Jesus fucking christ can you retards hold it together for 10 fucking seconds. What is this, TWO days after Trump says he wants to arm teachers?
Some asshole always has to fuck it up for everyone.
Jesus fucking christ can you retards hold it together for 10 fucking seconds. What is this, TWO days after Trump says he wants to arm teachers?
Some asshole always has to fuck it up for everyone.
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it's a jewish lie!!! try the redpill. THIS IS A FALSEFLAG BY THE JEWS
I don't know why I even get invested anymore. I live in California so it's not like I'm gonna be affected by a new AWB
Kys kike
>Las vegas keeps us from supressors
>Florida is attempting to remove guns from lawful citizens
>Georgia ruins things further
What is next week's false flag?
just fucking watch
So... the teacher locked the door to the room and set off some rounds... how many students were hit? Definite false flag going on here.
This shit makes me so angry. The general population is proving day after day that they fucking REQUIRE babysitting. Every small freedom that is given to people they blow it up immediately and it pisses me off every single time.
This had better be a false flag that gets proven cause I'm fucking sick of it already.
No students injured, one kid sprained an ankle running out of the school.
>implying this incident is organic
>arming liberal hippie teachers
if im giving a gun to anyone its going to be my kids
He wanted to prove a point and go down a hero for gun control fortunately he failed and will be getting ass raped in prison
It never feels like it is, but at this point what is the fucking difference? If they're false flags they NEVER get proven as such, so they are seen as organic no matter how loud people with brains shout.
Probably set for life with Soros bucks now
>be american
Just a (((coincidence))).
what a ((coincidence))