
Are we living in a simulation? How can we prove this? If we are then can we leave it and if we were to what would be outside of the simulation?

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There are a certain combination of words, when spoken, that causes the individual user to crash.

When spoken, the person appears to disappear and never comes back.

But I'm not going to tell you what the words are. That would be wrong.

as a matter of fact,
and 'simulation' implies something is being mimiced, but if you believe in something that is mimiced, what reason do you have to think that we aren't in that real existence, rather than a simulation?


The holocaust is a lie.

You have to ask the person who made the stimulation, iv been told prying works.

sacred geometry is actually just a collection of certain patterns that demonstrate certain rules - a literal source code to the universe

Memetic hazards like this are also possible. We could weaponize this - memes specifically tailored to instakilling lefties

We'd have to immunize ourselves against all possible ways to harm us though

Most likely we are living the simulation of advanced beings.

Simulation theory is just a perspective. What is objective fact is that humans are programmable. Most will never be fully aware of this because their consciousness can't handle it.

>Are we living in a simulation?
>How can we prove this?
You can't just yet, but we're getting there.
>If we are then can we leave it and if we were to what would be outside of the simulation?
No, you cannot leave on your own.

Simulation = / = mimesis

>what would be outside of the simulation?
another simulation with new rules
a new level
if you soul is clean you will go up +1 (a place with more pleasure than ours)
if your soul is ill they will send it to -1 level (a plase with more suffer than ours)

no, you can not leave the simulation if you yourself are a simulation because it's a simulation.

however, if you are plugged in matrix style you could leave the simulation. perhaps when you die in the simulation you exit the simulation and like a dream you wake up only to find a few hours have passed instead of a lifetime and you remember you were playing the game.

but like in a dream when you are in the game, everything is very real and the reality of the world outside your dream is forgotten.

you now remember you are playing the game, but it's not quite time to wake up, we haven't reach alpha cetauri yet.

>'simulation' implies something is being mimiced
Semantics, I know what you mean though: something is being simulated etc. Let me put this in a different perspective for you then: we are "code".

>If we are then can we leave it
Yes. Don't go in to the light no matter what you see or hear upon death.
>and if we were to what would be outside of the simulation?
The monad, the one, the source, etc. Whatever you want to call it, it's where Jesus was trying to get people to.

>Don't go in to the light no matter what you see or hear upon death
How many Gnostics have contacted you from the "other side" to confirm this? Not trying to troll, genuinely curious on why you'd think that, since...

>where Jesus was trying to get people to
...Jesus is the light. Following the light is exactly what you're supposed to do according to the scriptures.

we are just gods playing the 3D world MMORPG

He may be referring to the light as a false light and the darkness as the true light. In otherwise, the dazzling darkness, the light within the dark.

Though personally I think what matters is how you live, what karma you acquire, how conscious you are, not which way you walk when you die.

You might see a close relative, a friend, someone that you would trust your everything to, but it's not them.
They will recycle you in to another meat prison to feed off of your suffering over and over and over.
The one caveat, is that free will is a mother fucker and they cannot force you in to the light, despite how attractive, safe, warm, and loving it may appear to be.
That's the big joke of it all, we've been free to leave this place whenever we choose but here we are. Suffering daily from any number of physical or mental issues much to their delight.
We are cattle to them.

Only the logos, the word, descended in to this place from the pleroma.

>the darkness as the true light. In otherwise, the dazzling darkness, the light within the dark.
Yup. Hopefully we can go home this time brother.

Go and rent the Tom Cruise movie Vanilla Sky

>how can we prove this
what do you think games like GTA are going to be like in 100 years from now ? 200 years ? 500 years ? 1000 years ?
But we clearly could be.
>they dont know about sim theory
we are still biological creatures than have evolved within the construct... forget all that sci-fi matrix shit

dont worry we got jaden smith working on it

I feel like you're mixing Gnosticism with Scientology and a sprinkle of Icke's beliefs on top for added flavor. Your path is yours to walk of course.

>we are still biological creatures than have evolved within the construct... forget all that sci-fi matrix shit
Well, yes, we are biological, but we're composed of DNA. And mentioned sacred geometry already, which deals with metaphysics in general. In other words, we're still "code", just that there's different shades of it. In my opinion of course. Does any of this make sense?

What else is there beyond the world of forms? Is it just becoming one with divinity instead of being pulled away from it by mortal distractions?

>this thread again

No. We are not living in a simulation. If we were living in a simulation, then nothing matters and you should kill yourself. Therefor it is bullshit to even give the notion thought. Instead, exhaust all other possible outcomes before going full nihilist.

>the universe is like a computer, therefore simulation
(OR computers work in a similar nature to the universe because of the natural laws of said universe)

There is a code, the universe is very "computer like", but this is no simulation. Dank shit approaches and the kikes are scared as fucking hell thats why there have been daily threads attempting to poison the esoteric well. Anons who have seen it know whats up.. Things are going to change soon enough, that change will be drastic, and it will be beautiful in every measure, from aesthetics to poetic justice.

it makes sense...
>we're still code
yeah.. it seems that everything could be made out of code on a quantum level

Untold experience. Literally beyond our current conception of what reality can be.

>No. We are not living in a simulation. If we were living in a simulation, then nothing matters and you should kill yourself. Therefor it is bullshit to even give the notion thought. Instead, exhaust all other possible outcomes before going full nihilist.

>There is a code, the universe is very "computer like", but this is no simulation.
the universe is very computer like.... but its not ?
>americans are actually this retarded
you realise that logic is the same flat earthers use right ?
>hurrr guys it looks like a curve but its actually flat

"code" no reason to put it in quotes. A pattern is a pattern is a pattern... is a code. And if you fucking sperg hard enough. You can isolate functions from variables.

>3, 6 , 9 damn lookin fine give it to me give it to me one more time

The fucking truly astounding part is that it seems we always knew, in some unspoken lullaby. This is all a symphony of lights.


>t. loudmouthed larpfaggot with no facts or evidence the post

>No. We are not living in a simulation. If we were living in a simulation, then nothing matters and you should kill yourself. Therefor it is bullshit to even give the notion thought. Instead, exhaust all other possible outcomes before going full nihilist.

imagine being this retarded. sad.

why couldn't a simulation simulate biology and evolution?

X having something in common with Y does not make it Z. That's the same kind of logic that kikes use.


it's not a simulation, it can be proven that nothing exists past what we observe and thus there can be no simulator to simulate what we observe. easy peasy.

>Some of my ramblings from another thread

"In my opinion this reality is entirely simulated and it's dualistic in nature. Which doesn't automatically mean that "you" don't exist, you do, your thoughts and feelings are very real, your parents, friends and extended family members were real too. I'm not trying to frighten you or make it seem as if nothing that you do matters, quite the contrary, EVERYTHING that you ever did and anything that you're doing right now or will ever do in the future has an effect on the world surrounding you. In that regard, you have a soul. You feel, you think, you make a lasting impact on the existence of others.

But everything in this universe of ours needs to follow a certain set of rules, because everything needs to be in order. And yes, you got that right, there's order all around us. The world may seem like it's chaotic, but it's really not. We have scientists that try to explain the underlying nature of our existence, but we also have different shades of spiritual people trying to achieve the same. Their tools are different, but the conclusions they reach are oftentimes closer than they'd like to admit. You see, they both see patterns everywhere. Numbers. Geometrical shapes. Ordered, as if it was done on purpose. Well, what if it was?

If you're a programmer, you're accustomed to binary, machine code (assembler), all that. Try, just for mental gymnastics sake, applying the same logic and line of reasoning to what's outside your window for a moment, not what's on your HDD. Do you honestly believe that observable mathematical phenomena like the Fibbonaci sequence etc. are all just a fluke? Perhaps.

But if they're not, that would mean only one thing. They were made that way on purpose. If there was a purpose, there was a force behind it. A programmer if you will, an engineer, an architect. If we're all "binary" running on the most complicated engine of all times, there must be an admin out there somewhere.

God is real."

So do you think all the teachings are basically a lie? Since they tell people they'll reincarnate for their own benefit and the benefit of their family and humanity as a whole? Do you see it all as a trick to keep people returning?

because it wouldn't be an accurate simulation... if you want to run an accurate simulation with the computing power needed to understand exactly how the universe was created you wouldn't just cheat and start half way through would you ? You would do it the way theorised, for example, our simulation would start with the big bang.... heavy elements swirling around the void etc etc

Ok but you said "NO" which is nonsense because there is evidence suggestive its definitely possible

***In Fact, for all we know the "big bang" was the simulation starting

>not exhausting all better possibilities before setting on some grimdark bullshit is retarded

I like how you had to reply to my same thread twice with the same shill bullshit.

If that logic is 'retarded' then there is just as much evidence as with this 'everything is a simulation' larpfest to say that we are all already dead and this is hell, where you get to endure the mental torture, for all of eternity' of watching your people get genocided.'

If you think that recognizing that "while that is possible" it is the kind of shit that shouldnt be entertained until everything else proves impossible is retarded.. you just might be a shill.


What would be the point of returning to flesh when it is guaranteed suffering?

exactly, we're all code, and even though there appear to be various codes, in the end it's only one code. Like how there are many programming languages, but the CPU just translates all that into 0 and 1

>If we were living in a simulation, then nothing matters and you should kill yourself.

now that's defeatist. If we're truly inside a simulation we literally can do whatever we want, including breaking the simulation quite literally - imagine if in such a scenario we hacked 3d printers "IRL" and made ourselves physical bodies. Aliens literally btfo

yes, it is possible, its also a possibility that means nothing truly matters, and even if that is the truth... It is extreme blackpill and smacks of kikery, therefor I declare that until all other possibilities are proven wrong the answer is NO

everything is a metaphor. But then again.. paradox.. the idea that escaping reincarnation is the answer... could be a dirty trick.

>What else is there beyond the world of forms?
A world of abstraction. Where all ideas/thoughts exist as both their extremes and everything in between.. love/hate.. cold/hot..

Have you ever been close to tragedy?
Or been close to folks who have?
Have you ever felt a pain so powerful,
so heavy you collapse?
No.... Well.....
I never had to knock on wood

>If we're truly inside a simulation we literally can do whatever we want, including breaking the simulation quite literally - imagine if in such a scenario we hacked 3d printers "IRL"

If we could hack irl (which I believe is possible) that does not make this a simulation.. We are discussing the ineffable using common words.

and none amount of 0s or 1s are capable of creating qualia

Don't think of it as escaping. It's making a free will choice of saying "No." when everyone you've ever known or loved is screaming, begging, pleading with you "Just say yes."

If so post cheat codes.

I don't understand how you arrive to the conclusion that "nothing truly matters"... thats ridiculous, YOU are the one promoting blackpilled kikery dumbass

Just another way to say we’re living in the world of our Creator.
It does seem the marketing and branding around ‘a simulation’ is better than modern religions but all roads lead to the same fact, our reality was created by God (or computer, or unknowable energy, or fill in blank).


be carefull what you ask for. just look what happened to the last guy. I'm getting tired, time to go to bed


I put it in quotes, because I really don't think that the idea is as retarded as a lot of people believe it to be initially and the word triggers a lot of them for some reason. I think, I feel, I exist, I am. I know this. But personally it wouldn't phase me to learn that deep down I'm 0's and 1's, it wouldn't change much.

Ok, here's some more ramblings: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end", to me that could mean that God is also 0's and 1's and everything else stems from him. He's literally, well, the source.

Moving on, "as above, so below", "night and day", "life and death". It's all dualistic. Always ordered. And if it's ordered, it's ordered for a reason, there was a will behind it. If there was a will, there was a force. The source. God.

>we literally can do whatever we want, including breaking the simulation quite literally
I'm not sure about that bit though. Or rather, yes, I do believe it's possible, but I don't think we're supposed to do it, at least not en masse. Kabbalah is kinda like that, trying to crack the code, but isn't that a little cheeky? Why should anyone be able to crack it? That would make you God-like. You'd start doing crazy shit, the processes responsible would start requiring insane amounts of computing, it would all spike up. Imagine a lot of people doing it at the same time, that would certainly draw the programmer's attention. And then what? Perhaps punishment, tabula rasa, restarting the whole thing. Who's to say that's not the case?

Think about videogames where you keep defeating enemies and filling the screen with their bodies. After a while the bodies will start disappearing in order to free up computing power and keep the whole thing relatively lag free. What happens to our bodies after we die? "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust". The soul itself most likely returns to God in some way, shape or form, the rest of it gets removed in time to free up resources.

Wouldn't the words effect the speaker Also?

π is the proof of this

This is all just a test. When you wake up, you'll either be met with freedom, or something worse.

>If we are then can we leave it and if we were to what would be outside of the simulation?

bump because i need cheat codes for life

In Kabbalah they teach that the righteous reincarnate to bring their higher level of light back to the world.

Possible, though detachment is already becoming the dominating nature of the modern world. I still prefer the idea that we can better the world together even if it's difficult these days.

what about the law of attraction tho?

So another institution run by people in robes that have everything to lose if suddenly the world realized what they're selling is a sham?

It's becoming more and more common for people to use each other which results in many choosing isolation.

From how you describe it, it sounds like people opting out of the system just takes them off the board. It wouldn't actually affect the elites in any way.

That's why Jesus wanted everyone to be saved, even the elite.
They're still part of it but they are playing an active role in selling humanity away for power.
This human experience is all they've ever known and whatever reward they're receiving from helping and aiding the enemy is still just part of the program.

Believe what you will. But don't go in to that light.

what's in the light?

you basicly wake up behind an infinite bookshelf and can communicate with the past but only by pushing books slightly

>Are we living in a simulation?
Yes but its God running a exe.universe sim he wanted to fire up for a few billion years. Not an "ancestor simulation" or whatever dumb tripe that fat science nigger wants to peddle.

Mortal life.

If it's possible for super intelligence to exist in the form and size of bacteria, and bacteria evolves faster and outnumbers larger organisms trillions to one: it is much more likely that this simulation (if it is a simulation) is actually created by and being run by bacterial type organisms (whether biological and/or robotic) than the alternatives. Then there are also energetic and infomorphic beings that, following the aforementioned criteria for capacities, are more likely to be running this (potential) simulation than bacterial type organisms.
Do the math.

like a correlation between those combinations of words and the OM ?

Yes, you have to speak the words. Once you do, you’ve crashed your individual unit and you exit the matrix. Thinking the words is OK, speech goes through a different part of the brain. It’s not you who speak the words but them.

More like a bug in the system where you do the computer equivalent of trying to divide by zero. Considering the tide-eating generation we have, if the words were published in meme form with a “watch what happens when you say this” meme, you could probably evaporate a few hundred thousand before anyone caught on.

It makes me remember the Monty Python's sketch "The Funniest Joke". Some patterns of the verbum are just hidden for the good of mankind.
In a constructive manner for the selected ones of humanity, mastering of the OM resonance which, in a similar way to the mongolian throat singing, provokes an elevation of consciousness to higher levels due to the frequencies it works with.
Any hints on where we can find that knowledge concerning the "bug"?

fucking everyone knows candlejack is th-

If someone were really devious, they would have the words included in the song of some major pop diva...

> synthetically create the song by having the singer individual words in a different order
> include on album
> anyone who sings along with the song gets zapped.

I heard there is a certain command to put niggers in slave mode.

When you say the name of G O D you die.

>People invent hammers
>Someone starts including hammers into nature and the architecture of the universe, as we actually like in a world built by hammers, manny things can be seen because of that and manny phenomena is explained with hammers

As so:
>People invent computers
>Someone starts explaning life and reality with computers, us being in a computer explains manny things in our world

There is wisdom in the legends of many different civilizations.

>Someone playing me just spends his whole day making me masturbate

I get to see what you mean user.

and the order of the words must follow a certain pattern, I suggest Sexagesimalism

If anything is worse than death, that is falling into the eternal void of nothingness

Came here to post this.

Nope. This is not a simulation. Real as it gets. The blue pill says we in the matrix. The red pill knows the simulation is like reality and that reality is not like a simulation.

Father...I have managed to crack the eternal cyber...

I like the legend of Arthur Pendragon

>How can we prove this

We've got a (potentially) long way to go yet.


wow, you're an expert in this ? shitt man, when did all the new evidence come out disproving the theory ? post links please....

I think therefore I am

What if I told me that most each atom is itself a universe simulator simulating a universe composed of atomic universe simulators...
And that isn't even the theoretical maximum.
Do the logic.

wrong fact

cogito ergo spud

I think therefore I yam

>No, you cannot leave on your own.
But could we leave the simulation with the help of an AI? As you say, we can't do it ourselves.

There's no place like home


Let's say a portal appears in from of us. On the other side: True Reality. TR is the reality you can't prove is false; it is the truest reality. Even though the new reality seems more real than your native one, how do you really know it's TR? Even if it is another and superior reality, to know it's TR you'd have to know every other possible reality isn't TR. And if you knew about every single possible reality, you would know everything - you would have become God, being all-knowing and all-powerful because knowledge is power. So you see how futile it is to wonder if you're in a simulation or in True Reality. If this is a simulation and a portal appears, how would you know the new reality isn't just the simulation generating a new reality to keep you in an endless loop? In either scenario there's no way to definitively prove you are or aren't in a simulation.

But there is another kind of simulation which you do objectively live in. And that is the Matrix created by (((them))). Religion, politics, law -- the Enemy has corrupted all of it in varying amounts. To wake up from this Matrix, to see True Reality, be willing to consider everything you think is true, isn't.