Porn stars are the new trad

The average western woman is a complete whore who has had miles of cock run through her. There are only two differences between the average western woman and a porn star. A porn star is honest enough to admit her promiscuity and is smart enough to get paid for her promiscuity. Additionally, since the porn star is being paid for her services, she actually puts a significant amount of effort into sexual activity unlike the entitled western woman who expects the man to do everything while she just lays there.

A porn star is going to ensure that they always maintain the best possible appearance since they are fiscally motivated to. An average western woman just expects men to settle for her inadequacies and in many cases praise her for them; i.e., fat is the new beautiful. Anyone who disagrees with this is clearly just scared to admit that they know they can’t measure up to other men sexually and are betas that don’t deserve to breed in the first place.

To be honest the ones that post here are super nice.

This is retarded. You are retarded. Your post is retarded. The thread is retarded.

bot generated posts aren't rea-

"newtrad" is cultural marxism

fuck off cuck


im interested in the blonde if she hasn't been blacked yet

SHe has.

I know because reasons.



Id prefer a porn star, to a slut.

Every woman would be a porn star or a whore if it was socially acceptable and profitable worldwide

Typical canacuck mad over truth. When will you share your wife/gf with some nigger

Alexis Fawx.

Blacked about 5 years ago.

Pornstar or not, all white whores will get the noose or be deported to Somalia.


>Anyone who disagrees with this is clearly just scared to admit that they know they can’t measure up to other men sexually and are betas that don’t deserve to breed in the first place.
I just can't figure out how that possibly relates to the other things you said. This is what doing an arts degree leads to, please take a logic course so you can learn how to properly shill you fucking brainlet

I don't know how to break this to you...

but there's blacked...then there's blacked x2....then there's blacked x3....then there's blacked x3 while a white guy jerks off in the background.

Yo girl Alexis is the last one



all of then are,not a single pornstar is nigger-free
if you find one that has no recent blacked just dig deep enough and you will find it

and you do know why? because they are paid more to have sex with niggers than whites,same for dp.

Oh wait im the brainlet its obviously a bot, just sage

Hot, more

This. The only reasonable option is to marry a former pornstar that's done interracial porn. This way you ensure that she's got all the "slut" days out of her, so for the rest of your days you can be certain you have a loyal wife


>Anyone who disagrees with this is clearly just scared to admit that they know they can’t measure up to other men sexually and are betas that don’t deserve to breed in the first place.

as long as I don't know about her explicit sexual history, I can measure up.
anyways not all women are sluts, really shitty thread.

The problem is that since the sexual revolution happened, men are no longer entitled to marry whoever they want because they have a good job.

Women are more independent, have their own incomes, and no longer need to accept a social contract with some beta-male with a job in order to survive.

Stop being a beta-male and women will want you enough to settle down with you.


So whats the difference between a whore and a woman who has fucked 20 guys?

>wanting to be that guy she settled for
oh sweety, gl with your future romantic endeavors.

like, i see the logic in this

my last gf had countless partners (she said she lost count and wouldn't talk about it anymore)

a pornstar has countless partners, except they're clinical and professional exchanges, they're tested and clean, and she gets paid and can support herself

only downside is that she's professionally trained to fuck? oh, and due to social stigmas she is desperate for love and a faithful husband?

a successful ex-pornstar wife is more redpilled than some roastie whore who will cheat and leave you desu

>a porn star is going ot ensure that they always maintain the best possible appearance since htey are fiscally motivated to
Confimed for either never having watched porn or never having seen a live woman.

these threads xD that focus. dont know whats hornier, porn or these threads

look at that thoth get, he's here.

Stats show the average woman in America has had only 4 sexual partners by age 30. Given how promiscuous minorities throw this number off, it's safe to assume the average for white women is 3 or under.

This is a little inaccurate. A 1/10 woman will happily pair with a 5/10 man. An 8/10 women is unlikely to happily pair with a 7/10 man.

Yeah, things are bad, but not as bad as people think.

Very few white girls have ever fucked a black guy. The ones that do are not a loss.

>Very few white girls have ever fucked a black guy