Becoming Straight

Hello Sup Forums I'm a teenager who always assumed I would become normal and straight and want to have sex with women when I got older. However it didn't work out like that and I wound up an AGP and only get off to being female and am a 'repressed' '''tran'''ny in a sense. I trapped online for a little while but I know the whole gay/trans thing is wrong and really want to be straight and respected. To further this i started weightlifting about 6 months ago and it's been pretty effective in making me more manly and confident but I still have no interest in fucking women, and my face looks like a a 12 year old. I'm Sup Forums and a catholic and would very much like to be 100% straight, and agree with all of you that that is the correct way to live. I still consider myself a straight male just with some issues and an erotic target location error, but I still only get off to the idea of myself as female. What advice would Sup Forums give to someone cursed with AGP?

You can always kill yourself.

kys faggot


Why would I do that though? My life isn't terrible and I still look normal. It's irrational and effectively asking for gibs or cuckolding privileges from me to expect me to kms for wrong think.


Fuck lots of sluts and make sure they get off and stop watching porn. Get a reverse osmosis water filter, stop eating/drinking from plastic and plastic-lined containers and order horny goat weed from amazon. Also start lifting.

I know a vice president who could help you out.

Get HIV deliberately then spread it around the gay community to atone for your sin

>start lifting
I already have been I mentioned that in my post. I eat very healthily, low carb high protein, and grew up in a traditional conservative family. I didn't develop my issues from descending down the rabbit hole of degenerate porn; agp is the only sexuality I've ever had. Imaging myself fugging women does nothing for me and seems kind of gross. I've thought about trying it before but I doubt I would like it or even be able to get off

Kek I wish conversation therapy was allowed here

But then I'd have to poz you. Congrats on 'equal marriage' in Australia btw, it was 2016, and about time in the current year!

Do you watch porn? If so, stop! That might make a difference.

Have you considered the possibility that you are just a scared bitch?

Literally it will go away once you feel a chick melt in your arms.

You should be beaten to within an inch of your life and that would hopefully cure you of your faggotry.

Stop drinking tap water.

Trust me it won't. You have to understand my perspective and modes of interpreting that type of stimulus is fundentally different from your own. The only thing that gets me off ha imaging myself as female. I get off to being the melting one, my heads fucked up and it's been this way since forever

I usually don't but sometimes looked at gross agp porn in the past. I've mostly stopped now though

Yeah that was one of the reasons I started lifting. I figured maybe the reason I didn't want to fugg women was because I looked effeminate and they didn't appreciate me. Turned out not to be the case and that I was fundamentally disinterested and agp

Completely irrational. I'm a productive citizen and have never done anything degenerate irl. Why would benign beaten help me get better? And on a broader scale how would people like mayef even be identified?

Stop watching porn is a really big one. I used to love the idea of fucking a chick in the ass. I even got into fights with my ex gf about how we should do anal. I was so turned on by it I didn't know why.

About eight months ago I stopped watching porn for good and I gotta say I really don't give a shit about anal anymore. I started dating this new girl and don't even want to fuck her ass at all. Pussy is a million times better.

That being said, you should also try to get you dick inside a vagina, especially if you can do it without a condom. I don't condone this but if it's with a girl you know is clean and just get your dick in there you will realize just how amazing pussy feels. Hopefully that can make you realize how ridiculous it is to be a fag.

All in all, this is a psychological path you must go down and figure it in your own. But small steps are just the beginning. Stop watching porn. And if you're catholic like you say then think about the way God created the world. He didn't create it for faggots but for straight people.

No seriously man. i used to be fucked up until the first time it happened to me and then instinct kicked in.

Be gay.

Don't be
>a drug abuser
>an open borders advocate
>tolerant of Islam
>a tranny

Unfortunately a lot of homosexuals fall for Jewish tricks.

he got beaten with so many dicks and he didn't learn anything,whats the point now?

You better stop being such a fag or I'll give you an intense orgasm with my mouth

>I'm Sup Forums and a catholic and would very much like to be 100% straight
God and your community can help you. You can tell God everything but tell the community nothing. Just the nature of them being who they are and including you will help you out of this.

No I said I never actually acted on it. I'm a khv as a result

It's not that simple. Have you heard of agp, or autogynephelia? It's a great redpill; most trannies get off to the idea of themselves as female. It's a paraphelia known technically as an 'etle', erotic target location error, where you get off to yourself being female rather than other females. I have agp and as a result getting fugged as a man wouldn't do much for me. My goal is to get rid of, or let my agp, and becoming straight

I hope so but I'm somewhat blackpilled about it after learning more about agp and doctor blanchards studies. Often times agp gets worse and worse and makes you a transvesitite in middle age

stop trying to get validation from a mongolian cave painting board. your biggest source of self worth and strength must be yourself, anything else is cuckoldry.

Just bee yourself.

I can help, but please answer some questions:
a) at what age were you molested?
b) how old are you now?
c) have you tryied fucking a woman?
d) Do you have body hair?

I said don't be a tranny. Trannies are just mentally ill gays.

>whose in control
>The Jews control every aspect of modern civilization
>The game is up

I don't know what agp is and I don't care. Being a faget or a tranny just means you got memed. You allowed (((people))) that should not be in your head to get into your head. Either that or you got abused as a kid.
You need to belong to something wholesome and healthy. Usually - but not always - that is a church community or group.

>le it's okay to be gay just b urself bro :)
Kill yourself you stupid faggot

Look kid, either you live a fake life that will end up involving innocents that you'll deeply hurt in the future (wife, kids), and that won't have any meaning, or you get treatment (aka transition) and try to live as honestly as you can, with yourself and god.
Find work that'll do you good and is honest, live decently and you won't be doing harm to others or yourself. Good luck.

>I trapped online for a little while


Are you recommending a transition? Why would you recommend a 60% chance of suicide? You're mathematically better off telling him to play russian roulette. Literally.

a) I don't know if this counts as molested but I had some odd sexual experiences with a cousin of the same age at around 8
b) basically 18
c) no. I've thought about but haven't yet
d) very little but I started getting a few hairs under my belly button about 4 months ago

No that's why I posted the agp meme. That's what trannies want you to think. In reality they're straight men who get off to themselves as female

I agree I was just mentioning agp because it is the specific psychosis/paraphelia I have. That's the medical term

Because I know a trans that is healthy, has a decent job, isn't degenerate around others. It's possible.

You rang?

Femininity in a man is shameful and should be beaten out of him.

i never said anything about being gay mehmet, it's clear that this person wants to fit in somewhere because of low self worth, which is unhealthy as hell. thats the only thing i'm critisizing.

user I said I looked normal irl. My problems are in my head not the real world. I don't look like some ridilous effmeibate gay I look normal

Having a wife and children is the goal but yeah there is always the chance of becoming a transvestite in middle age and ruining a bunch of lives like many AGPs

Kek, mike 'electric fence' pence

find Jesus Christ find faith

Either live celibate or marry a woman and when you're having sex with her imagine that's it's you being penetrated instead. My brother in law has lived his whole life celibate because he can't bring himself to have sex with a woman or fulfill his homo desires and he seems happy enough.

That's pretty much what I've been doing but I worry about cracking

I already did, it's one of the most important aspects of my life, and gives me purpose. Without religion and a belief in dualism you'd have to accept predestination and a world of just atoms bouncing off each other and moving in a predictable pattern where the world is nothing more than a running program

You seem to have a hypogonadal syndrome, pic an insulin needle and get some HGC. Do not use the physiological serum that comes with the HGC to disolve it. Instead pick cromatonbic (This way the HGC will be alive up to 5 weeks). Now mix 1ml of cromatombic with HGC and fill the needle. Inject subcutaneously the HCG restored at a rate of 0.1ml each 3 days.

This will act as LH and activate your testes. You will enter puberty as doing this. The side effect is that your LH will be shut down a bit, so you will need to get a Clomid box and take 1 pill per 3 days after finishing the HCG.

During this period, HCG will start your leydig cells, while clomid will restart your hypothalamus. Then you will be a normal guy.