17 days to go to disappointment.
Seriously though, what do Raildexfags think of Mami Kawada and her music?
17 days to go to disappointment.
Seriously though, what do Raildexfags think of Mami Kawada and her music?
>He still doesn't BELIEVE
We believe, but we also need to be realistic to some extent so that the pain of 2014 doesn't happen again.
> Mami Kawada
Her Square the Circle album was pretty nice, the first song sounds like some techno shit that would be in an Index OP.
Nice taste there. SAVIA was her best album, though.
Also, what's with the hate for Parablepsia? It's not her best album, but it's weird that people on Sup Forums seem to hate it, even comparing it to dubstep.
All will be well.
I have to ask you - is See visionS the canonical best Mami work for index?
Tied with No Buts. See visionS is a better song objectively but No Buts is more iconic and catchier.
All in or nothing user.
I have Savia and I'm not to keen on it yet, it'll probably take me a couple replays to enjoy it like the others. Gonna have to download Parablepsia soon since it's the only tape of hers I haven't got so far.
Her best tapes are honestly Linkage & Square the Circle though. Favorite song by her is probably a tie between Serment and Psi Missing.
>We believe
Very fitting for this fanbase to constantly have your delusions destroyed then.
Eagle Eyes from her final album is her best song and sounds like a hypothetical Index III OP
So who's singing the OP for Season 3? Hopefully Maon Kurosaki, Vanishing Point is honestly one of her greatest songs.
And very fitting for it to end in less than 3 weeks so you can't shitpost anymore.
It's Eager Eyes, and nah it's not that good.
Autocorrect. And yeah it's her best song.
Should I get that Biri protectors bundle?
Maon Kurosaki is most likely. She's prominent and is already confirmed for Dengeki Live.
Fall Fest is saved
Even more fitting for our delusions to become reality.
>daily quests
>jewgle translate
>"Concerned about a topic"
>"Conduct a crime prevention crime"
What this shit even means?
This is like the 5th time I've asked this, but what happened to the library boss rush from last beta?
post them moonrunes
nobody knows user
How much of a stunted degenerate do you have to be to still read this shit? Grow up already.
But there was so much XP to be had. Like 1500 per floor. I MUST HAVE XP
How much of a stunted degenerate do you have to be to shitpost and visit Sup Forums? Fuck off already.
but you get more for doing world events
I think Touma can solo Fateverse. He just needs to punch Nasu and Takeuchi to shatter their illusions.
All world events give 1100, and if you don't have 10 strength, only 110. Although they still give shitloads of gekota and XP food.
It's always that one samefag derailing the threads kek
Cry harder babby. Keep wishing for that nonexistent 3rd season
>All world events give 1100
that's wrong, it depends on the level of the event and your level
Don't worry you'll get fucked in less than 3 weeks.
I did world events in the level 30 zone as a level 30 and got 1100 xp on three different occasions.
So is Kanzaki on the science side or magic side?
Obviously the science side duh she's a saint that uses magic and can't even operate a washing machine.
except I've been getting way more than that, the only thing that could be it is that you get reduced exp after a certain amount
I've never gotten more than 1100. Without 10 strength I get 110 and nothing else.
I wish
Stop what? before the great retard who berates people who think it's that one guy when it clearly is? Oh the horror.
There was a post about Aleister being very similar to Kumagawa, but I haven't read Medaka Box yet so I don't know anything about it. Can anyone who has read it tell me how similar they are?
They're only similar in that they both are antagonists essentially cursed to forever fail no matter what they do or try and are both trying to defy that in some way. Their motivations and methods are completely different though, and Kumagawa is legitimately mentally deranged in multiple ways while Aleister is just a degenerate.
>Stop what? before the great retard who berates people who think it's that one guy when it clearly is? Oh the horror.
What did he mean by this?
Oh man can't wait for SAO 3 because that's what Miki was really talking about.
Sex with Misaka!
Doesn't he also has something like ST? The one that puts you in his level, Bookmaker.
I just finished watching Index S1. Hyoka best girl.
Oh yeah, that too. I keep forgetting about Kumagawa's other skills bar All Fiction.
How is his method different from Aleister?
I feel Shiagecuck's death might move the story forward. Isn't he the least popular protag even among Japs?
>Miki says it while revealing Toaru Game
>Already was at an SAO Stage earlier
>Same thing again
In what way would him dying move the story forward?
You don't know what moving the story forward means do you
>trying this hard
You will not win. For every event where S3 is not announced, there will be a million more.
Item reacts by actually doing something for the 1st time in a decade, Aleister rejoices, Touma tries to avenge him, Rikou reaches Level 5. The possibilities are endless. His character is a stagnant meme at this point.
I gotta get this for komoe sensei and i apparently had it before but probably used it for something. Anyone know where the shop is to get this thing again?
As someone else put it some threads ago, Aleister fails his way to success while Kumagawa succeeds his way to failure., that's probably the best way to put it. Instead of multiple interchangeable keikakus to deal with every possible failure situation, he mostly just used psychological attacks and underhanded strategies to win so flawlessly that whenever his eventual unescapable failure came, it'd be a loss for everyone else too.
I see, thanks.
Meme or not, I'd take Hamazura over characters who eat up pages every volume with barely anything to show for it. Item "doing something" amounts to Mugino and Rikou going nuts and getting themselves killed with Saiai being left alone.
He's actually one of he few characters looking towards the future so I'd rather not he be abruptly killed off in the middle of his efforts.
>18 days til Indexcucks BTFO again
Denialfags being more aggressive because they know this is their last chance.
>tfw clones are not even 1/10 as good as the original
How did they manage to fuck up this bad?
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual-On merchandise for Tokyo Game Show 2017!
Absolute shit taste. Never post again.
I'm a bit sad, if Index gets announced this fall (my current guess is about 80% chance) I'll have to retire this image. Can we compromise and have Blood Sign announced first to hype up a full Kamachi adaptation fest that also announces Index S3 immediately after?
I'm afraid of the possibilities, S3 gets confirmed, the thread gets stickied, after that they start flooding our threads and spamming dumb shit, we're never getting a break again.
Citation needed. Do you seriously think Index 3 will happen soon when SAO is Dengeki's biggest moneymaker? Index only appeals to a shrinking minority of otaku
There has been citations. A billion over SAO's. You need a citation for your dumb statement.
Yep, they going to promote in big area there
I'm more than willing to take that sacrifice for sword surfing.
Honestly, I want both. BS doesn't have much left to go so give me at least one season covering up to Vol 7. Give me a Kawahara style announcement of BS & Index III.
Once Virtual-On comes out and we make a long term presence in /m/, we can use that as our comfy shitpost-free thread.
The eternal question:
Who would win in a fight?
Raildex thread
>implying you can get rid of one guy
Miki since he gets more money out of this.
dumb sataniaposter
A single two-cour would probably work best covering through vol 5. That would have it end with a good lead-in to a second season/new readers picking up the novels.
Kawada is average even for a jpop singer but at least she got somewhat lucky with the instrumentals.
Absolute wrong post. Never post again.
Oh right. Vol 5 is the only good stopping point in that series. Hype ending though so works for me.
Miki is making hard money with Asuna's nipple and NotOreimo.
And how are we? We have the meme magick.
>only 6 character slots left or virtual-on
>that nervous feeling that they're only going to include absolutely boring choices like saten, uiharu, kanzaki, stiyl, etc.
>worrying about character slots when you also have a game that has no limits on who could be playable
Who are you quoting?
EMS isn't really making bank like Oreimo. Now he'll have Index to make even more money.
Eromanga sells less than Index though
>Aleister rejoices
Gee, I wonder if there's a demon actively trying to screw him right now. Almost like she'd try to use him to fuck over things.
>a certain singer
>miki walks onto stage
>the crowd goes silent
>he starts talking about how kamachi is a wonderfull writter and how he has written numerous novels etc
>starts saying something about how everyone was waiting for this one thing that hes about to announce
>he starts going into magic and stuff like that
>announces blood sign
>the audience is shocked, enraged, furious even
>then he also drops the second sign down from the stage's ceiling
Hamazura is pretty much the only real normal protag out of the three in which his behavior and status of being in that sort of city seems realistic.
She uses auto-tune too much
Mami Kawada is overrated as fuck.
She didn't even make the best Shana song.