Why are anglos so fucking ugly?

why are anglos so fucking ugly?

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Anglo men are god tier but anglo women are trash tier

Good observation actually.
they all have that long narrow retard face more often than not.

Because they have inferior genes.

I want to say "it's complicated" but let's be honest it's due to the old custom of marrying "within the clan" so basically pick a wife on your street.

Be fair Spaniard. She's at best a 7 in Bongland.
Baby Spice is what realistically qualifies as an English 9.



Some of them returned

Thanks Hans

>anglo men
>god tier

Changed, Jewed and a shill like you

Anglo genes are good for mixing. Pure ones are absolute trash.

at least the women in the UK are white, and less of them are prostitutes.

About half of Spanish woman sell sex at least once a month.

i know where you are going pajeet
but stop



Were it not for that fact the British may have never dominated the seas. You may have been taught it was in search of new spices but it was in search of new pussy

>half of Spanish women are whores

why are there so many turk's in germany?

And they shit on me for having married an East Asian woman...

Why are Dagos so poor and loud?

Every true redcoat hunts for waifus

>they all have that long narrow retard face more often than not
Aka shitty diet, shitty posture, and mouthbreathing since childhood.
Anglos don't have bad genes. They are just the result of several generations of unhealthy and degenerate lifestyle. A nation of spirtually, mentally, and physically sick people.
Karma is a bitch.

Because the Amerijew forced them on the country, EU nigger


The first guest workers were recruited from European nations. However, Turkey pressured West Germany to admit its citizens as guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, opposed such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany didn't needed any more laborers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. West Germany and Turkey reached an agreement in 1961.[8]

To better infuriate you when they beat your stupid armada with their screechy voices and rotting teeth.

This desu

because they are jews

that's sad
any idea when refugee crisis will stop in germany?
i was planning to study here?

Pic related is born out of Anglo mother and Indian Father.

I take it you're some (((expatriate))) britfag diddling retarded kids in la Costa del Sol

>Anglo men are god tier
They aren't. Just as shit as their woman.

This is the future of the west

It's a meme to keep foreigners off our island. Wait I've already said too much...

The reality is that Britain has two distinct races living within. There are the ugly lower class that you see on the internet and then there is the beautiful upper class that you go 'She/he's a British actor? No way!' then discard from your personal idea of British beauty.
Don't pretend Spain has beautiful women. Half of them are brown.

she looks like shit
now shut the fuck up and get out curry nigger

It's not a "refugee crisis". None of them are actual refugees in the first place. It's a great plan to bring about a ((((transformation that must take place))). youtube.com/watch?v=G8zF-6Gl05o

And it will not stop until they have reduced Germans to a minority in their own country. Same in all Western countries.

>anglo men
>god tier

This desu
My bf is Anglo one hot piece of ass let me tell you


>proceeds to post an Anglo man

fuck i really hate muslims there so many of them cunts

Did you come to bait again, gay Bavarian?

Don't worry, Germany's future looks bright as well

>Fat women are ugly.

Holy shit, OP figured it all out.

They are the original la creature.
Anglos have always been a bastard race

You're in not much of a position to talk, Pablo- your women look like crack-whores and age like rotten ass.
If you were pretty much any other European nation (except maybe Portugal), I'd agree that our women are poor in comparison, but Spaniard women are hardly any less bottom of the barrel.

I don't know but they can produce beautiful people mixing with meds
Therefore meds are the master race

''British food and British women. And thus, a seafaring nation was born.''

inb4 tits or gtfo


british food is nice, i will not be persuaded otherwise


>Miss world
>Looks like shit

>why are anglos so fucking ugly?
Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house papa 56%


>He thinks that pies, sandwiches, fish and chips, yorkshire puddings and such are bad food.
What we brought back from abroad only built on the foundation of greatness.

The best looking spaniards are the eastern european Romanians and Ukranians etc. that migrated after '89

British food is the nicest food in the world


Its true though.. Spanish girls are so fucking sexy. I lived there for a year and got so much prime pussy. They love big nordic dick

Tiny island. Tiny gene pool.

Anglo genes are like vanilla extract
It's top tier when mixed with other ingredients, but you wouldn't consume it alone

>british food is the nicest in the world.

lay off the pipe Bernard

I have to say, being here for a few weeks, not much is moving my dinkle.

Everyone is wrapped in coats and shit, but Spain is better. Actually, Amsterdam was much better. Tall white girls. Both dinkle and I approved.

anglo's are literally mutts?

That looks...interesting. And it has such a nice name, too.

You are actually retarded go back to Sup Forums there's a reason why the country has a famous stereo type for having BAD food.

australians are litteraly anglos

>He only eats the very best fried food.
Oh wait we make that too. The Scots went one step further and invented the deep fried mars bar.

Haha dude, even an ugly fuck like me can get chicks in the UK, that's how easy they are.
It's not even fair

It's February. There is like a foot of snow on the ground. Of course people wear coats.
You actually saw a white girl in Amsterdam that wasn't a tourist? When did you go? The 90s?

God damnit

>why do different cultures value different traits and things?

your right rabbi! we all need to interbreed so we all find nigger asses and shit skin attractive!

The Scottish are the niggers of white people.


have you ever tried a proper sausage bap, have you ever tried toad in the hole, have you ever tried boiled beef. all these things are nicer than a piella or risotto or weißwürst

I went to a big dance party, and there were blond tall babes everywhere.

Its the GMO in their foods.

what 19

shit wrong thread

Weißwurst, beady. We don't put these dots on many letters. We are not French after all.

What do you expect from a Celt? They still count as British though. Even chavs and the Liverpudlians do.

thought you guys only eat kebab now with your tea

I'd like to bap Baby Spice, if you know what I mean. But only from behind.

America has the best burgers and a lot of great meats. Japan is know for seafood, Ireland is know for drinking. England is know for terrible expensive crap. Duck is shit get over yourself.

Not so fast!

doesnt wurst have an umlaut

And Americans only eat burgers right?

No it doesn't. Few words actually have it, it's rather rare.

Because vikings stole the most attractive women as slaves. That and generations of inbreeding on island.

Who died during the IRAs various conflicts? The Irish on both sides. Irish slaughtering Irish for land is traditional.

where have you been in england that sells duck?

American girls are much hotter, user. We have to face facts. I think our women drink too much. Hense fat.

says the jew of the mediterranean

are you happy with those charnego rape baby genes, tho

Islander inbreeding. Also they're punished by God. Ugly face ugly soul. Their woman are all insufferable whores.

anglo women are hobbit tier desu

we defended you fuckers off in teignmouth though. you never got this far south


I see your pic is related to your comment. There are fat women but most men just filter them like retards and the elderly.

Pretty much user.
Me thinks this needs to be a British Hate Thread

Take that back, user. Look at this Brtish beauty.