Isn't it finally time to forgive and let Milo be part of our movement again? He was persecuted for some innocent comments, and everyone knows he's not a pedo. Besides, he's done more for our movement, and brought so many people on board, more than anyone else -- even Trump! If a strong Christian like Jones can forgive Milo, what's stopping the rest of us? Alex is moving in the right direction by supporting Milo, won't you support him too? I will.
Time to forgive and move on
pick one
honestly I wouldn't even have remembered if you didn't bring it up
>a literal faggot
I support gassing Milo.
wtf why is jones putting this fag on?
No. He's a pedo enabeler.
You either believe in Conservatism or you don't. We don't compromise with these degenerates.
jones battles with people generally thinking hes homophobic because of the gay frop stuff
he's a conman and an egomaniac, but I still like him
holding out hope his upcoming book will actually BTFO of Hollywood
Even if I were on board with his brand of ironic fag conservatism where he uses that big brain of his to reconcile seemingly at odds beliefs, I still wouldn't rally behind Milo as some kind of leader. This fucker was drunk at the "Night for Freedom" event, it's only a matter of time before he does something stupid so the media can take him down again. Also do you have any idea how creepy he will start to come off as once he ages some more? The flamboyant bad boy shtick or whatever you want to call it, works for him now because he is still young enough, but pretty soon he'll be called a pedo for that reason alone. Picture someone as old as Roger Stone acting like Milo. He is only going to become more of a freak show.
His only role is in subverting the left's narratives, he isn't any kind of leader in the right worthy of supporting beyond that value.
The Jew faggot who speak against white identity, then sell menchardasing on it. Nah
The water filter merchant strikes again
I don't know if you guys have realized this or not but nobody gives a fuck what you guys accept or don't. All these ecelebs careers are growing while Sup Forums's quality gets even more shit everyday. This board is barely relevant anymore.
I don't know if you've realized it or not, but every single eceleb shilled on this board made their fame stealing and repackaging Sup Forums memes. They can't function without us as their sweatshop of free ideas. Without us to promote them, they also die. They know this, and it terrifies them. We were here before them, we were why they became famous, when we pull the plug they become nothing again. We are actually what makes things happen, we are the armies of "bots" that these parasites ride on. Go ahead, come at us, see what happens.
Because he lost fame he wants back in? Nope. If he was just gay... sure, but he is a sissiboy he also happens to be Jewish OH an he is married to a black man.
This. It takes two to tango. He's not better than those bitches who dress like sluts and then cry rape.
lol fags.
So Sup Forums is the China of the internet?
i can't help but feel like his twitter ban sealed his fate. he was really big on twitter.
Fuck this kike pedo fag. I wish he'd just properly fuck off instead of trying to attention whore. He's a bad ally and makes everything he touches with his AIDS hands seem degenerate. Fuck off Milo.