Veteran hate thread

These faggots are the most worthless niggers in the world. They eat up billions of tax dollars with their fucking GI bills and va loans and tricare and then demand respect and gibs for it. They willingly signed up to fight for the ZOG and somehow think that that makes them heroes or some shit.

holy shit a burger resisting the hero worship of zog servants

>being this gay


lol who cares, i enjoyed my free collage and no money down va loan. get fucked shill

Fuck yourself zog serving welfare queen. Go bomb some more hospitals and then run and scream at the sight of fireworks.

i cant hear you from my house, thanks for the free shit, tax payer

You’re not gonna say that when your wife shits out a mulatto, takes the house from you and you kill yourself like the rest of your veteran buddies

Woah dude vets are ZOG servant faggots but go easy on him


gotta speak up still cant hear you from my big jacked up truck, that i bought from a job i got because of my collage degree you paied for, thanks little guy

post 9/11 mgib was the best thing ever.
got my bsee and got a stipend for food, rent, and books.
currently in grad school and loving it; I'm going to sell this house when I'm done and buy another with another va loan.

If I shoot some fireworks off you’ll come running at me yelling some incoherent babble about honor and sacrifice and duty

>thinks all veterans had to shoot guns
>has never heard of yeomen, engineering, or legal

If nothing else I will always respect them more than LEO's

sorry dude gotta get my free health care check up, thanks for paying that too, god bless you little guy

that little guy can only go east, not a hard bone in his tiny body

>mommy got high dicked by sailors and marines
the post


That is getting into "inherited trauma" territory.
If you were never in combat, you aren't a veteran.
So 90% of these niggers are leeches of the worst kind,

Deport yourself


Haha, Don't give a shit about your feelings. I did my time, went to school, got a house and a family. My life is awesome. I'd do it all over again.

Veteran here. I've never claimed to be a hero or ask for military discounts or any shit like a faggot but I signed a contract with the government detailing the work I would be doing for them and the gibs they would be providing in return.

It's no different than any other government contractor. Both are funded by taxpayer dollars. Both are entered into willingly by both parties. If society wants to curtail the gibs that is also fine. We can survive as a smaller military. Just don't get butthurt at the people who weighed the benefits and costs of military service and decided to serve. The benefits aren't a secret to anyone.

People in California always get triggered when I ask that XD

t. welfare nigger who puts up a sign on 4th of july telling normal people to use quiet fireworks cause muh flashbacks

You seem upset, what’s wrong user?

Army fag AMA

I paid for his shit so he could serve Israel.

thanks buddy, i bought that sign with a discount and got a huge yard to put it in

What is your MOS? How long have you been in?

How tight was OPs boipucci last night?

68W medic fag I know.
It was a shitty follow-up entre after I fucked his mom

How does it feel killing for the nose?

I wouldn’t know they won’t send my bitch ass to Afghanistan or Iraq

I unironically agree with this entire statement. Most of them were shitheads when they went in, and they're still shitheads when they get out. Fuck the military.

My friend got sent to boot camp last month, how different will he be when he comes back?

>implying there is anything wrong with killing sandniggers

achmed please go.

Just paid cash for a C7 Z06. Thanks tax payers!

I earned it, trust me. Military towns are the worst locations ever. You all wouldn't exist without a gov't subsidy and I guess I'm the lucky one who gets to pass out the money. I order most of my shit online, just to withhold the "aid".

sounds like it was a good one, too.

Another (((worthless nigger)))
at least the last one puts themeselves in line of fire. wait or are theyu just all trying to get us to get into a war with each other, the PEOPLE are the country not these fucking niggers
>more worthless niggers instead

i know that feeling

He’ll kill you 12 times before you hit the ground

I know my country hasn't been in any wars to speak of, but if it was I know would never dare to speak like that about the people who fought for it, regardless of whether I agreed with the reason for the war. You should be ashamed of yourself.

He gets away with it because we all know he won't do shit to stop it. We get the gov't we deserve, and if nobody is going to say "no", then the show will continue to go on.

Bitching without action is easy but pointless.

>serve in military
>see no combat
>veteran status
veteran of what exactly?
It's not that I hate all vets, there are plenty I see that deserve it, but vet status and hero worship because your 9-5 job equivalent is in the military is dumb.

You should probably consider suicide.

Don't worship me, I dont want it. Just keep paying my salary and tell your elected leaders to fuck off with the pointless military spending. He'll, if you can get my job axed I'd be all for it. You think we like wasting resources? I pay taxes myself, probably more than most of you.

Veteranfag here.

Currently getting the GI bill.

Stay mad faggot.

(PS thanks for the taxpayer dollars)

I only vote for neocons because they get the troops killed. I want war against Russia just because it means more of these faggots getting blown up.

Good for you man

I used my GI Bill too

>>implying there is anything wrong with killing sandniggers
Yeah, there is. Fucking JIDF scumbag.

Used some of my gi bill and used the va home loan, I own my own house now, thanks taxpayers.

>join the navy at 20
>get paid to do maintenance on construction equipment
>get paid to live out in town
>get free college courses while in too
>punch out my time after 6 years
>get 20% disability for a back injury on my way out
>get free college afterwards
>with a housing allowance
>get master's degree
>get re-assessed for my back 4 years later
>get bumped up to 50% disability
>get back paid all that extra cash too
>spend 90% of my current job browsing Sup Forums
>smile when some fucktard was too stupid to join up in the prime of his life and get residuals the rest of his life so he bitches about online

Life is good.

how many times can you use the loan?

>They willingly signed up to fight
American here
Seeing lots of military related threads today, strange
Anyway "fight" is the wrong word
You mean sit on base like a fucking NEET

>legs blown off from mine fighting for Israel in the middle east
>nightly trips to hell via PTSD
>relationships with family and friends ruined
>comes back home to the United States
>gets a dollar off tacos at Taco Teds' on Military Mondays

Honestly a pretty good deal desu

Lol I get to shoot guns, blow shit up, workout 4 hours a day, jump out of airplanes, go scuba diving, get trashed at local bars with my best friends, fuck stupid sluts and your tax dollars are paying for it all

>Join military
>Do 4 years
>See no combat
>Get out

Tell me why I should care about anyone who wasn't on the front lines getting shot at, those people are real veterans.

It's unlimited, but one at a time

This. Most veterans just got high on K2 and spice, got wasted at bars, and were generally degenerate. Then they act all high and mighty like they stormed the shores of normandy. Getting blackout drunk with the lads was protecting American's freedoms apparently.

Yeah this is pretty much my reaction too. Especially being a non-combat related MOS. I hate explaining to people I work with that I’m in the reserves and then I get the hole “thank you for service” and have to do the awkward “t-thanks bro.” And yeah, if they discontinued my MOS and relieved me of my service I would be so happy. And the fact people think military don’t pay taxes (unless they’re overseas, duh) is hilarious. I didn’t even pay taxes to the US as a civilian working overseas

I was, but ask me if I care about civilians and some Mexican wizard's opinion.

Just think of all the money you could have spent Jerome and Ahmed. How will the free market ever recover. remember our values

thats an on base store you stupid commie nigger.

It was well worth you killing your being :)

>i enjoyed my free collage

why do white niggers shill under a confederacy? you are literally retarded. go away.

Now if they'd just remove the G from my w2

fuck off boghead. your opinion doesnt matter.

Muh slavery

For people like you my friend :)

You're an enormous faggot but I did have a breakroom conversation with a co-worker today who essentially got $170k to go to a 4-year $30k a year school, so it's a little much

So are you against the military or what? How do you propose paying our soldiers for wrecking their bodies for the government?
Answer without mentioning muh israel

You could yank the benefits afterwards

You're the faggot that has been making the posts about joining the military lately. Sounds like you got rejected. Hahahaha! fucking loser!

what'd he do with the other 50k? All college supplies?

Pell grants and the like, he gets to keep it.

Then what incentive would people have to serve?
We have a volunteer military

Taxable or not?

There shouldn't be any incentives other than a wage.

>individual investment that can have lifelong repercussions is compensated.

holy shit call CNN

ITT: Butthurt faggots who think sitting on a base in Hawaii and repairing trucks for a living deserves a lifetime of hero-worship

VA disability is just workman's comp. retard.

And the GI bill? or the preference for military in govt jobs?

I mean preference for military in govt jobs is typical.

And you have no problem with that

Cocksuckers haven't actually won a war since 1918. I only like veterans that actually won something.

Get back to me when there's a real war, not installing ZOG puppet gov'ts around the world.

Vet here, I just signed up for a two year stint to serve in Israels Mahal military unit. Gotta protect Gods chosen people. I may actually convert while I'm over there.

>an on base store
the military industrial complex has maximized

So many "veterans" never did shit. We really need a distinction between an actual combat veteran and some random who happens to be in the military.

So tell us OP, how long have you wanted to kill your father, the veteran?

Bruh, you seem really upset. Like the kind of upset you only see in people who were molested by a parent. What the hell is going on man? Did your daddy fuck you? God forbid..did you fucking love it? Talk it out brother what happened to you?

>Join the Marines in 2007
>Want nothing more than to be a Recon Marine
>0300, you made it
>BRC is full, off to 3/5 you go!
>Surrounded by idiots
>Senior lance's and Corporals haven't even been to combat
>See long haired, chad as fuck dude running with a vietnam era Alice pack by the barracks
>ask who he is
>get told he's a sniper, but not to bother I'll never make it
>go to sniper indoc
>make it
>go on a meu
>go to sniper school
>get sent to afghanistan
>it's vietfuckingnam
>airstrikes all day
>hueys and cobras overhead all day every day
>gunfights every other day
>ROEs deteriorate
>kill every MAM I see that I can get away with for 3 months
>district is running out of MAMs
>play hopscotch over and around IEDs
>come home
>breeze through community college
>get into UCSB
>zero college debt
>looking at 0 down VA loan home right now in orange county

I had fun, thank you America for paying me to kill people and attend college debt free. It's been fucking grand.

But that's retarded.
Who would sign up for that?

I know someone who is doing literally this. My sides..

I always laugh when I hear someone say we have "The most powerful military in history". I think it's funny that the "most powerful, wonderful, spectacular, advanced, super duper" military that's ever been on earth has a *very well* established track record of losing to farmers with surplus Russian hardware.

Yeah, that tends to happen when you have enough ordinance to destroy the world a thousand times over but allow civilians to say you cant use it because of "ethics"

define losing

Not winning