, just enough to get him out of the "obese" label.
Sup Forums nods
>School shooting victims are lobbying for gun control
You are pretty retarded, mates.
I wish you manlettes would die, you're fucking annoying with your obsession over being short.
>>School shooting victims are lobbying for gun control
>You are pretty retarded, mates.
Isn't it time for you to pray in the street?
>Lobbying for gun control with mental illness and false flags.
retarded indeed mate.
I believe that is indeed a safe assumption.
Please, explain to me why isn't the medical community studying the first reported case of someone in his 70s growing instead of shrinking.
>false flags
Yes. I'm sure that el Goblino pretended since birth to be a volatile and angry kid, and that not only the FBI was in the conspiracy, but also all the retarded deputies and the sheriff himself.
If mental gymnastics burned fat you wouldn't be the epitome of a burgermutt.
>doesn't know the Dade/Broward difference
Wow you even argue like a teenage high school student. Nice Larp
Pls check your reading comprehension
>ad-hominem attacks
My point still stands!
Why won't they release any footage ?
Do American schools not have security cameras?
Not even in the yard ?
Weird how Columbine at least had some footage, but shooting in 2018 has none.
that is the dumbest shit I ever did see
they don't even look the same. do you have other issues with facial recognition in your life?
He's such a sociopath
What point? You told someone to shut up. He told you to shut up. Maybe you should stick to scripted CNN events, david.
No u
Show yourself out, dipshit.
How much less than 56% percent must one be not to know this? He obviously doesn’t have a comfy pantry or a freezer full of jumbo prawns.
Furthermore, what would the point of false flag attacks like these? Pushing for gun control?
1. There is no need for false flag attacks when attacks happend so fucking often. It would be like doing your own laundry when someone else does it weekly.
2. If these were actual false flag attacks, there would be no point in them, as Republicans just sit on their asses, sending "thoughts and prayers" and completely ignore the issue. False flag attacks, like the Russia bombings the FSB was involved in, must have an actual consequence in order to be executed. Nobody orchestrates something that fucked to get no results.
Waiting for your answer, deluded memefriend.
There is videos of the shooting scene on Liveleak
you don't understand they dont come 35 what is this
Learn to google, Alexander.
if you real through enough articles and phone calls from kids you will see the actual shooting take place around 2:30 and not 2:21
She is a congresswoman in Miami, you simpleton. Broward has their own congressman
>babbling like the conspiratard you are
>they don't even look the same. do you have other issues with facial recognition in your life?
They literally do look the same you blind fuck.
>attacks happend so fucking often
>falling for the narrative
Lots of people on here do
>Wasserman Schultz previously served in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate, and was a national campaign co-chair[1] for Hillary Clinton's unsuccessful 2008 run for president. She is the first Jewish congresswoman elected from Florida. Her district covers parts of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, including parts of Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and Miami Beach.
Read that last part veeeeery carefully now, David.
Here's a thought, why even did a video of Hoggs rehearsing lines get out? It was on purpose to bait theorists into going the crisis actor route they used to discredit that crowd from the start
Sadly retards push disinfo no matter what and make us all look stupid
>All the school shootings in the US are cautiously elaborated false flag attacks!!
Argentina is a fake country. I've never been there. I do not believe it. Can you produce evidence that your country actually exists?
She still has Broward. What's your point?
>what is your point
Like I said, improve your reading comprehension. Parkland and Coral Springs are not her district
they are the same people. I know it sounds crazy, but these rich kids have head shots and maybe sometimes have credits in their dad's friends shitting money laundering movie productions.
I browse their facebooks before they delete it all & it was no big secret.
based Hogg is based
The FBI knew about him and was warned 39 times before the event.
They used him as he was already damaged goods.. If your comment relfects the state of Spain, you're nation's future is done for.
You're blind.
The gun to citizen ration in the USA is amazing. The amount of shootings are MSM propaganda.
2. They orchestrate them over time to get the results they want.
2nd Amendment is Constitutional bedrock. They're not going to change it with one false flag, they're going to shape public opinion over time with propaganda news making idiots like you feel they happen every week.
Now move along Spain brainlet.
I never denied that. All I said was that she had Broward. David, if you're going to talk to people about improving their reading comprehension, I suggest you start with yourself. This is what happens when you put drama above language arts.
The guys definitely a crisis actor
It's only a coincidence goy! You act like the shills didn't explicitly state in another thread that the ONLY thing they wanted you to talk about just before this school shooting was guns... oh wait, they did
Not an argument, David. You should brush up on your reading comprehension, really.
Nutritional deficiency. It causes undeveloped maxillary
>The amount of shootings are MSM propaganda.
Your nation is doomed, goblino. And thanks to tards like yourself. Your leader is not only stupid, incompetent, and corrupt. He is also a Russian puppet.
If your existential enemy (Putin's Russia) wants you to choose Trump as POTUS, do you need more clues to know that the pussygrabber is a weak Commander in Chief.
I hope the Dems make a comeback in November. The world needs the US, not a clown.
And here I thought you were just larping as a teenager.
Poster used a Gadsen flag and the post was in all caps. Someone else has to remember this right?
I will as soon as you prove that Hogg is a crisis actor
I never said you were.
Loads of very clear evidence that humans are causing a change in our Earth's climate.
Sup Forums responds "like a lot of scientists are Jews, so it lie, be global scientists conspiracy, no believe"
Lots of suspicious activity between Trump and Russia.
Sup Forums responds "prove it libtards, fuck democracy and nignogs"
Upset kids desire some form of gun control so more of there friends don't die in the future
Sup Forums responds "they bunch of paid actor shills. I bet it just Jews setting up an elaborate ruse to take our guns. No need to have real proof. Just look how he wants say things clearly for news broadcasting to millons of people, clearly Jew shill scum. Fucking Jews and nignogs. I tell ya hwat"
God damn, you fucking shills can't just slap a bunch of conflicting messages together. Holy shit. Your message is lost.
Fuck off. You have no business having an opinion about the States.
Your country has always been economically pathetic. You should find a job and quit worrying about Burger happenings.
We'll keep our guns and the Dems are blown the fuck out for at least a decade. Obama and Hillary clinton shit their party's bed so badly they'll have to burn the house down to start over.
You don't know shit about anything here Spanish retard.
Wat are you babbling about. Go pop some Prozacs
theyre not, its three rows of cans 12+11+12
Nope, pyramid box.
Config is 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, handle.
Aka the thing that can be influenced and used against people.
Pr dios! Cerra el culo gallegito! TU pais esta en el horno hace rato, lleno de negros de mierda y retrasados mentales incapaces de crear una sociedad que sea económicamente viable.
No entiendo que hace un corcho como vos criticando a los burgers. Vos viste lo que es tu país? El quilombo constante que tienen ahí?
La verdad, no se para que trolleas si es de cara dura lo tuyo nomas!
Please stop moving the goalposts and hurling slurs when you can't find a proper response, David. This is an adult debate.
Ofc there is diet coke in an american school
He looks pissed all the time now since everyone is calling him a crisis actor. oh and sage
>implying CNN doesn't know how to manipulate emotionally wrecked useful idiots when they have half the country thinking putin is president
>Sup Forums it's one intelligence agency.
There's 17 just in the US, that not counting the other five eyes and russia.
at the very least he's an actor, these are all drama club students, this was their big break
Fucking germans and arranging shit
Special government issued cans for alphabet agencies and their agents.
The irony.
So, how do we know this school shooting was staged again? A kid wanting to speak more clearly during a broadcasting he surely realized would be seen by millions? Or something? Yeah. Facts are good m8. But let's not forget that the Russians used blind emotional to get a psychopath elected as POTUS.
>dad was an FBI agent
>was being groomed to be a CNN intern
>gets fed lines through an earpiece
Oh yeah, nothing to see here, goyim.
>claims to like facts
>believes "muh Russia"
Yeah that 0.14% of internet traffic really influenced the election alright. It didn't have anything to do with the DNC being openly anti-white, or Hillary calling conservatives "deplorables".
Also, love how you claim "Russian bots" and the "NRA" are massively-influential, while ignoring (((AIPAC))).
it was actually an (exactly) equal and opposing viewpoint, dumbass.
intelligence and self awareness aren't their strong suits.
He looks more like a murderer than Nikolas Cruz.
His campaign is backfiring.
And the NRA boycott is backfiring.