Pic related. Lord help us.
Fatties in SI Swimsuit Edition
someone curb stomp that walrus while shes down
I'd fucking give her the most mediocre five minutes of her life
Feminism/BLM/Fat acceptance/Tranny acceptance its all leading to women looking uglier and uglier
Still looks pretty fuckable
looks great
you're half a fag if you dont think so
Flag checks out.
My sis knew when she needed to go on a diet when she started getting hit on by black guys.
>Get big models. Make sure they have milkers.
I thought of a sea lion when I first saw it.
I'd fuck her
You mean to tell me that if that ass was bent up at you right now, you wouldn't stick it in?
Greenpeace spent hours after this photograph was taken trying to roll her fat ass back into the sea
Those Anons have to be kids caught up with the skinny girl meme. They've got no clue what they're talking about if they'd pass up that plump pussy...
Fuckable is not the same as looking great my dude.
Niggers and spics have to jerk off too, y’know. I’m all for fatties in fatsuits. Fat hoes are nigger strength. How else will they build Wakanda without this kind of diversity?
Some chunky mudchick with a so-so mug. It really makes you miss the old days......
if you wouldnt at least smash this whale then i'm afraid you're a fucking faggot
The joos hate the goyim for being so attractive.
>not wanting her to move the bikini to the side as she smothers your face followed by loud, rough, intense sweaty sex where you cum inside her and fall asleep
bunch of low test faggots
if you would smash that you are a degenerate
sex is for reproduction you niggers
Sorry, soyboy, once you've fucked a woman with nice ass and thighs, you never want to fuck a fat woman ever again.
I'd smash, she's the right kind of fat
There's another one that's even fatter than this sea cow.
I'd fuck her, and I'm not memeing.
Hunter Mcgrady. She's fucking hot and id love to fuck her regardless of Jew conspiracies.
I've had both.
I'll take the "THICC tries in bed sex that swallows and cooks me a big breakfast the next day", and spare myself the bony bruises from fucking a skeleton with a 10 year old boy's body that has a deviated septum from snorting pills.
yeah . noooooooooo i have standards
no i would not.... yuk
thats fucking disgusting... please turn back time 40 years now
you can tell when women get fat because their tits stop growing in proportion to their stomach and a layer of fat on their chest but underneath their tits forms.
id go beast mode on her. I used to date a big girl the fugging was wild and i loved the cuddles and snuggles with her.
She's too old for you I bet.
Some people like women with some meat on there bones. Don't hate just because you've been programmed by the media to only think skinny women are hot. She's not morbidly obese or out of shape, those are some child bearing hips bro.
You'd fucking anything animated, you fucking disgusting, basement dwelling freak.
anyone that wouldnt tear that up is a faggot
i guess im gay then because only a fucking nigger would fuck that
>concerned about fatties
wait till they start putting traps in there
its right around the corner
The friggen horse teeth are more unsettling to be honest.
but not Sup Forums related, go back to Sup Forums
That's waaay too fat.
the one on the left looks like a tranny styx
Pretty obvious to tell this board is full of non whites now.
She’s hot i’d make out with her braaaap hole for hours erryday
Looks like Sofia Vergara
I thought styx was tranny styx?
fat butthurt roastie detected
WTF is up with kike genes? Why are they always so fucking hideous?
congratulations, you are all gay
You're right, a naturally blonde woman of white colombian descent is indicative of the muttification of America.
She can have my DICC
You're gay or a virgin if you wouldn't fuck this. That body would make you cream in 2 minutes
as long as she has a pretty face and smells nice
Real women have curves! We shouldn't be shamed for being fuller!
>use soft filters and photoshop each picture
so disgusting, I only fuck skinny girls, you know, the ones with bodies like 15 year old boys.