Is the U.S. military as much of a joke as it seems?

I have been thinking about joining the military but from what I have seen and heard from my friends in it, the U.S. military is a fucking joke. Is this true? They tell me false accusations of sexual assault are rampant, that the ncos have to baby the shit out of the regular soldiers now and the officers are retarded.

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whats the joke.. Ill play? Sexual assault rampant.. false. Officers are not retarded. Enlisted do have a post highschool mentality, but go work anywhere else and youll run into the same shit, just a different version.

The joke is that many people in the army are fat. That's undeniable, I live near a major base, see them all the time, 4 in 10 I see I know I can outrun and out lift. I said FALSE accusations of sexual assault are rampant. I have heard the same critique of officers from 4 different friends, one is a ranger, 2 are infantry, one is a 35m

So are you like ultra fit in like beast mode? Its true there is a range of people here. Id say thicc, but not obese. Why is that a problem for you? Free gym for everyone, and if they dont meet physical standards after a certain time they are kicked out.

maybe go marine if you want to challenge yourself

If you don't want it to be a joke join SF or the Rangers or something.

Since you're so elite, it will be easy for you to get promoted over everyone else. I say join up and reap the benefits of easily surpassing your "peers."

The joke is that many people in the army are fat. That's undeniable, I live near a major base, see them all the time, 4 in 10 I see I know I can outrun and out lift. I said FALSE accusations of sexual assault are rampant. I have heard the same critique of officers from 4 different friends, one is a ranger, 2 are infantry, one is a 35m

The army, navy and af are kiked beyond belief. Join the marines or coast guard if you are gonna join. They’re still kiked but they’re not as kiked as the other 3

Just join the FFL.

Ok so back to the sexy assault accusations. Just mind yourself, and there's no issue? How hard is it not to sexy assault someone? Now should you walk around worrying if someone is going to falsy accuse you of it? nope.

Not claiming to be elite, if the standard for elite is not being fat and fucking stupid, we are FUCKED.

coast guard wtf? lmao

You can't control whether you are falsely accused or not fucktard.

That is the whole joke for you? There are fat people there? You are fucking pathetic. If you are fit and shit then it should not bother you as you will perform at above minimum standards. The reality is you are just a sniveling little bitch who wants to pretend that they will ever get out of zer parents basement, cut your rainbow hair and go outside. As for living near a major base and having friends no one believes either one of those things.
You are just a LARPer. sage

Coast guard is based as fuck. They have an actual clearly defined mission, eat the least tax dollars and honestly are the only branch that actually serves Americans and not Jews.

Coming from someone who is currently serving I would advise maybe search for a better alternative because it is very true what you listed above. And over the years the military as a whole has just become a shit show. That in mind it does have its pros and cons. Just do some more research before you commit.

You still think you're better than everyone you have observed. That translates to faster promotions over the fatties and those that simply don't apply themselves. Based on your own observations, you would excel.

Dude thats why there is a military discipline structure in place. You do notice that there is enlisted, and officer, and they all have rank ya? Of course people are gonna fuck up and do stupid shit. It happens everywhere in all walks of life.

>Not wanting to be embarrassed by those i'm around.
>being as asshurt as you are about weight
You are probably one of the fatfucks I see at gas stations around here, rosy fat cheeks, little buzzcut fat rolls on your neck, disrespecting the uniform of your nation with your inability to control your impulse to eat.

>he thinks you get promoted based off of merit

Hahahahhahahhahah. No. NCOs are all lazy faggots. You notice that all the smart people get out after 1 enlistment and go to college or something after. Only the degenerate losers who can’t do anything else in life become NCOs

Women don't even know the Coast Guard exists. If you're a badass you'll spend your time raiding Paco's homemade submarines trying to smuggle drugs or jumping out of helicopters into freezing water to rescue people.

>navy is kiked
>join the marines
Uhhh, marines is a branch of the navy, genius.

Sounds like you have some paranoia. Maybe you shouldn't join after all.

let's look at fat boy here
special forces combat patch
airborne, air assault, combat infantry badge, and military police
it looks like a texas national guard patch but above that i see he has a special forces tab, probably ranger tab and airborne tab
he has been through some shit
probably got hurt and couldn't do sf shit so he left army and went to ng

The army has its ups and downs just like any other job.
>Pro: free college
>Mwr trips
>Free gym
>Cons: waking up early for pt
>Might get accused of sexual harassment if you fuck with the wrong bitch
>Training excercise last 3-4 weeks and you don’t get to shower
Just don’t pick a shitty MOS and you hate life.

yah he larpin

My friend who is 11b told me this story as follows. >be him, perma specialist, never before in trouble for anything
>get flirted with by barracks whore
>deny her advances
>few days later get called in
>Specialist we are investigating you for sexual harassment of barracks whore
>he spends weeks stressed as fuck, unable to perform his regular duties
>gets cleared in the end
>still looked on as a sexual predator by everyone else.
yeah, i'm paranoid without reason I guess.

Marines barely deploy and do training excercises less do to less funding. Less training=shiitier soldiers

Already have a college degree, had a full ride so don't need the free college. What's a good MOS that won't fucking blow?

That is just it dude, you are a leftist.
You are caught up in what people think about you.
Let's face it dude. You had zero plans on joining anything that required you to exercise and now you are on a Canadian calligraphy board bitching about how there are fat people.
No one believes you. No one believes you live near a base, want to join or have friends that have.
If I am wrong prove it.

how can you larp as someone when you are claiming you are wanting to join something? How are you this stupid, if you are in the military, you're proving my point.

Oh shut the fuck up you fucking faggot. I hate posting in military threads because of this exact reason.
>hurr durr I won’t join because I don’t want to fight for the zog!!11!!
People don’t join because
1. They’re too stupid (asvab test)
2. Too fat or skinny
3. They’d simply rather be a civilian and hate the shitty pay
Enough of this “serving the Jews” shit man it gets me really triggered

>my friend
It is always someone else doing shit with you faggots. ALWAYS. You never are able to provide first had experence in any way and never, ever offer evidence. You are a lying nigger. Honestly you shoud kill your children.

You are supremely retarded. If you are in the military, God help us if you are anything but 11b

It depends you want to do enlisted or officer? You can be an officer already if you have a batchelers degree

ya gotta scope out chicks first dude, observe from afar. It would work the same in the real world. Ya mess with a dumb chick, and ya gonna have trouble. Look for quality. That being said, you dont go for chicks in your command. Its asking for problems.

>can't into English

You are being trained to murder people and you are worried about looking like a sexual harraser? What's the matter with you?

Yes because I am not in the military, how can I provide first hand experience about the military when I am not in it you fucking down syndrome tier faggot?

Meh. I had a job that I loved and always in very small units, so little to no bullshit with a lot of job satisfaction. Retired, played around with a few civilian jobs that I always thought would be fun. Disappointed by all of them, so now I just don't bother working.

I guess we can't all be one and done smart guys.

What was your MOS?

Shit dude if you have a degree just get a cushy job as an officer in communications or intel. Retire in 20 years get a nice retirement check each month, apply for another government job doing the same thing and retire again after that and you'll be set.

We're not in an actual war right now, that might have something to do with it.

Idk you tell me.

2A573. nigger.

Can confirm. My buddy fucked a bitch in our platoon and eventually broke it off with her because he found out she was fucking dudes on the side. We were in the middle of rotation to Germany when she accused him of sexual harassment. She got to go home 2 months early while rest of us spent the time cleaning vehicles and packing our shit.

you mean literally do the same exact job that every other branch of the military does except with less benefits and more general fuckery? trust me, joining the marines was a mistake and you would do well to avoid it like the plague

FAO Foreign Area Officer

The Army will even put you through a Masters program while you're AD, so you're getting paid to be a college bum again. I met a couple of those guys while I was at Ohio University. They loved the job and all of the perks.

For me, I wished I had stayed in.. Everywhere you go its the same BS, so at least in the military, you have a destined gameplan and easymode structure. 20 years, and you win.

not.. in.. war? Do you the news ever?

The marines are literally shit-tier. They do the same exact thing as the army, with less funding, and more general fuckery. Joining the marines is a horrible idea for anyone with common sense

Nah bro fuck that I’m getting out in 2 years. I joined right out of highschool and I want to experience the college life you feel me?

your friends are a bunch of losers if you don't join the Army you'll be a loser the rest of your life. When I was 21 I didn't have a choice 9/11 happened

I was AF. AFSC 1A8. Used to be an airborne version of Army 98G, but they changed that at some point.

So you analyze the flaws in radars in the airforce I can't imagine being a bigger faggot tier job.

it all depends on your rate. Currently in the navy and its the best choice ive ever made. Yea the standards arent what they used to but just because you can get away with doing less doesnt mean you have to. If you hold yourself to higher standards you will be recognized for it. The only way to stop the military from pandering to kikes and pushing anti racist and sexual assault bullshit down everyones throat is to join and climb the ranks. You can only change it from the inside

You have zero intention of ever joining. There are thousands of places you could have came for better answers and you know that but instead you came here and bitched about fat people and how the women may trick you with their vagina magic or some nigger level shit like that. You claimed to live near a major base. Which one? You claim you have friends in the Army but provide no proof.
You are simply a LARP for the (((you)))s you thirsty bitch.

Officer detected. I'm in and can confirm what the OP stated is for the most part a reality.

le fat boy infantry confirmed

Im just sayin that bc, he seems like he wants to be beaten physcially. Its mostly personal perspective, but I do agree that the Marines are kinda shitty. Youll hear that from all branches though.

Ft. Hood faggot

If you say so then it must be true.

do what ya like gl to ya


why are you so god damn butthurt?

Are all army men such snowflakes? Pretty embarrassing tbqhfam

Lol at the end of the day even admirals in the navy will do what their kike congressman says to do, if he says trannies must be officers now, you will have a damn tranny officer and you know it

You know a lot of ground pounders for being so close to a base that specializes in armor. Nigger

Marines are the best branch, prove me wrong

There are no Rangers at Ft. Hood tho

tl;dr im retarded and i think all service members are zog soldiers

Because he is likely a fat fuck like I am talking about in my OP. I see these fucking queers all the time, you'll have your occasional chad tier soldier, clean cut, good shape, respectable. Then you'll have these miserable looking faggots whose love handles you can see through their baggy uniforms

Ok, so compare it to the real world, and then can you still complain? This dude seems like he wants the base requirements for all military to be like seal team shit. I'm just not seeing the point of all this now lol.

True but then become a congressman. I plan on finishing my 20 in the navy, retire when im 40 and run for office, probably local first. Im not gonna change the world sitting on my ass. Pol doesnt get this, everyone just wants to sit around and wait for someone to fix the shithole we are in.

Unless you make it into an elite special forces unit it's a total fucking joke.

My friends are stationed elsewhere fucktard. One 11b is in Germany, the other is at Ft. Bliss near El, Paso.

Being in a Ranger Battalion and having a Ranger tab are two separate animals. The tab just means you passed the course. That's not even close to being fully qualified in the battalion.

So by your logic where you are from is where you get statiioned? You're fucking retarded, they are stationed all over the world (my friends) one 11b in germany, one at bliss, ranger was at bliss, not anymore.

Ok, so where do you see yourself if you dont join? Have any prospects? They cant be that good if your considering.

>Just join the FFL.
take note anons
this is what archaic boomer advice looks like

Proof: you're not in the marines, you have no idea

Ask these guys:
Oh! You can't. They're dead.

Military man here. Can confirm.

>Niggers join for gibs, like to cause problems with higher ups, lazy, get mechanics to do their job because "muh racism"
>Womyn join for gibs, fuck every guy who does steroids, cheat on their hubbies and constantly getting preggo
>Only dumb asians join army, smart asians go chair force
>not too many spics i have seen
>Old white guys from afghan war are pretty cool guys, drink and have a good time with em. only good thing about military
>most newly trained officers are diversity hires, with no basic training requirements

No I want the base requirements to be more than fat but wants to serve so we can lie and say he put on 35 lbs in the time between him being in the recruiters office and MEPS.

Ive been out of the Army for about 4 years now. I can confirm that it was getting gayer and gayer as I was getting ready to get out. All the guys I keep in contact with that are still in say its absolute trash now.

Marines not sides.
Google US Marines dress sword.

Literally everything your friend said is true except for one part.

NCOs are retarded for the most part as well and it ends up being a Specialist that gets everyone together and gets the job done.

Hence why I told him there are no Rangers at Ft. Hood. You're explaining something to me that I know from firsthand experience.

Very few Rangers get stationed elsewhere that weren't also RFS'd, so yes. 95% of Rangers who leave Regiment end up at RTB, an SF Group, Delta, or some LNO position.

All Officers except prior enlisted are worthless college boys that have no idea how to perform under pressure.

Join the Coast Guard.

t. hon. dc'd Army veteran

this is the worst advice I've ever seen

I have a bachelors in chemistry and want to eventually go into material science, but the best school near here for it is very hard to get into and I can do nothing with my undergrad, had full ride so no debt. Sort of in purgatory

It's a big money wasting machine.

China does more with 5 billions than the USA does with 100.

Combat arms or don't even bother. Those are getting pretty fuckin' cucked as well but that's gonna take a lot longer than (((they))) think it will.

I can say the Army has gone to shit, I live right next to a base and we would be fucked if we got attacked. It's all women, white and black soys and asians and latino manlettes. there are a few guys who actually look capable but they are few and far between. Army used to kick locals asses at bars and shit back in the day but now they get their asses beat by locals all the time and their wives and shit cheat on them with locals. It's fucking bizarre because it wasn't this way 10 years ago. The air force doesn't seem to have changed much, still nerds who were too smart to join the other branches. No idea about Marines and navy but a lot of Marines I know are manlettes for some reason but carry themselves much better than the army.

that was top fucking kek pizza bro, thank you


Kek thats false as hell. The normal Chinaman doesnt even get body armor and half their tanks are unusable because their soldiers cant fit in them. As well as shit rationing and 90% of their training consisting of communist propoganda

Also China lost every war in which they were attacked.

I think Obama's admin fucking annihilated a lot of the standards. One of my friends, the spc from the false accusation story joined in 2011, he liked it a lot the first year and it has gone to holy hell in his opinion since.