" Hurr durr!1!1! Let's arm teachers!11!!! "
My country is fucking ruined.
Like Allen Ginsberg said, " Everyday someone goes on trial for murder. "
" Hurr durr!1!1! Let's arm teachers!11!!! "
My country is fucking ruined.
Like Allen Ginsberg said, " Everyday someone goes on trial for murder. "
You realise this is just a play by the left so they can say exactly that, HURR DURR ARMING TEACHERS IS A BAD IDEA HUDUURRR.
This ain't your country meme flag.
Fuckin jew.
Opening fire for what?
You think I will set the US Flag as my country? LMAO, we already look like retards. we always have been retards but this just throws in a whole gasoline can. ill change my flag, just for you kike.
You can't make this shit up.
I'm not even left.
I don't like trump but he was better then hilary. lol.
it's been fucked for a while.
Who is this kek character? Are they sending us a message? Why is it not Randall Johnson?
Convenient timing....
you have to be 18+ to post on 4chinz
>calling someone kike
>using kekistan flag
Choose one faggot.
This or they never report on it.
They just want to pick the news stories that go against the current president and make them really fucking loud. Like you never saw the anti gun movement under Obama, suddenly it pops up under Trump.
works great for israel
guns aren't the problem, illegal gun owners are.
but then again, everyone around here has an illegal select-fire AKs, which are assault rifles.
It's almost as if there's another factor tied to guns
Except they told everyone in the class to leave
Barricade the room
And tried to shoot themselves
No one else harmed
No one else died
>in b4 it turns out it was late at night and she was assaulted by a gang of rapists I het classroom as she tried to lock up
>Teachers aren't armed currently
>Teacher brings gun to gun-free school anyway
>Hurr durr!!!11one This is why we don't arm teachers, gais!!!!eleven
Imagine being this fucking stupid...
pay teachers more and they won't shoot your kids
>Tried to shoot themself
The soy is palpable
AMAZING isn't it? How days after Trump says arming teachers that a leftist teacher attacks? Could the Left be anymore obvious? Rush Limbaugh even talked about this on his show today. You know, the guy that has more listeners than CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of the Leftist propaganda media combined...
(((Ginsberg))), just saying.
it's a white violent faggot doing this shit, we need to take guns from u faggot whites
Coward tried to kill himself and failed.
>alarming gun massacre killing a teacher
Came here to post this. It's blatantly obvious that this was the teacher's goal.