>Oprah Winfrey said she’s had billionaires offer to fund her presidential campaign if she runs for the White House, but said she’s waiting for a sign from God.
>“I went into prayer,” she said of calls for her to run for president.
>Oprah Winfrey said she’s had billionaires offer to fund her presidential campaign if she runs for the White House, but said she’s waiting for a sign from God.
>“I went into prayer,” she said of calls for her to run for president.
>dems still playing moneyball
She's blacker than Hillary, she's more religious than Hillary. She has a vajayjay like Hillery..
Guaranteed win in the simulations I'm sure. I bet she's already 50+points ahead..
>immediately calls Harvey Weinstein
oprah, you are a fat nigger. please do not run.
What is actually the deal with America? As far as I know, that's the only country that leaves ruling the country over to celebrities with no political experience.
This could confirm her bid in the 2020 election
>Oprah says she's waiting for a sign from jeebus himself
>uses some leftist "issue" like something dealing with gun ownership as her message
>now she's backed by jeebus in the minds of leftist christians and gains a strong political base for the election
we have no excuse except the subversion of our youth by marxist professors in universities.
Any genuine reason not to support her? I coulnt vote either way obviously, but 4 more years of Trump would probably be bad for the world.
As far as I know Oprah grew up poor as fuck and made everything she has herself, so that sounds kinda interesting.
Does she have any crazy opinions like going to war with certain nations or doing some other stupid shit? Im not gonna dislike her purely because shes a nigger...
Please dear god let it happen.
She don't stand a chance against the Trump Train. She has no experience whatsoever except television, at least Trump owned and operated a sucessful multinational corporation despite people constantly referring to him as only a 'reality TV star' - Bullshit.
All of a sudden she is the messenger of God and he speaks to her?
Right before deciding if she wants to run in an election where only people who claim to be Christian have ever won.
That's amazing timing.
Bucket of fried chicken
Bad move on her part everyone knows libtard scum do everything in their power to attack Christianity and it’s believers
>god has to tell me
bitch is serious
someone sneak into her mega mansion and plant little speakers and talk to her
tell her god wants her to get rid of the jews
Good luck, she's going to need it.
Oprah has lost her mind
She came from the slums but sold her soul in order to reach the top of the mountain. She's a demon now and there is no going back. Any shred of humanity she had left is gone now.
She's backpedaling already
>Audience goes wild
>(((news))) goes wild
>Shit gets serious
lol niggers
Shes a billionaire herself so not an issue. Of course the moment she announced many of her assets would be downgraded as political opponents abandon them. A black woman has zero chance in places like Wisconsin Iowa Ohio were the election will be decided. Not know for decision making ability,managerial skill, creating prosperous societies etc.
>implying she will not be dead crushed by her fat by 2020
She isn't Christian, but rather a member of the New Age cult. Her terms of 'God' are exceptionally vague for this very reason.
She's unironically a better business person than Trump ever has been. I'd vote for her.
>Thinking that we'd put a black woman in charge of anything
>black women are the reason that black men are niggers
>even leftists won't nigger their country
Fucking idiots.
You were ruled by a nigger for 8 years tho.
>Trading a gameshow host for a chatshow one
Christ, people like this piss me off. The coward's way. Hurr durr if God wills it.
He wasn't a woman last I checked.
To be fair, I don't think she ever actually said she was running. She just gave a speech. Then the media ran with it, speculating that she was going to run. Then everyone went bananas saying she was going to run. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure she never said she was running.
I thought the left doesnt like god?
>Any genuine reason not to support her?
Not having a reason to not support her isn't a reason to support her..
Better than Canada. Their elected ruler was a drama teacher before becoming prime minister.
>Pence says that he believes Christ gives him advice on what is right and wrong
>endless ridicule for weeks
>Oprah says God has to speak to her and tell her to run for President
No joke I honestly think every single person who works for a large media corporation should be publicly beheaded. Fucking Lugenpresse
She's going to run. This is just to get the religious to vote for her.
>God told me to run (ergo I'm divinely ordained)
What a predictable little dyke she is
She's controlled by the CIA and is a satanist
Didn't people mock Dubya for saying he talks with God? And now Oprah plainly states she's waiting for a sign from God. Man that's like the clearest sign she's planning on running.
She would be even worse then Obama.
Never forget her saying "We need to kill racist white people (All the old people)"
yeah, where are the twitter fedoras jumping down her throat for mentioning "sky daddy"?
This is fact people! Screenshot it!
I mean I was pro Trump because the alternative was worse. Now that Trump turned out to be pretty shite Im considering alternatives. If Hillary being worse than Trump was a reason, then Trump being worse than Oprah is a reason. Unless anyone can give me any non meme reasons to not support her.
emphasis on non meme
That sounds like one. Got a source on it?
> implying this bitch is not a fucking satanic spirit cooking nigger who sold her soul to the devil for gibs
If you faggots allow this fat nigger woman to rule over you, I will lose all faith in the right.
i hope she doesn't have the same god as bushes
the irony is she's the niggerloving left's nightmare as she's only publicly a good goy while in reality she's working on genociding niggers with bioweaponry, if she got into power i would have to be concerned for the safety of the based blacks out there who would suffer due to being associated with niggers, scary times
She's a female black democrat.
I wonder what would come out of her closet.
pic very much related
I can't wait for trump to bring women groomed by her for harvey to the final debates.
plz run
she got raped by niggers throughout her childhood and seeks to eliminate them because of that, so she's a bit unhinged
he wasn't married to one either
He was raised by a white family. He only pretended to be a nigger to get their votes
god works in mysterious ways, i suppose.
trump has been a witness before congress multiple times, and constantly deals with regulations in the United states and abroad.
oprah got raped then got a TV show.
You think the Republicans will find someone else than Trump? I find that highly unlikely. Equally as unlikely as a third party or independent candidate.
Ok I just checked it and while she does say that racist old people have to die, she doesnt actually bring race itself into it, which I find interesting.
Whos the chick?
If you think a female black democrat is better for us than Trump, I'm glad you can't vote here. I don't really know what to say, she'd just be Hillary but worse.
time marches on
Both parties has the problem of boomers dying out due to age and not having viable replacements due to boomers monopolizing politics.
Please God yes! This guarantees a Trump second term.
Oprah running as President. This is absolutely the worst political idea ever.
She's a fucking Mammy. A modern day Aunt Jemima.
>she'd just be Hillary but worse
Yes but in what way? Did she support any of Clintons policies? Especially interested in foreign obviously. Just being black and a democrat isnt enough of a reason to not support her for me, and while I cant vote, there is guaranteed to be another meme war before the next election...
If you have any actual reasons that arent fallacious though, Id be very interested in hearing them. However this entire thread doesnt contain a single iota of actual reasoning.
I love it when blacks and hispanics larp that God is on their side, then they vote like Pagan heathens, pro-abortion, pro-open borders, pro-faggots.
They are complete and utter frauds.
They use God as an excuse like anything else. They believe in God when it suits them
>Just being black and a democrat isnt enough of a reason to not support her for me
Can you explain why? She's obviously going to have the same shitlib policies, you're okay with that? What does she actually have over Trump that you would support her on?
>jewish revisionism of paganism is what paganism actually is
found the kike/servant
Pagans live like hedonists, go ahead and enjoy your orgies and child sacrifice, they come at a price.
God didn't fuck around with denouncing them in the OT, and he affirms that humanity should have no other God but he. If you want to serve other gods, go ahead, it will come at a price.
basically "i need BS as a pretext to change my mind from what i said earlier"
Mammies were useful. Oprah isn't.
You really should refrain from comparing the two.
>What does she actually have over Trump that you would support her on?
Trump turned out to be a massive Neocon and its not doing either the world or the US a favor. Is there reason to believe that she would go against Assad? Against Russia? Iran? Did she ever pledge her allegiance to Israel? If not then thats what she has over Trump.
I guess if she actually decides to run, we will eventually know enough so that I can make up my mind. Untill then I guess I'll view her as a more charismatic person than Trump, without any opinions on politics...
>orgies and child sacrifice
repeating ad naseum your jewish revisionism doesn't make it real, just like the holohoax, go suck a zyklon dick, kike
That's what you get when you throw away your royals. You slowly lose all sense of dignity.
Michael Knight doesn’t work that way
>She has no experience whatsoever except television, at least Trump owned and operated a sucessful multinational corporation
she made money as was CEO of her own corporation. this doesn't mean she had to do anything but make decisions based on advice, but that is effectively what an executive is. i'd say she has similar business experience as Trump, but not identical. as to her knowledge of anything to do with running a country and the world's most powerful military, who knows.
God is the head through which humanity functions, without the head humans devolve into degeneracy, as our own wisdom often fails us.
He does not fuck around with worshiping idols. Once again, go ahead and do it, it will come at an enormous cost, paganism is nothing but a dead end for civilization, hence why it;s always fat tatted up chicks with nose rings that get into it, it's a spiritual void empty of God.
For the record, modern Jews are basically Satanists as Christ told us that it's impossible to have the father without the son.
The Pagans in the OT regularly sacrificed to Moloch, and now these practices are alive through the "Jews" who peddle abortion (whom are not Jews but liars as Christ told us in Revelation 3:9).
He's saying people like you fuck up countries if given a choice. You do not want a black woman running things I would much rather have Hilary if that is my other option.
>muh (((gawd)))
lotta words that amount to nothing, yid
The dems where bitching about how Trump doesn't have any political experience and is just a T.V celebrity. What kind of fucking mental gymnastics are they going to pull when somebody points out Oprah is the same?
Implying she prayed to the Christian God. If any she prays to its highly satanic.
so the racial war will intensifie for a quite time while china growth stronger and more united every day
we are fucked beyond repair
and seeing their objective so near this wont stop they will flood the country with inmigrant even more they will legalize the ilegals and the will use middle class white workers as a tax slaves
based divide and conquer unironically jewish shill
you're doing a good job!
see cunts, this is what happens when you meme someone into the white house.
welcome to the new age, were TV hosts run the executive branch.
get ready for president Winfrey, President Colbert, President Leno.
shes a strong black woman, its obviously not the same thing. she has melanin power. that means she can soak up the suns rays and use that to power our government
Oprah would lose badly. She's not going to run nor should she want to because it's going to tear apart her comfy life. If she wants to make a difference she should be an integral figure in the background supporting whomever the Democratic Party chooses as their candidate.
What would be your ideal celebrity presidential race Sup Forums?
maybe she's looking for a post with significant digits as a sign from based lord kek
>I bet she's already 50+points ahead..
dividing and conquering the kikes is always a good thing, the ancients knew this far more than we do today in this jewish hellscape
>invoking God
>so when she does run, she has God on her side
How can we meme this and make her seem like a psycho?
If she runs, America is a dead nation. The election can't be Trump v. Oprah for president and this be anything but clown world tinpot dictator status. I'm already 90% the way to dropping technology and going innawoods; presidential races just being all celebrities would be the final step.
Jay Z vs kayne freestyle battle
who the fuck cares what you think
german, not american
the fucking double standard is insane
Any spirit she hears from is directly from the devil.
The fuck he wasn't.
So if she's not running it means god told her not to run?
She's obviously running now.
This country has become such a fucking joke. Everything every psycho ever said about democracy being shit was dead correct.