56% thread

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Why on fucking earth to women shave their fucking heads like this. It's literally vile

i am black btw

I like bongino but he is the living embodiment of el goblino



severe emotional distress and instability

Joey took this off YouTube. Thanks for posting a classic.

forgot my contribution

pls no

Canada is pure white


I want to hate fuck her face with my 19 inch white cock

This it's the perfect moment to stop posting the spic.

And when you rub your dick on their head it hurts. How can fags stand it when a guy sucks their dick? Doesn't stubble hurt? I mean when a guy is rimming your asshole, doesn't the beard/stache feel likes sandpaper - I can't even take bad toilet paper. How can fags stand it?

Slide Thread

That apple commercial with the fox emoji girl was qt as fuck

>American genetics

Cute eyes :)

>hurr durr we gun craet uh ethnuhstate

Laughs in european



>American banter compared to a Canadian's witty remark

stop posting young men on Sup Forums, it's weird.

>beautiful face
>ruin it with a septim piercing

>Nose ring
In the trash it goes

>Canadian's witty remark

bit harsh

I'm smarter than you

This is not a amerimutt. Amerimutt are light skinned mongrel larping white

east asians typically are

That's the redpill for ya, sweety.

I like her eye brows


If "she" was the shooter she'd be considered white.


There is nothing wrong with diversity

prove it

Nose ring looks good IMO. Would throat.

Dude a piece of cooked chicken on the side of the road is smarter than the average american. Talk to any of them irl. They'll even admit how fucking stupid they and their school systems are.



I bet it's no different than a pussy that hasn't been shaved in a few days. My girlfriend's snatch used to get a 5 o clock shadow before pubes became a fetish for me.

But I thought Americans had the ivy league schools?

Ok that's a tranny

You know it's true


Laugh at his skin or his teeth but I bet he has a bigger dick than all of you

God that bitch is ugly as fuck. I wish people would stop posting its picture.



Septim piercings, and face piercings in general are a big red flag bro, it isn't then end all be all guarantee that she is a "progressive" emotionally unstable degenerate, succubus, but she very well might be.
Its all gross looking in my opinion and girls are doing it nowadays as a bandwagon thing, kinda like chokers in the mid to late 2000s.

Reminder that Canada is about 95% white

Maybe 10 years ago. Most of the IVY league is a joke now. The only reason to even go is for networking with wealthy kids. State college is an even bigger joke.

That's an African American not an amerimutt.

A whore, a leftist and a retard. Literal garbage. Small things can be important.

Most Americans "white" have strange facial features such as flat head, short and wide skull, broad and flat nose, small eyes, thick lips (Look in negroid lips Darren wilson police), dental arch Negroid or Mongoloid ...
The Census in the US is a complete farce, which is why I have no faith that the American white people is 63 percent, the numbers are less than 20%, in my opinion, they constantly mix Mongrels with western population white American Royal.
Whites are already minority in the US

When you add 30 million illegal immigrants and their anchor babies, and all Middle Eastern people who are considered caucasion, but not Hispanic,along with all enties of mixed-race who identifies as white

(people like Rob schinider

, Miley Cyrus , Mark-Paul Gosselaar, liv tayler , Cameron dias , Chris Weidman, ronda rousey,

Freddie Prinze Jr. (puerto rican father), sarah palin , Fergie, Edward Furlong,tim tebow,

chad murray, etc etc etc) .

Even within the American WN There are several mestizos:
Patrick Chouinard ,Andrew Anglin, Rodney Martin, Kyle Rogers, Andrew Auernheimer, mat parrot, joe sobran, Lincoln Rockwell Gordon Baum and Matthew Heimbach are some examples!
Many other things indicate nonwhite ancestry, as undershot, extremely broad noses, the epicanthal bending, flat faces, curly or very curly hair or straight hair too thick and dark, large Negroid-esque lips, thick eyelids, very large apples face, and yellowish skin, among others

What's the best place to get a DNA/Heritage test?

Whiter than you Tyrone

you would know

that is a mulato, pure mutt. He's probably less than 56 percent though


Whiter than thee Pajeet


I have a 7 inch dick that I exclusively use to jerk off to traps and rule 34

90% of African Americans are mulattoes, very few look anything like Africans. Unfortunately the jews and anglos mixed blacks with potato niggers so it did nothing for the African Americans intelligence but it made them better at farm work.

Checks out

I've never seen an Asian or Indian person in my life

Non sequitur

there's something about people eating nasty food that makes me want to vomit. no more pls


this shit is fucking great
I don't know how it hasn't gotten old to me yet


Stavy baby is that you?

It's mindboggling how much this guy looks like le 56% man.


reminder that Americans secure with their whiteness don't mind the 56% mutt meme and it only furthers the concept of ideal American skin tone

The eyes are the craziest part, it looks like he only has pupils

What in God's name is that? Some kind of raw meat?





meme magic, my friend.









>Americans talk shit about world leaders when they have a Cheeto as president

la creatura que quita las armas......




gib guns nao
