Do your due diligence and download nao!
Spaceniggers? Killer drone swarm? Over Milwaukee yesterday
It's Gayniggers! RUN!
The fuck?
delet this and go to sleep right now
big if true
It’s not a flock of seagulls that’s for sure
swamp gas
Weather balloons
Testing bluebeam
definitely not a flock of seagulls
Current "cover story" is "birds reflecting the city lights" and "digital artifacts"
That's good shit
is it happening??
wtf? are they that fucking stupid.
it is giant space flies that just found a giant turd to sniff.
Probably some kind of military drone shit
Space jizz
...the only thing I can come up w/ is:
a debris-field from a trans-orbital anti-gravity vehicle burning up in the atmosphere. Some of these parts retain anti-gravity properties as it breaks up
I saw a bunch of captchas that were milwaukee freeways yesterday
Kek but shit is strange though. No fucking idea except for spaceniggers
when your whole planet is really some alien bitches egg and it just got inseminated.
Looks like swamp gas ballons
Its getting close to bedtime
Anyone else getting sleepy?
Really now time for bed
Sleepy time
they are the life forms like the phoenix lights, ive seen these weird orange orbs up close. They also killed a shit load of people in india at a religious festival
Reflection of a fish tank
Gnats flying close to the camera?
Ok guys gimme your best guesses because this shit is not looking natural at all
Y'all act like you haven't ever seen sky fish at night.
producer prank? looks like bait fish in the sky
It’s the most precise guess so far. The pattern of their movement resembles that of fish but it’s clearly up in the sky and leaves a glowing tail behind
gave me a headache while listening to it but a sense of okayness when I closed it.
am i ayloman
lol I lub my id
fuk dan
>The story of 5 bald men, who relaxed among their brethren.
Project blue beam, most likely explanation.
>blue beam going live soon
>normies are going to buy it
Can’t wait to have this conversation:
>oh user, don’t tell me you are one of those crazy people who doesn’t believe in aliens, they are all over the news!
project big beans
birds fly this way as well when they're in large groups
its just a weather balloon goy nothing to see here
the thing about people saying its a natural or fake vid its reasonable but just recently outside of the conspiracy world it has been made a fact that ufos are a real thing and they have no idea who or what controls it so its now also reasonable to say that its aliens or a secret govt project that would involve all the major countries of the world
What a load of horse shit
Anyone knows how the original of this looked like?
Thats not ufos or drones... there was probably a wedding in canada.
ionically charged swamp gas goyim.
Oчeнь хopoшo
Its just gas swamp human nothing to worry about its perfectly normal now how about you watch some TV.
The Annunaki have returned!!!
not really, it is not a very large flock. Birds zig zag and turn and change direction en mass. They do do swirls with every individual bird moving in a different way while the whole flock moves in the same direction.
Realisticly it could be a swarm of fireflies, it's probably closer than what it looks like in the video.
You'll notice they are moving away from the camera and it looks like they are fading rather quickly.
I would rather have the Annunaki back than the Plaeidians. The Annunaki created mankind as slaves but taught us much of their wisdom and built huge civilizations for us. Then the Pleaidians came and nuked the fucking shit out of the Annunaki and every major city on Earth sending mankind back to the stone age.
>You'll notice they are moving away from the camera and it looks like they are fading rather quickly.
Thats why I said it was probably a wedding in canada.
if this was anything natural like birds or fucking bugs, similar displays would have been filmed many times before
Seriously you guys. It's time to fucking get to bed. I'm not kidding. I'm really tired but even if you aren't, please, For the love of God, go to sleep.
Guy, like, hold on, like, what if
Think for a minute
They, thosr things, they like
Are fucking sperm right
And the earth, its like. Mother earth n shit yeah
What if
Just think for a moment
*hits blunt*
Earth is the egg, and them be gods dick fishies if you catch what I'm saying
And wr all gonna be daddies n shiiieeettt
Not to be a buzzkill but that literally looks like Birds reflecting in the city lights with digital artifact trails.
And I believe in that crazy Annunaki alien shit so you know I'm not one to say this lightly
i saw this pic in a thread recently. user that posted said it was the original. i saved it because it was the only one i hadn't seen before
fuck you im actually tired but youre keeping me awake.
After looking at it several times I am ready to dismiss it as fireflies, but I am not entirely convinced since I don't know the seasonal behavior of fireflies in milwaukee.
Seriously one of the funniest memes.
for fucks sake you retards its burning chink candle kites from a canadian wedding
Saved, sent to all my friends, wtf is happening? Also, thank God... I'm tired of happenings not happening
Its 4 in the after noon tho
Thats a picture of what we normally look like. Figure out how your almond works.
heh. say this live, but I thought I was just still drunk
go to beddy-bye
aliens are coming for your human reproductive potential. but just be thankful that you us in your conscience, so that you can "make nice" with the transhumanist fascists
just rest
there there
Guys this is literally just birds reflecting in the lights holy shit you guys are blind. I believe in Annunaki conspiracy and even I can see this is birds.
I have never witnessed a Russian be correct about anything on this board ever. Due to your skepticism I must assume ayys are real.
Listen, user it is late and you should really catch some sleep this nothing, just some weird event.
Just sleep it's nothing
Looks like spirits.
Glow in the dark birds, never before filmed over a major American city... Rgr that friend.
i noticed similarly strangeness in the sky at 6-7am the other morning, but more towards the east than north/northslightwest (where milwaukee is from me) they looked like suspended comets with short tails and there was faw fewer of them and they were far more spread out, they seemed to be heading in a easternly if not southern direction
I see that shit in my eyes before I go to sleep, then it starts swirling around in a vortex and creates images. Probably CIAnigger hybrids from the nexus point for all parallel versions of Saturn, reflected and magnified a billion times by the lens-shaped structure of Earth's atmosphere and surrounding water vapor. And I downloaded from the source.
if it's spacefish then belzer is already moving on us and we have no silver hawks to take down his spacefish armada and we're thereby fucked