Why are leftist comics so fucking awful? It's almost always just weak ass strawmen and ad hominems...

Why are leftist comics so fucking awful? It's almost always just weak ass strawmen and ad hominems, no actual counter arguments, no substance.

>pic related

>It's almost always just weak ass strawmen and ad hominems, no actual counter arguments, no substance

That's what their entire worldview is built on

A teacher just started shooting in a school and you're posting the prophetic image you fucking retard.

This is why.

That’s actually pretty funny, if stupid.

In order to find a joke funny, the context of your life's experiences need to overlap with those of the author. This is impossible as liberals are all ultra high IQ city people and Trump supporters are rural and suburban retards.

another one


>liberals are all ultra high IQ city people

There’s a funny joke in there somewhere, I like the gun school. The problem I have with leftist “comedy” mocking of right wing culture is that it’s all been done before. I’m not offended, just bored.

desu the giant bullet bearing down on the classroom did make me kek

Actually I think the message of the comic is that as soon as a black guy held a gun the racist cops immediately acted as if he were a shooter.

omg they brought back word filters lol

It's a gun free zone though. How did he get a gun through the magical barrier?

Fuck me this is terrible.

Once again a leftist position is based on factually incorrect information

It's just a hodge podge of broken ideas, conflicting and negating each other. Leftists are like shattered mirrors. Schitso faggots.

>Shit tier "comic" about police racism
>Muh high IQ city libtards
>Doesn't even remotely realize everyone saw what the "author" meant and that's why it's shit



>I’m not offended, just bored

How can a human being consciously make something to totally terrible

Even the artwork and the lettering is humor-free



this one is all over the place. do cops want to shoot a black or not?

>giving guns to people under 6ft

Because comedy (and memes) are inherently based in truth and logic, while modern liberalism is based entirely on emotional arguments and lies.

>(((uzi))) tower