>stocks flatlining
>mueller closing in
>dems up big in 2018 and 2020 election polls
>all time low approval rating
>debt skyrocketing
>no repeal and replace
>no wall
>no lock her up
tired of this drumpfster fire of a presidency yet?
Stocks flatlining
>look, I see TONE. You know the word TONE? The tone is such HATRED
not an argument
Nope. But it's about to get interesting....
>stocks flatlining
DJI up 25% over the last 6 months. Can't expect an indefinite bear market. A correction was bound to happen and lasted for about a week.
>mueller closing in
Mueller has turned Russian collusion and interference with the election into obstruction of justice. He is grasping a strings at this point
>dems up big in 2018 and 2020 election polls
Republicans numbers have been steadily increasing in the (((polls))) all year, extremely similar to the polling results we saw before the 2016 presidential election.
>all time low approval rating
Blantatly false. Trumps approval rating is 43% right now. This is HIGHER than obamas approval rating in the second year of his first term
>debt skyrocketing
Unfortunately yes
>no repeal and replace
Removed individual mandate
>no wall
Working on getting funding by leveraging DACA
>no lock her up
Its coming.
You should probably read a news article every once and a while instead of parroting Reddit comments that get like, so many upboat
know who else was up in election polls? Hillary.
The US's national debt spiked $1 trillion in less than 6 months
Trump has guaranteed America will end up like his casinos.
>DJI up 25% over the last 6 months.
16% actually.
AWWWWW does the truth hurt the wittle nazis fee fees?
>mueller closing in
Can't wait.
ur such a bitch
>Trump has guaranteed America will end up like his casinos.
Or like Trump Steaks™.
I still can't believe Fat Donny failed at selling BEEF to AMERICANS.
based german
where's ivanka?
>where's ivanka?
Shooting beautiful Jewish babies out of her tard launcher.
Not tired at all.
Is there ANYONE who Fat Donny won't sell his whore daughter to?
or his country to
with their american mongrel-golems in tow Israel will be unstopable. Hitler was right, WWII was the final battle, the white race lost, now we're waiting for our own destruction
>indefinite bear market
>or his country
How much does a 3rd world shithole go for these days?
Asking for a friend
Holy shit jsut look at the shekelsniffer on her daughter.
>this thread.
Bump. I want one trumpnigger to explain what this faggot has done to warrant support
>2020 election polls
Let me guess, Hillary has a 99% chance to win in 2020?
Fat Donny retweets polls favorable to him all the time. I wonder why trumpcucks never have a problem with that.
>I want one trumpnigger to explain what this faggot has done to warrant support
No one enjoys the flavor of Saudi cum more than Trump. So he's got that going for him. Which is nice.
Angela, I thought you had a country to run into the ground.
declassified JFK docs revealing disgusting CIA niggers as the murderers they truly are (which everyone already knew but now they cannot deny)
>I thought
Are trumpcucks really in the thinking business? Are you pulling my leg, ma'am?
Quit being a faggot post porn
>Quit being a faggot
Nnnnnnnnnno :^)
>A Muslim is cumming in my ass while I type this.
shitposting general?
>Wider than you, Ahmed
K queer
Hahaha. Faggot mentions polls.
>Achmed projects
announcing a sage is a ban jose
Trump Defense Force out in full today.
Makes me wonder what garbage nonsense they'll spew come November when they lose control of Congress.
What's it gonna be, "Canadians hacked the election!"? That'd be a laugh.
>Faggot mentions polls.
It really does take a massive faggot to mention polls.
I want Canadians to hack my boipucci
you know why the yellow towel? to hide the yellowish dead skin/puss
>use 69% less electricity
>What's it gonna be, "Canadians hacked the election!"? That'd be a laugh.
yeah haha imagine being such a retard that you'd boogeyman a foreign nation for everything that goes wrong
>you know why the yellow towel? to hide the yellowish dead skin/puss
I did NOT know that. Thanks to Sup Forums's resident towel expert for the insight!
Literal fake news that a quick google search can disprove. Sick of these trolls and shills yet? I am.
reeling for black hole
I wish I was BLACK.
According to actual people with brains, 64% of Trump's agenda has already been completed.
You retards aren't very effective at stopping him.
Roth 401k is up 3.5%, even after the correction. On track for just under 20% for the year. Fight me bro.
also fckkk imma jew wizard
>Sick of these trolls and shills yet? I am.
Aaaw, need a safe space, little trumpcuck? :3
this thread is the result of CNN viewing
>Sick of these trolls and shills yet?
this is what happens when you troll and shill every other board for five fucking years straight, fuck you
ITT: a shill circle jerk
thats my job. imma nurse i wipe ass in the icu all night
>It's not leaking onto Sup Forums as well
>Using emoticons on Sup Forums
You’re not from here, are you?
whiter than you Hernandez
this is a very old image, it also doesn't include Sup Forums
>You’re not from here, are you?
No, as an ultra-high IQ city person, I'm from civilized society
can we just have a civil war? Its clear certain groups of people cant live together.
at least he's not a goblin
Cool trumpfag blog
Trump is a disgrace.
Oh this thread again sage
Friendly anti-trumpcuck bump :3
>Working on getting funding by leveraging DACA
there is no more leverage, courts protected it. "Art of the Deal" indeed
>Safe space
I remember when people on the right started using that term!
Funny huh?
>I want one trumpnigger to explain what this faggot has done to warrant support
Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court; mass number of very conservative judges nominated and confirmed and filling out the federal judiciary throughout the country.
Everything else is just gravy. After eight years of Obama's insane liberal judges we needed this big time. I can't even imagine Hillary Clinton stacking the lower courts some more.
excellent containment thread. nice job.
Butthurt shill thread detected. You know what to do, Sup Forums.
>You know what to do, Sup Forums.
Menstruate all over the place as usual? :3
That's kinda sexist...
Face it: Trump turned out to be a Liberal. You've all got fooled. Dems and Republicans are best friends behind the curtains. Wanna know how to really save the USA? Vote another party than those two, preferably Libertarian.
>closing in, gonna get ‘em...any minute...it’s coming...gonna make me cum pure soy milk...
Serious question: how can liberal DRUNPF haters live like this? Jesus Christ.
So true :3
Sage goes in all fields
>2020 election polls
Friendly anti-trumpcuck bump :3
>I go to pol!
>90% of the time still fighting between 1 of the 2 sides.
Yeah lol, but I think it's better to vote someone with no affiliated party.
Do they only allow you this single gif?
Imagine having to make these threads each day to have any kind of hope and justification of putting that dick in your mouth.
Get out more liberal anons.
Thanks for the wonderful meme dump, German friend! Funniest stuff I've seen on here in quite a while. Keep up the good work.
>mueller closing in
Some long con, huh? Have every news outlet accuse him of Russian ties so that you can shame him when he responds and denies lmao
You faggots don’t care about Russia- otherwise you’d have nothing but disdain for the Democratic Party. Why would the elites all of the sudden give a fuck about you? Are you a fkn madlad?
bros aren’t you loving the pussy passive aggressive jew tweets he’s pumping out through his jew staffers? pretending he’s owning illegal immigration and the wall?
>”heh nobody has said anything about illegal immigration in like 40 years so automatically i am the best heh!!!! - t nebbish moron inbred nyc jew ghostwriting for donalds twitter
“y-y—yyya we are totally beating up those ms13 guys heh heritage rating is 64% based we are magaing and the libs suck heh!!!” - nebbish jew swamp thing from a gated community in dc
meanwhile out here we got kikebart spamming laughable “le 12 mejicans got caught by le ice today based maga winning ya!?” articles from their insulated ivory tower...
meanwhile i walk down the street and know it’s just trump jew lies
like lol nigga start actually deporting people instead of passively writing jew fake news articles to cover up the fact you ain’t doin shit. that fake border news might work on cletus and neet autist wasplords, but 3000 miles from dc on the frontline the kikebart cheerleader articles are obvious bullshit. shit is so weak.
cmon don they will call you daca don win or lose (kikebart won’t or they get sued) so send them all the fuck back to their banana republic shitholes, faggot don
what does he expect? he needs to get ride of the goldman sachs, rothschild bankers
and that incompetent scumbag kushner
Thanks for exposing yourself, shills.
In this thread many of you gathered, and many of you are hired.
Thanks for glowing in the light, most of you aren't even using proxies.
Your information is now logged, fucking idiots.
Stay in the dark next time
Your moronic advice would have gotten Hillary elected. Trump was our only choice, Rand didn’t have any momentum whatsoever and not only got his ass kicked in the primaries but also by his neighbor.. Bad optics. Trump is the only one willing to parry these fuckers, everyone else has ulterior motives that greatly outweigh benefitting the country.. Old billionaire could live the rest of his life on an island grabbing all the pussy he wants, but chose to knock the shit out of the deep state instead. I wouldn’t expect you to understand a calling of that magnitude.