Niggers did this
Niggers did this
jews did it
but it's so strange that people are just ok with the disparity between the ass and hamstrings/quads.
Hey dude. Realitys a bitch. If you want a girl with a big ass there are compromises to make.
dirty diaper
sheeeeeit dat white bitch was made for dis bbc
I don't if the ass if going to look like that.
Not attractive, looks like cottage cheese
Fucking disgusting.
>cartoonistly large
>cottage cheese texture
>skinny out of proportioned legs
>looks like a diaper made of flesh
this is absolutely disgusting
a big ass (not that big, but a nice round one) was like big tits for me, never cared for it until i had girls with them. now i love it. i still like petite but damn there's something deep in the reptilian brain that gets activated when you get those things
Amerimutants did this.
pretty sure a couple kids and some mcdonalds had something to do with it
Would hit it like the beach at Normandy (and probably get just as seasick)
No, girls can get a smooth, well rounded natural ass just fine. Squating is cheaper than surgery
motherfucker stop blaming US for your bitches buying booty...
maybe if you stop jerking it to azn anime porn, she would stay her no booty ass home and suck on your dick
a lot of people do not know that she takes fat from other parts of her body and puts it where her booty is
Oh fuck off. It was those nigger chemicals those kike surgeons pumped into her.
After that other nigger pumped into her a different way.
but then who supports it?
How can one like a disproptionatley big ass. Can you imagine the stink of shit that can’t be wiped off completely. Or the sweat stink of the vagina from never being able to get any air. It’s disgusting. Fat asses are disgusting.
Cellulite Cunt
Looks like your typical British female. 90% white 10% cottage cheese
that's Kim K you tarded amerimutt
big asses are nice as fuck but only when theyre acquired through hard work i.e. squats and not fat or oil injections
pic related
are all Germans gay?
get fucked dyle
no im just no insecure soyboy like you
id bet my right hand i squat more than her
>huge manly steroid induced muscles
>I'm not insecure
Holy shit, Germans are a parody of themselves because everyone who isn't a retarded faggot died when they lost the war.
i had no idea who that was
now that I know...
she was always disgusting
i didnt say the other poster was gay
Diaper butt.