
What does orange power do?

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Lesbian stuff.


it protects you from clowns, they're afraid of it

Clowns do indeed hate oranges. Though Tangeroons seem to do the job even better

How easy is Yui?

Cure the scorbut

Oranges make me vomit... so.... vomit powers...

Makes toothpaste taste funny.

It's the other way around, actually. Something in toothpaste suppresses your taste buds' ability to sense sweetness, and so oranges, which normally have a bitter undertaste, end up only tasting bitter.

She's a very calm and easy-going girl but can also be very genki (though less than Ritsu).

I miss the keions ;_;

This show was pure trash.


Time to watch Bang Dream.

You can rewatch K-On whenever you want!

Gives lazy dorks the power to make music.

I never tried this.

Yui's cute feet!

what if you ate one of those fruits that suppress everything but sweet after brushing your teeth?

I miss K-On so much

is there a mega link to all the episodes? I wanna watch again

why is yui the only keion that wears leggings? is she ashamed of her thicc thighs?

You can find the mega links on animeout.xyz

it has no meaning to character. the artists make her wear leggings to appeal to otakus who have thigh highs fetish

Hey, cool site.
Haven't needed to download any old series since bakabt went private and my account got pruned but this looks like a great surrogate.

not there anymore. any other sites where i can watch?

Mega batch is still there animeout.xyz/k-on/

Miss K-On?

Watch Bang Dream.

Downloading right now.
It's been on my prospective backlog for a while now.

theres another one thats pretty close too
doesnt have to do with music but its kyoani and the characters look the same and it has the same humor but I forgot the goddamn name fuck

>no tights


Is the movie worth watching?

you tell me

Yeah it's great.

Dumb enough to let you do whatever you want to her

Tamako Market?

It's amazing, beautiful, heartwarming, melancholy, adorable, and so much more.

It boasts a bit of everything with what you love abour the show, even the first 5 minutes has one of the best exchanges between all the keions.

I rewatched S2 the other week.
Should I wait till first snowfall or Christmas to rewatch the movie?

Ichiban Ippai is the best K-On opening, prove me wrong oh right you can't

I would say watch when you feel like watching, user.
But watching k-on in the snow does sound pretty max comfy. Watch the Christmas special too for a plus, kid Yui and Ui in the Christmas ep warms my heart every time.

If you take some time to adjust, you can get used to watching multiple videos at once. With honestly almost not practice, you can watch at least two things at the same time. It's really great for being able to rewatch old favorites while still keeping up with current shows. It even gives each watch or rewatch a bit of a unique feeling, because of the way your attention is shared between shows, the feelings and tone and memories get swirled together a little bit. You can watch similar shows together, or even really different ones for different combinations. Give it a try.

They're not oranges, they're tanjellos

I don't think so mate. That sounds like the same kind of fuckery as people who watch anime at 2x speed

>watching multiple videos at once
I can't even find myself working on stuff in the computer plus watching a show, let alone two videos at once.


If you didn't pick up on the full extent of Yui's savantism, you didn't really watch K-On. She is canonically the smartest and most socially adept member of the cast.

Though, I'm pretty sure playing the guitar that easily or getting a hundred after studying for a test the day before is enough to show that Yui isn't as stupid as she seems.

Just want this out of the way, is it actually realistic that Yui managed to pick up the guitar in just a few weeks with zero experience at all?

Yeah. Never too late to start, man.

Yui is literally a savant. It's extremely rare but not impossible.

not like theyre playin anything hard. You can do it

Isn't playing the guitar easy ?

You're not wrong though

I've never had friends before but I still think this is the pinnacle of animation and that I'd kill thousands of infants to have these people in my life

he was just playing safe

keions ARE my friends

would you join the national socialist german workers' party if it's you waifu who's asking?

All of the characters wear slightly different variations of the uniform.
Like how Ritsu doesn't close her jacket, and how Mio/Azusa wear black socks, but Azusa is wearing a red ribbon.



but i'm already a nazi

I think I can justify whatever ideology if it's presented to me in a waifu shape

>chicken or beef?
beefu prease!

>looking for a nice picture of my waifu Trump

azu catto

someone post that webm

We need to stop right here. This is a K-ON thread. It's about cute girls doing nothing, not about old, orange guys with silly hairstyles doing nothing.


Dare I ask, what webm?

trips of truth. Here is some sweets.


Makes you a fruit samurai who then becomes an alien god

With the prevalence of the past, present and future theme in k-on does anyone else think that the characters of sawako and her firends (norimi, the two that run the live house and the one who's marriage they atend) are intended to be analogous to the girls and perhaps offer a glimpse into their potential futures? with sawachan being similar to mio, norimi to ritsu, the two from the club being yui and azusa and the one who marries being mugi or am i reading too much into it?

you make my kokoro go doki doki


Keion butts.

Jun butt


Jun's new bikini.



do you love Yui as much as I do?

I want to protect this smile.

Whats your favorite htt song? I think mine is my love for stapler.

Fuwa Fuwa Time of course because it's their first and last song they played in the series ;_;

i know

Dont say lazy.because their bare shoulders

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand K-ON. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of music theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Mio’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just cute- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike K-ON truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Yui’s existential catchphrase “Fun things are fun,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Naoko Yamada’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a K-ON tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the lolis’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid