Evan rachel wood raped by white supremacists

Evan rachel wood raped by white supremacists.

www foxnews com/entertainment/2018/02/28/evan-rachel-wood-delivers-emotional-testimony-on-capitol-hill-detailing-experience-with-rape-and-torture.html

>"My perpetrators were very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men. I haven't named my abusers for a number of reasons. One: I'm one person against some very powerful people. Two: Money and time, and re-traumatizing yourself to go after the person that assaulted you takes quite a toll," Wood stated in the video.

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Those fucking white men at it again. When will white men like Weinstein be stopped? So many white male rapists running Hollywood, baka.

wtf I hate white men now.

>waaah I'm a victim but I won't do anything to fight the people that did awful things to me
sure sounds like a made up story that she fantasized about after having a mild interaction with someone

(((white)))men must be stopped

Probably not made up, people like her get their job only because they suck some circumcised dick belonging to some white male named Bergstein or Goldsilverholocaustsurviver.
These white males can never be named because anyone who speaks out against this white male minority group gets their life destroyed.

Didn't you read OP you faggot she tried to fight back but her enemies were too powerful for her frail strong independent woman body you were probably one of the white men that helped raped her because you insulted it you fucken edgelord I will destroy you and defend all woman from your sexist ass I bet you like getting cucked by tyrone huh white men like you are despicable I hope you dye due to depression.

She spread her legs to a rich (((white man))) for he carreer, and he kept his end of the bargain. And she continues to serve the contract by trashing whites. A whore under contract, and no soul. Next.

Jew detected

Man are they really ramping up with these white accusations, (((they))) really are subtle.


>white supremacists
Nah, she just doesn't know there's a difference between jews and white people.

Yeah. That's still the vibe you get from the article though, evil white men rape and torture innocent wholesome woman.

Has anyone publicly mentioned that these (((White))) men are actually jews?

Wasn't me, I swears!

I had to Google this literal who, pic rel is what came up.

I'm sure this isn't a cry for publicity like all the other times.

She's an actress.

Has that really pure innocent wholesome look, tiny pink nipples.
Though she is probably a degenerate slut, her first claim to fame was dating Marilyn Manson.

I just got so horny reading about her being tortured and raped. Literally what happens to her in that one TV show.

when will ((((((((((((white))))))))))))) men stop?

Why the fuck we waste time on pol talking about how Weinstein's Jew when he's good and white when he's bad and similar for all other Jews?

Jews have reached a critical mass in every sction of society which drive politically correct speech, from academics to media to corporate power. No one is going to write a study about how many Jewish journalists get hired straight from college, how wealth accumulation is increasing in the hands of Jews.

This is fucking futile. Unless someone like Trump (but smart) comes along who will not back down from the attacks that'll follow, Jews have won.

Gee, this guy who victimized her couldn't have possibly been one of the producers of one of her breakout films could it?

>A person who pretends for a living can be trusted on her word alone without evidence.

Wew lad!

probably someone on this list:

just another (((Weinstein))) white guy

For fucks sake. Stop calling them white.

We need to make sure normies know that gold, stein, berg, are all fucking Jew names.

>be me
>have German surname
>gets confused as Jew name
>"no it ends with a T not a G
>Realize I accidentally revealed my power level
>whoops! Oh well, fuck it!

I hate (((them))) for no other reason than taking European names and making them dirty.

my thoughts exactly, seems like she was pressured into labeling her abusers as white. The fact that she even has to assign a race label is just appalling, and shows how bad the situation is.

Let me guess, white devil, white devil?

White guy here. I fapped to her in Thirteen multiple times. I'm sorry m'lady.

(((very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men)))

Don't be a whore. There, problem solved

I Evan have Wood now if you know what i mean.

Go to bed.

Ok. :

>I haven't named them because of blah blah blah

aka "it never happened"

as usual, quality shitpost from the leaf

Hope he dyes his hair from depression?

>she tried to fight back but her enemies were too powerful for her frail strong independent woman
That's sexist

She's a kike.
What a shock.

the nigger gangbang scene?

>Her mother, Sara Lynn Moore, is an actress, director, and acting coach, and has converted to Judaism.

I thought (((they))) only rape goyim?
I'm surmising that she's not naming them because they are jewish?

>Evan rachel wood raped by white supremacists.
>"My perpetrators were very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic
she's in entertainment business, so those were Jews

>Wood described the individuals as 'very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men,' but offered not other details beyond stating that she has walked out of award shows when one of the men was honored with a trophy.

Shouldn't be too hard to figure out who this is.

>Two: Money and time

So she is a fucking coward who can’t be bothered to tell the police about a massive crime? WTF?