Have you ever cried watching an anime?

Have you ever cried watching an anime?

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Crying is for pu⭕⭕ies

Yeah lots of times. But I am a pussy and it doesn't take much to make me tear up.

I cried when I watched K-ON S2 and the girls said they had to disband. I sobbed like a little girl.


I'll just leave this here.

all the time Phife

the shit?

Little Busters.

Yeah I cried when Kyon kissed Haruhi it was perfection so my tears fell.

This, the situation was too believable and their actual sadness was palpable


my dick cried if you know what i mean

i cry at any given moment while watching things like idolmaster. i just think they're so perfect and so beautiful, and they're so good. is this okay?

Every single time there's a bittersweet "Friends parting ways" or "The goal is reached, and now the story ends" kind of situation.
K-On, Euphonium, TTGL, Azumanga, Code Geass, etc

I guess the feeling of resignation makes me cry way more than an overly sad tear-jerker could. Sadness at least inspires rebellion, with resignation you just know there's nothing to be done. It's crushing.

Angel beats

Is garbage.

I tear up a lot but never really cry. EoE always does it for me

It was a powerful scene.

Post more hibike feet

dropped a few during the toradora christmas episode

Everyone cried at Koe no Katachi.

the series is full of feels

Doesn't change the fact that I had teary eyes

Yea, all the time.

I cry at every single anime I watch.

End of Gunbuster got the biggest emotional response out of me i can remember

only twice

I watched Gunbuster for the first time while I was on deployment. I swear I must have listened to Beyond the River of Time thousands of times when I was coming back.

Toradora ep. 19 and ending of Kimi no Na Wa

Clannad, K-On, Haruhi, S;G, TTGL, Toradora, Your Name and even fucking Lucky Star have all easily made me cry

Tears of laughter.

In recent memory.

I cry at most anime.
I also cry at fanfiction talking about the shit that made me cry so I'm not the best frame of reference

This and Love Live's second season for the exact same reason destroyed me.
Like a real battle rattle and tent deployment, or did you just go to the Deid and say you were in the desert?

No, it was a submarine deployment.
Probably the closest experience one can get to being stuck in deep space for ages.

Goddamnit that is fucking amazing.

Pic related made me cry like a little faggot.

It took me no fewer than 8 years to find out the piece that was used in this scene.
If you are still the same way, don't thank me, thank God for sending me.

Yeah, not to cheap "tearjerker" moments though. Anime tends not to set up its "sad" moments enough, making them fall flat or feel manipulative and take me completely out of the story.

good lad


here's a qt vid of her

I cried when the dog and the old man died in Gintama

Near the end of monogatari second season when snail disappears and she kisses araragi at the end and says "sorry, I bit your tongue" I bawled like a bitch.

That middle one is way too real for me.

I'm so sorry. I'm not a navyfag but I hear all the time that they suck compared to surface. I'd cry too if I was locked up in one of those things for several months. Chairforce done spoiled me man.


I shed a tear at the end of Kemono Friends, but I can get choked up at the end of any anime that I've liked enough to watch from start to end. It's like breaking up with someone when you realize the series is over and it's time to say goodbye to characters you've grown to love

Kyon only kissed her because he didn't want to be left alone with her any longer.

I teach 2nd grade and our class pet hamster died; it was terrible watching 15 kids cry. But once I bought a new hamster, it was even worse on me because they were all so damn happy.

NNB hits all the feels



glad to see someone else has good taste.

I'd recommend it if you wanna clear so much backlog you would usually take 10 years to do, but it's just as much of an existential horror as you would think it is. The sort of thing that you're glad you did but would definitely never ever do again.

Who here's ready for another ruined Christmas?
I'm not.

well the film kind of blows that out the window

tfw marksman in the irish army

I was very relieved when that happened because it was such cringy, drawn-out forced drama.

I don't know why.

What anime is pic OP from?


Watching Clannads and AIR one after another was a mistake.

I cried last week from made in abyss. I felt the pain of riko so hard.

proper ending never, thanks again gainax

There's something about characters crying silently or holding it back for the most part. Whenever something "sad" happens to someone and they go all BWAAAAAAAAAA it usually just makes me laugh for some reason

Crying over an anime means you're a mentally weak person. You guys really should talk to a psychiatrist, because that's not normal.

When Kiri-chan fucking died in Symphogay I cried like a baby.

Loud criers want attention and coddling, silent criers want to hide it as much as possible but they're filled with such overwhelming sadness they just can't

Renge in particular isn't meant to cry. It's just wrong. No one's really to blame there, but it's still wrong.

I cried during the entire second half of Clannad's second season. Was the only anime that made me ever cry, but some others were close, like Cowboy Bebop's last 4 minutes

What's the saddest anime you have ever seen, Sup Forums?

That doesn't look like sad crying.

I dunno about saddest, but Watamote in general and this bit in particular, as well as the end of episode 11, gave me some hardcore feelings.

grave of the fireflies.

I cried like a little bitch. Didn't help that I was drunk af.

AIR was the first anime that made me cry.


I cried when Ash let Pikachu go.



Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket or Texhnolyze

Pic related is the onky anime that has ever managed to make me cry


what is this from

I cried towards the end of TTGL. It was truly beautiful


No, but I cried upon learning that Kumiko ends up with some limp-wristed faggot, and Reina gets turned down by sensei.

I'm crying at this very thread.




The One Piece episode where Luffy thinks Kuma killed all his crew.


>not recognizing mahler immediately


>it hasnt been posted yet

How is that edgy?

Read the thread

That one episode of K-On is the only thing that ever made me outright cry, as in tears streaming down my face.

Tons of other anime made me tear up - Azumanga Daioh, Haruhi, Evangelion, DB/DBZ, etc



End of Zabuza arc. Still gets me a little even to this day if I rewatch it.

this part

>when the younger brother gives up nearly on the moon in space brothers
>when the robot comes along


also when the older brother was finally blasting off into space for the first time

The bit that got me wasn't the end but when all the friends from previous episodes come in to help in the final battle, and when Serval remembers how to make the paper airplane.