I am what you would call a normie, a middle aged one. Your site was referenced in an episode of the Homeland TV series so I decided to see it for myself. I have been reading your site for about 2 weeks now, and boy let me tell you, have my eyes been opened...
I am now essentially addicted to it, and I have developed an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, or what you call "red pills".
It has become clear to me that (((these people))) have been, quite literally, running our country for a while, as well as -without fear of hyperbole- manufacturing our everyday vision and opinion of things. Still, I read lots of counter-points on here (probably from paid dissenters) which makes it somewhat hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.
So my question for Sup Forums is: in 2018, what's real and what's not? What are they NOT behind?
Redpill me on (((them))) once more please. Give me your strongest red pills, and keep up your awareness crusade, because it is working like a charm.
Hello everyone
Other urls found in this thread:
dumbshit boomer bait
redpills are retarded badly-composed images with sources like "this guy's a jew because his daughter went to the same summer camp as a jew"
suck my dick
Gommie fug :DD
If you came for THICC president memes, you've been terribly misinformed.
>alright Sup Forums I want a 10000 word essay codifying Sup Forums's beliefs on my desk by friday
>t. teenage communist who has never seen "The Matrix"
Just know that you will never be able to leave now
Not a boomer but a first wave Gen Xer, but I understand the hatred. Their selfish hedonism and lack of consideration for future generations have made my life harder than it needed to be too.
Research a man named Bernard Baruch. Specifically his relationships with Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, and the powers he was granted during both world wars.
Research how many of our representatives, senators, cabinet advisers, and supreme court justices are jewish and/or hold dual us and israeli citizenship.
Research the 1960s attack on the USS liberty. What do you call an act of aggression against a sovereign nations military?
Look into the identity of jorunalists and social media personalities who make anti-white messages publicly while also claiming to be white. Keywords "as white people, we...", anything involving "white privilege", and any organization that pushes for 3rd world immigration.
These should be some good starter redpills. Get reading.
This is probably bait but meh, I've got nothing better to do.
Dump incoming. Starting with the big 6 gorillion.
>By the way, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself here, because now you can never leave
Red Cross documents from their inspections of the so called "death camps"
Not bait I guarantee you, just overwhelmed by all this and extremely curious. It's like I'm seeing everything around me for the first time, and it feels odd, bittersweet.
i have a few, too...
Those are POW camps described. No one disputes that famalam
Then lurk more faggot
Learn the rules
Obligatory fuck off kike.
> w/tl;dr
Read up on:
>TL:DR Jewish Communists plunged post-WW1 Germany into a civil war and overthrew the Kaiser, establishing the Weimar Republic. No one ever mentions that when talking about why Hitler identified the Jews as enemies of Germany and rounded them up.
There is no way this is not pasta
the jews should've been killed off by hitler.,
You must be new here, drop the memeflag.
is ok, haven't seen one of these breads in a while
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Buy and read "The Culture of Critique."
What jews specifically have control of doesn’t matter and will likely lead you into identity politics and autism
Here is what is essential to know and understand:
>the Jews want to disarm you, always have and always will
>the Jews want the middle class to stop having children
>the Jews have used banking, taxes, immigration, chemicals (chemtrails, food, fluoride), and white guilt to reduce the white population
>the Jews want to be the master race to validate their religion but white peoples invalidate this (much more technologically and societally advanced)
>by destroying the white race they hold supremacy and revalidate their religion
>they are doing this by using money, people who make more money but are middle class get taxed to where only 1 or 2 kids are affordable
>blacks who make no money for the economy get paid more money to have more kids
>the Jews will likely enslave whatever is left when intelligent populations die out
>the Jews know they can’t be called out if all intelligent people die
The final red pill is that it is not the Jews, it is us Anglos that feed off of the lifeforce of the European, we simply use them as a cover or a diversion. Now you know the truth.