Is there anything more soy than driving an electric car?

Is there anything more soy than driving an electric car?

Only if you’re not using it to shuttle around your girlfriend and her son.

Otherwise that Volt doesn’t look half bad.

Complaining about the cars other people buy with their own money.

I don't drive a hybrid or an electric, but guess what? I'm old enough that I don't give a fuck about that shit anymore.

What's wrong with this scenario:

>own land
>fully powered house by solar and wind
>free to charge electric car

I'd like to be as self-sustaining as possible

Respect the tech.
Soys love their standard transmission hatchbacks way more than they love hybrids/EV's.

Is there anything more soy then using consumer choices to validate your masculinity, or more deeply relying on defining your fragile grip on masculinity through how others judge your choices?

They base the Omega Man on you OP?

I really like the idea of really small electric cars with jet-fighter style two seats to commute to work or shops. The problem is you can't use them when you have children.

Also my dick is big enough I do not care about size of my car.

eating soy?

>low maintenance
>cheaper per mile
>can turn the AC on from your phone so your car is cool when you get to it

Yeah right

/o/ here
Electric cars are dandy and will probably be the future, but v8s, turbochargers, loud exhausts and 5 speed manauls make the man