They are a perfect combination long term planning and short term addictions. Their goal is to conquer everything because that is what the Talmud and Torah tell them to do. They succeed, because they're addicted to power, fortune, and fame. All other races die out because they're either not addicted to their goals, and don't work like maniacs, or they don't have world conquering philosophy passed down to them generation after generation.
The Jews will win
Other urls found in this thread:
359 times and counting they have "won"
>359 times and counting they have "won"
Yeah, those were just psy ops designed to let the goyim think they won.
always remember that it's ok to hate and discrimate a jew at every opportunity
they're only a bit smarter than your average shitskin sandnigger because of high european admixture.
They run this country and the world. They have won. You're a fool if you don't realize it. You can't fight it if you can't see it
Chinese their nature just like Jews.Trust me
They're fighting each other.We can't know who'll gonna win
It's sorta depressing. The more I've studied the Jewish worldview, the more I've discovered that the central theme is to "outlive" everyone else.
But what the fuck do they live FOR? They're ugly people, they have raunchy humor, their art is disgusting, their music is pretentious, their men are very often effeminate schulbs, and their women are very often butch and bossy.
Their life philosophy is dry and meaningless.
The Last man liveth longest?
359 times and counting that white people have made the same exact mistake.
If this were an experiment, it would be a failure. White people have failed to protect themselves 359 times in history from the same exact threat.
How stupid does that make them look?
How haven't they learned yet?
How can history keep repeating like this?
Stop playing the same game over and over again, it's getting boring.
>always remember that it's ok to hate and discrimate a jew at every opportunity
But why? That only exacerbates the problem.
>they're only a bit smarter than your average shitskin sandnigger because of high european admixture.
If you're repeatedly persecuted, then only the smart and really driven individuals survive. The Jews are smart because they've had to survive in a wide variety of environments, and not only because they mix with Europeans.
If China win over everything still same shit, but better for Orient Asian,I guess
i love her hips and tits...i'd have her babies
>Chinese their nature just like Jews
No. The Chinese don't have a unifying philosophy that proposes that they're the God's chosen. Being told that you're the God's chosen is an immense confidence booster and a motivator. The Chinese don't have that.
>We can't know who'll gonna win
All asian cultures are decaying cultures. The good ones died out long ago and the ones who are left are politician material. That is why most Asian countries, with the exception of the Japanese, have stagnated culturally. Japan survived only because it was landlocked away from mainland Asia.
The internet changes the equation OP. You haven't considered the consequences of a world where everyone knows and where records of your misdeeds can be locked into the knowledge of mankind forever.
What's your next move? Can't burn this library down.
The jews are dependent on a system that will eventually crash and burn. All it will take is a vast number of us to turn away from the system.
>The more I've studied the Jewish worldview, the more I've discovered that the central theme is to "outlive" everyone else.
Yes, and that is why they'll win. Because other races don't preach the same.
>But what the fuck do they live FOR?
To dominate the world.
>Their life philosophy is dry and meaningless.
Or perhaps its our philosophy that is hollow and useless.
>defeatist cuck
Yeah, they are winning at the moment but the amount of people that are "waking up" is insane, I used to feel helpless and tried spreading redpills each day, I've stopped but a ton of more people are spreading redpills now, and this is just in a short time span of 10 years.
More and more people are on to them. Their hubris will be their downfall. I've noticed that when I bring up jews, even with far leftists, they never defend them anymore, even my most bluepilled friends openly yell "fucking jew" and "death to the jews", albeit ironically, but the fact that they say it all means that opinions are shifting
>If China win over everything
China can never win over everything. They need to control the oil trade to win over everything, and they'll never control the oil trade.
>You haven't considered the consequences of a world where everyone knows and where records of your misdeeds can be locked into the knowledge of mankind forever.
Whose everyone? Us outcasts on Sup Forums? You're kidding, right?
>Can't burn this library down.
But they have the keys to the library and no one can enter.
>Yeah, they are winning at the moment but the amount of people that are "waking up" is insane
Like a 100 newfags on Sup Forums every month.
Jews can't exist without someone to exploit
The Zionist grip on the world grows weaker by the day.
The fire still burns.
I hope they do win, the human race deserves it for allowing it
Each day sympathy for jews dwindles in the minds of both people on the right and the left.
>ban discord servers
>just start a new server
How is this anything other than a waste of their time, money, and effort? Winning is making companies have to go out of their way to hurt themselves. People seem to never learn you can't ban trolls who'll just create new accounts in 5 minutes.
Well, they own all the Christians
thanks for info bro
Now I have new vision
>Jews will win
Only if you play a Jew game on Jew territory.
Who ever said we are to outJew the Jews in order to Win?
>Oh no! Jews won over us in becoming the soulless bunch of swarm maggots, that practice every conceivable sin on this Earth. How will we ever recover?
Jews breed like pandas they will be extinct before any of us and they know it.
We Indians have already won.
Get fucked.
No, Jews are smart because their culture is gold digging culture. You don't have to be strong, brave or capable to breed as a jew. Just have to be educated and have money. They aren't like successful whites who choose to forfeit kids for a pathetic life of Hedonism and self pleasure, they always put their people first. The only niggers, whites, spics etc that have kids are the poorest and least educated ones for the most part. I don't see how Jews can lose, they are the only people with any self respect or value on tradition. Sure they push degeneracy on the goys but it's like they have to force you to embrace it, goys love wallowing in their own filth like the pigs they are.
>Jews breed like pandas
>Jews breed like rabbits.
Having children and family is a cornerstone of Jewish life.
>We Indians have already won.
Won what? Being number 1 servants?
You're just as delusional as whitey
feather or poo?
they rule one failing shithole empire that is far past its prime and is beginning the collapse phase.
they didn't rule akkad, they didn't rule egypt, they didn't rule greece, they didn't rule rome, they didn't rule britannia, they didn't rule germany, they didn't rule russia
china is on the rise and will overtake the absolute shithole kike state, and the kikes short stint of being the hand behind an empire will will become a tiny note in the history books as another failure -- but not just any failure, a failure that actually made humanity significantly more repulsive.
>No, Jews are smart because their culture is gold digging culture.
They evolved from a people who wanted to atone for their sins in Solomon's temple to a people who wanted to con everyone. It didn't happen overnight, nor did it happen by accident. It happened because they were persecuted repeatedly.
>You don't have to be strong, brave or capable to breed as a jew. Just have to be educated and have money.
And why is being educated with money not better than strong, brave or capable?
> I don't see how Jews can lose, they are the only people with any self respect or value on tradition.
>Sure they push degeneracy on the goys
Jews don't push degeneracy on the goys. As a race, Jews are the wife and Goys are supposed to be the husband. Wives are supposed to make short term and emotional decisions. They seek pleasure and abhor pain. Goys are supposed to be the long term planners and they're supposed to provide a good counter-balance to Jewish philosophies. That is why Germany prospered from a disconnected bunch of kingdoms into a potential superpower that was ready for war in WW1. It is because the Germanic people were the husbands to the Jewish wife. Things were in balance. We think Jews push degeneracy on the goys, because goys are no longer strong husbands/men. They've grown weak and lost their way.
>Jews are the wife and Goys are supposed to be the husband.
hahahahaha this what goys actually think, why the fuck would we be subservient to you when are better than you?
>long term planning
>359 times and counting they have "won"
>proceeds to post a png of some blurry lines
The lines are blurry because you're dyslexic I guess
>why the fuck would we be subservient to you when are better than you?
No that's where you got it wrong. Wives are not meant to be subservient. That is why I said Goys balance the Jews. In Goy culture, wives are supposed to be subservient since everything is more or less patriarchal. In Judaism, its matrilineal - women have the true power via psychological tools even though men control the wealth.
When I said Jews are the wives, I didn't mean they're subservient. I meant they're equals. Goys lack balance on the feminine side of things - short term planning and emotions - since the goy women are fucked in the head due to repeated subjugation. Jews lack balance on the masculine side of things - long term planning and tolerance to pain - since the Jew men are controlled psychologically by their mothers.
Jews provide a balance to Goys and Goys provide a balance to Jews. The Jews are winning because the Goys have lost their way. They are no longer strong and intolerant to pain. They are afraid of it. The feminine brain of the Jews senses it, and is seeking out a new mate.
You are dying out.
>>proceeds to post a png of some blurry lines
Click on the pic to enlarge it you cocksucking new fag.
>You are dying out.
Yes, we are.
I actually agree but only for certain goys. The goys are not created equally.
I just realized that you thought I was Jew. I'm a goy.
Chinks are not human they dont need primtive ego motivation like jews they simply act as a hivemind slowly dominating the area until only they are left. They are only the known ethnic group in history that has conquered a continent sized landmass.
Oh my mistake.
>I actually agree but only for certain goys. The goys are not created equally.
Yes. The true husband race of the Jews are the Germanic people. Autistic faggots who value order above all else. Jews thrive in places where Germanic tribes have left their mark because Jews are a natural half of the Germanic people. America, is practically 1/3rd German American (more if you account for Saxons, Angels, and Franks being proto-Germanic tribes).
But just like any good household where the wife works hard, the husband must work hard as well to keep the respect of his wife. Else, the wife will begin to resent the husband.
The Germanic people have, for far too long, enjoyed the comforts of the Jews. They've lost their way, and now a time of great upheaval is on the horizon, where the germanic blood will be reawakened.
Not if they aren't who they say they are.
As long as one pure Nordic still remains alive on the Earth they have not won yet.
Jesus is a whore. Fuck his faggot ass.
win what? a front row ticket at a gas chamber...destination: hell?
ya, they are winning that itt as you type
>Chinks are not human
Oh well, I guess monkeys discovered Daoism and Confusianism.
>they dont need primtive ego motivation like jews they simply act as a hivemind slowly dominating the area until only they are left.
Ego is the only thing Asian run on. Just because you're using a meme flag doesn't mean that you have to be retarded.
they need to be shunned
What are you saying about our music!?
the only reason they're "winning" is because they're playing against an opponent who doesn't know they're in the midst of a battle. its like playing chess against someone who is asleep; it doesn't make them a better chess player per say, it just means their opponent is unaware of what's going on. most white people assume the other races are as egalitarian as we are, and most see Jews as "part of the team". we're all pulling together, right? wrong. luckily for us more and more white people are waking up and seeing the jews for what they are. they are not like us and they never will be. this has happened over and over again throughout history, but because of the internet the stakes are raised. all their crimes throughout history are being exposed and they're being publicly named, which is the first step in defeating them. but they can't afford to lose this time. they won't be able to slink away and lick their wounds because they will have no where to go. we're approaching the final battle. do you feel it?