You fags can whine about porn, and video games, and soy products, and jews, and women, and niggers, and everything else but yourself, but the real cause of your problems is this place.
Get the fuck out of here. I don't say to be elitist, or that's Sup Forums's some sekrit klub. I mean this place is just going to demoralize you and hypnotize you, and turn you into some kind of fanatical retard.
Get out of here before it's too late. Before you've lost so much humanity you can't even recognize the person staring at you in the mirror anymore.
t. a concerned citizen
You fags can whine about porn, and video games, and soy products, and jews, and women, and niggers...
Other urls found in this thread:
Contradicting post
Just because you cant handle pol doesnt mean nobody can
>talking about yourself online
this is not facebook dumb faggot
You'er mom gay.
What this fine user said. Some people reach a certian point where the info overwhelms them and they cant continue, however others do continue and are able to carry normal lives. We here will have any decent persons back, as the saying is: we are your mechanic, your store clerks, teachers, mailmen and random cotezens you may meet. there is no Sup Forums per say, just the ideology that good will prevail. it breaks some, but enlightens others.
humanity is overrated kid
dk, are you a Fed?
I think I speak for a decent amount of people when I say that this board actually gives me hope for humanity. Sup Forums has been growing at an exponential rate recently and more and more people around the world are taking the red pill. Just look at gen z. More than half of them are right leaning or centrist and in today's society they'll quickly see the degeneracy around them and join us.To conclude, OP is a faggot who needs to take that stick out of his wide soyboy asshole and commit stab himself with it.
lurk moar dumb boomer scum
See what I mean. Not a single. decent. post.
The equivalent of a child whining that mommy's going to take his toys away.
You fucks need to be flushed out your basements and into boot camp.
you don't get serious replies because you sound like a lost child that wandered into the internet, besides that you have nothing to say, you have no discussion going on for you, just a bitter childish attitude about how you're going to lecture Sup Forums as if it was one person
there,.. now fuck off.
>Implying Sup Forums is a corrupting force
This isn't the warp OP, this is a place for people to post and shit post their political beliefs, news, happenings, etc. If you don't like what's in Sup Forums then that's fine, no need to yell at others who enjoy it like the cunts from the West burrow baptist church.
Jeroen, les 1 van Sup Forums, mensen die mass replyen willennalleen maar die lekkere (you)s , gewoon negeren die kankerzooi
but I just got here
>Before you've lost so much humanity you can't even recognize the person staring at you in the mirror anymore
Life did that to me. I found Sup Forums much later and it didn't tell me anything new.
You're here forever.
>Get out of here before it's too late.
It was always too late
Too late user. I’ve been on Sup Forums since highschool. I’m trapped here.
>some kind of fanatical retard
Well that happened some time ago, but the ride never ends. Shit thread, goes in all fields.
>and soy products
That's just another one of those retarded Kremlin memes. We all know it isn't really true but we pretend like it's the end of the world:
/pol = /dramaqueens/