Do you think Saiyan wives sparred with their husbands?
Dragon Ball Super
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what better way to ensure their kids are strong
Reminder that they're both beautiful.
They should throw Yamcha a bone and give him one of those saiyin chicks. They naturally Dom the shit out of him and pump out another human/Saiyin halfbreed
I thought she was a lesbian with fem-Brolly?
Other way around. Kale is gay for Caulifla but Caulifla is as oblivious as Goku.
She is.
But she's japanese fanservice dyke.
GIANT PUSSY CRAVING LESBIAN till they realize people hate them/it isn't selling at all then they go all bisexual/straight but you misunderstand their totes heterosexual pussy lust.
chi chi doesn't deserve this
Having rewatched Dragonball Z recently, Chi chi doesn't deserve anything.
Monaka the strongest
>Mr Satan2.0 only much less funny
>Completely wasted potential
It's not fair man
Her sexuality is being a battle slut. Just like any pure blooded saiyan.
>I want to marry a retard I very few interactions with and who mistook 'marriage' as food
Goku's marriage is a farce and he only did it because he made a promise one which he didn't put any thought into it the second he went with it. And Chi-chi's obsession to marry him is bizarre. What did he do outside of pat her vagina with his foot to see if she had a penis or not?
And she also likes pussy and dislikes penis for actual sex matters apparently.
So yeah.
Battlesexual who likes having actual sex with women.
Help her get master roshi to her dad's place other than that nothing much .
Some did others didnt.
There is something very magnificent about spic animation
Maybe? I wish they had more Sayian ladies tbqh and maybe elaborated on if they had any special role because the ones shown seem to just have the same roles as men.
anything worse than the half baked implementation of Saiyan Beyond God? I think it's the worst mistake in Super by far.
Thank god for the manga and thank god for the return of SSG in the anime now as well. (and now Limit Breaker to forget about SBG forever)
so was Bardock retconned to be a caring father?
I saw his movie years ago and he didn't seem that nice to me.
In the Jaco manga there's a extra part with Bardock and his wife Jine sending of Goku because Bardock is worried what will happen So he is kind of a caring father
Do we have generals back?
I thought I'd bring back some more 'stories from Jap forums'.
You can find a bunch of 'oversea reaction' site, that translate reactions from other languages. I stumbled over a translation of one of the 'Goku should have ended up with Bulma' threads.
Japanese replies: "Bulma's is a sister-like figure to Goku"
"I can't even imagine romantic feelings between Goku and Bulma"
Sup Forums btfo
also "Krillin's bride is the most beautiful, so Krillin won." we all agree on that
I'm sad I never see them trying to explain any memes. Never seen any explanations of the 'Reminder Goku is beautiful' or the 'hi' memes.
Top fucking kek
When will Mr.Satan get his turn to shine and save the world?
What are you talking about? He did it twice. He saved the world and that blonde kid from the bug monster and destroyed that pink blob monster.
I'm not saying that didn't happen, I just want Super to acknowledge his presence as the strongest character in existence
I don't know about universe 6, but universe 7 saiyans don't really do the whole family thing
>much less funny
You're serious? mr.satan is pathetic and unfunny
So what is this form called guys I looked but can't read oriental
it looks kinda shit, maybe up the frame rate
>Ten's absence has been felt
Not when the animators literally forgot to draw him a couple of times
How is Gohan getting chased down by a Yardrat?
That seems interesting, user. I would like to see it
Holding back
Waiting for his dad to save him
Waiting for advice from piccolo
Making the yardrat look good so someone else can look even better after eliminating it
Legitimately scared for his life
>try to get some distance
>yardrat just teleports behind you
>turn around and shoot him
>yardrat just teleports behind you
I want Chichi to get cucked to hard. I hope at the EoZ after Goku gets Uub, he moves to U6 to live with Cauli and Kale.
I don't like to post links to jap sites in case people sperg out, but this thread is dead so why not
did they at least mention the waku waku memes?
Three points to make, anons. I never saw SS Goku getting chased down or getting his ass kicked, Dyspo has proven that speed can interrupt IT, and the Yardrat was one-shotted by Caulifla in base.
he's really shitty at showing he cares
he took her for a ride on his super fast magic cloud
its pretty well documented that doing things that get your adrenaline pumping together is a reliable way to provoke attraction. its why rollercoasters and scary movies are such popular date activities
Dragon Ball Minus is isn't canon. Like I know it showed in an official Dragon Ball prequel and was written by Toriyama.....but it isn't canon shut up.
If you want to hear something really depressing: I see more translations of reaction channels and Jinx than of here. Along with MAL and reddit. RIP.
This one is from reddit.
what's jinx?
> I see more translations of reaction channels
I imagine thats because they're easier to google compared to an archived Sup Forums thread
Would like to see their reaction to a Toeicuck vs toyopedro war or a Caulflafag and Chadhan dispute
Jinx is the biggest and worst of those awful reaction channel.
To be honest, 2ch is 100% harder to navigate than Sup Forums.
Me too boi.
At least I found one of a reaction to us calling Toriyama a faggot over golden Freeza.
"marriage" doesn't seem a Saiyan thing.
They mostly fight, kill, eat and fuck... probably the one starting the mating ritual has to beat down the partner to have their way with them, regardless the gender of each one.
Bardock and Gine appears to be the only ones with a relationship.
king vegeta probably had a wife
king vegeta probably had a wife
Vegeta has never once referenced or even implied that he knew who his mother was
"Saiyan Beyond God" is just the name for the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan transformation in games before they released the movie, so they wanted to keep it a secret.
The Goku art on those cards show Goku in normal form because that. When he transforms using the transformation ability "Saiyan Beyond God" he just transforms into Super Saiyan Blue
Hey guys! Just got my arm inked, whaddaya think?!
Is there even anything worth talking about? This arc is boring me to death.
I wouldn't bet on it.
Possibly a preferred sex partner, but marriage-like relationship is unlikely.
fucking kill yourself
It's not a big deal, user.
>game of thrones shirt
you disgust me
explains why Vegeta and Bulma happened....
Fucking cocksucking play-it-safe useless idiot """"""mods"""""""".
Why is android 16 the best DBZ character...i miss him.
What's wrong? You scared, G0hanfag?
Sick bro. Here's a shirt I own
Wow, you sure showed me Sup Forumsro.
He was pretty based when he fought imperfect cell
Shut the fuck up Califags and G0hanfags. Nobody cares about your shitty lesbian OC Mary Sue, or your squeeky voiced disappointment of a son. Sup Forums loves Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza
I genuinely despise you.
Let me tell you something, you diseased reminder of why humanity has fallen so far and will one day be snuffed out like an irrelevant candle flame. You are pond scum. The bottom feeding remnants of a bygone age of failure and shame look down on you. Gather every grain of sand in existence and convert them into a negative value and you might, fucking MIGHT, be able to comprehend at least a semblance of the gravity and weight of your anti-worth. Not even death would be preferable to dealing with you and your ilk, because I would find no peace knowing that, somewhere, you still fucking exist to pester others. This entire material plane of existence is sullied because of you, not just by your presence, but because of the mere thought of you. The world will never know peace because it is physically possible for you to exist. Even if by some miracle all of you were wiped out, the fact that the physical world still allows the possibility of your existence is nearly as horrible a realization. My fucking soul burns every time you take a breath.
I think I've finally realized why G0hanfags and Califags are so toxic and never shut the fuck up. Deep down, they realize their characters are so uninteresting that, if they don't constantly shitpost, people will simply forget about them and focus on more interesting characters. Deep down, they know their characters will never amount to anything. They know that, in the end of the day, their characters simply don't pull in enough Yen for Toei to care.
If you're not a Gokufag, a Friezafag, or a Vegetafag, you are just a pathetic human being trying despretly to be heard, knowing that ultimatly, it's as pointless as any of the fights your characters take part in. The reason you don't see Vegetafags, Gokufags, or Friezafags constantly shitposting is because they don't need to. They aren't afraid their characters will be forgotten because they are objectively loved and are interesting enough to not warrant worry.
Why is she so cute?
The end is near Caulflafag. Pretty soon your itty bitty SSJ2 tingle fuck will come rocketing down thst stage never to be heard of again. Better get your last shitposts in before your posts come back to bite you in the ass.
She is best girl thats why
Chad-u-lif-la. Wow, you managed to make an already shit name even worse sounding. Hell, it fucking sounds like a fat mexican girl's name
Everyone sparred with everyone else at all times.
Sex only happened when a penis happened to slip inside a vagina through pure chance during sparring.
Please, both of you just shut up. You're the reason we can't have generals anymore.
This user is objectively right and you know it
Will still outlast Jobhan
>struggling against Jimmy the yardrat
Out in two weeks
Ola mi amigo,am Gohankugeta,si. Am SSJ4SSGFGALGBT. Leave El Grande Padre to me.
>Vegeta pushed away into a corner
At least we who's getting eliminated first
Fight obsessed Z babby detected.
D-delet this
What is it with you degenerate subhumans and your cuck fetish?
That's not gonna happen. Toriyama already said that Yamcha is scared of women and will never change.
Don't start this again. We have enough characterfagging already
Eh, I doubt it. Toyo has a boner for Vegeta and Goku
>Vegetafags trying to subtlety bring him on the level of Goku/Frieza
Kek, the prince of all cucks will be eating shit in a couple of days.
>someone saved my drunken autism
Thank you user
lol cuckhan
Best girl
Cuckifla is probably the Shittiest character in the show kohai
>this month's issue will be all about goku gathering all the fighters for the tournament
>no tournament until next month
Why doesn't Kale get the same attention as Caulifla
me on the right
>yfw Toyo doesnt drag his feet on the exhibition match
>yfw Toyo just does single panel summaries for gathering U7 fighters