Is it really that easy to buy this in USA?
Is it really that easy to buy this in USA?
Walk in, drop $1000 on the counter, walk out with a death machine. Yes it is that simple, unless youre a felon or underage.
holy fuck
What? It's not much different from picking up a chainsaw from Home Depot on your way home from work.
Idk about rifles, buyback I bought a glock the other day from a big name store. Process took less than 20 minutes and I was out the door with it.
He took my ID for what I assume was a background check and was back at the counter ready to sell this pistol to me in one minute flat.
On the shelf between the adult diapers and corn-syrup cola
you generally have to be employed.
but yes for law abiding citizens its quite simple after the backround check
If you want to kill someone you can just go outside pick up a brick and smash it on their head like 3 or 4 times. Why would you do it with an assault rifle, its more expensive, its loud and it leaves more evidence for the police.
How many people can you kill with chainsaw before you get arrested? 2? 3? With AR15 you can kill 60+ ppl if not more
1000? you can get em as low as 500 now that nigger isn't president, 1000 for a good one.
Not quite. It's more difficult than buying liquor. More difficult than the process you used to have to go through to cross the border into Canada. There's actually a quick background check and some easy paperwork.
In some states there are waiting periods on getting a gun. Here in Ohio if Inpay for a gun today on Wednesday, I'd have to wait until Saturday to pick it up from
The store and bring it home.
I California we have to bring our Californian ID, second proof of residency if handgun (car registration will do), and pass a firearm safety test. After we finish the DROS form and give them my fingerprint I have to wait 10 days to pick it up. Sucks, but it's the price I have to pay to live abroad.
OK, then buy a gas can at Home Depot instead and set fire to half the the neighborhood. An AR is not really a good choice if your goal is to murder a lot of people.
Can you buy 10-15 gas cans at once?
holy fuck
Then how come that doesn’t happen? 5000 students, two exits, 17 dead.
If not then just goto different gas stations each time you buy
Sure. Why not?
Although it's possible if you look really sketchy somebody might call the cops to come have a look at you.
First let's define terms.
How do you define easy to buy?
>Buy an axe at home depot.
Hey look i have a death machine for $9.99
Some places don't even stock that many on their shelf inventory. Wouldn't it be more economical to buy a larger container?
based grug
ban assault rocks
you guys are so lucky to have had great men found your country and the 2nd
In Alaska. Walk in store "I want that". Then they ask for ID and you fill out the 4473 form (yes on first question no on others). Then they call a number and give your SSN over phone. Then he goes OK and finishes the sale. My last gun purchase went smooth as fuck but the paper work and takes about 15 minutes, it's you filling out stuff, them filling out stuff.
Even if you're a criminally insane felon, you could buy some parts at Home Depot and make a potato canon that fires nail bombs. Or a pressure cooker the blows up and pelts door knobs and napalm in every direction.
What's "holy fuck" about it?
What's with the AR15. In a crowd you can cut 100 people in like a minute with a long blade. I am buying an AR15 to protect myself from people like you who want to take it away.
not if you're a highschooler, and then it's illegal to take into a gunfree zone.
if you have your concealed carry here you don't even have to do the 4473
yes. Ban assault containers.
an AR shotgun is even cheaper 280 buckaroonies
>OK, then buy a gas can at Home Depot instead and set fire to half the the neighborhood.
but most of them will probably be rescued and survive. If I'm the shooter I want to lock on the victim, and shoot. It is more fun.
>$1000 for a good one
Buddy of mine got one nearly new for $600. Kitted out with some nice aftermarket goodies that totaled to $2000 of gun and accessories. It was probably one of those fire sale items from an leftist anti-trumper that bought one out of panic when Trump won.
I'm pretty sure if someone could cause a large enough volume vacuum to kill a few people by asphyxiation, the left would try to ban it.
They would ban a mechanism that causes literally nothing.
>In a crowd you can cut 100 people in like a minute with a long blade.
The gun is better since it has a higher "range". Sure you might be lucky with the blade but most of the time you don't have that much direct contact with so many people. With the gun you don't need to approach every shot person yourself. It is better.
OK. Buy a crossbow or an air rifle or something. Or make a flamethrower. The only limit is your imagination. You could even make your own actual gun if you really wanted to, although it will probably be primitive even if you're skilled.
How about a blow gun that fires poison darts? That's been an effective hunting tool in the past.
You're damn right faggot
Texas here,
That thing will have a severe background check, and may be deferred a few days for investigation if there are any deviated details of the person.
But that's only if the gun-store actually does their shit right.
This. Don't need a form in texas with a CHL either.
The sensation of asphyxiation is from too much carbon dioxide. Replace the closed environment with an inert noble gas and they'll literally drop dead and not even know it since there's no oxygen.
You mean I could buy a tank of nitrogen and pump it into a closed area? Oy vey. I'll get another one of nitrous oxide for myself :D
Yes, it's a gun, just like any other gun. You can buy them at Walmart, or pretty much any sporting goods store, all with background checks. Or pay double at a gun show with no check in most places. What's your point?
Yes. Unless you're a criminal or felon. Then is next to impossible unless you're a nigger and just steal one from a legal gun owner. As long as niggers and criminals get guns, then it has to be available to citizens who follow the law and need to protect themselves. 2nd amendment for life and forever.
Jelly. Here in FL even with CCL you have to file your 4473. Only thing a CCL is good for here (outside of its intended purpose) is that we don't have to wait 3 days for the firearm.
Fire regs in my state (WA) limit gas cans to 6 gallons max. That's why all the Canadians come down to Costco from Vancouver with a trunk-load of gas cans.
Alaska is constitutional carry
That gun? I could buy it when I was 18 in 2 hours or less if I had the money.
I did get a moist nugget at 18, and I just got a 1911 (new bill claims this is an assault weapon) just this past month as a 21 year old.
This is a good thing.
Semi auto:
You need a background check (about 5 minutes) then you pay and out the door you go. If you have a concealed carry permit you don't need to fill out the paper work. You just present the ID and they scan it to make sure its legit. (You need a background check to get a CCP)
Full auto: this is where things get tricky
Outright banned in a good chunk of states.
Need a class 3 license that pretty much allows the ATF to kick down you door at any time to check that you haven't illegally sold it. Also if a full auto gun was produced after May 9th 1989 it is 100% illegal to own on the civilian market. So people aren't buying brand new full autos they're just buying and legally selling the really old ones. So full autos for sale are quite rare and like $5000 a pop + a federal tax stamp + the license costs + the removal of any privacy you still had.
Should be easier imo
You could always rent a truck.
Except you need to pay for a background check...and in most states you'll need to come back 3 or 10 days later to actually pick up the weapon.
Oh, and don't forget that you will pay an extra tax on all firearms and ammunition to fund literally 100% of wildlife conservation programs.
Those states suck. Walk in, wait a few minutes to fill out the form and have the NICS check called in, and you're done. You might wait longer to be served if the store is busy or they need to get the right employee to sell it to you or see if it's in stock or whatever.
Texas has within 10 minutes I have my gun :^)
Why do you have to be employed?
Found the massive faggot
That requires a driver's license and stuff :(
because theyre kind of expensive
holy fuck you are a faggot
They're super easy for anyone with any mechanical aptitude at all to build. Over here, the part that is regulated and what is legally considered the firearm is the lower receiver, which can be easily fabricated from metal or poly. There's really no telling how many ARs are in this country due to homebuilds, and there's probably an equal number of AKMs built off of a sheet metal flat.
Easy to buy, even easier to build one that has no serial and can't be tied to someone thru paperwork/4473.
Normal people don't kill other people
any kid can order one over the phone, like Cheese Pizza
Is that an M16 or an AR15 though?
If I walk into a crowded area with a chainsaw ill kill more then with a gun, unless its a shotgun. Then ban shotguns.
pfff, You're a stupid nigger if you're paying any more then 650 for a rifle.
Why can't you accept different people with different values and life choices?
>in most states you'll need to come back 3 or 10 days later
This isn't 2005 anymore.
Um. No, sweetie.
You've clearly never bought a firearm.
People kill other people.
Killing people is normal, like sex.
But nowadays you get arrested for this.
Isnt that an m16?
Nobody but hobbyists and the military cares about M16s.
Nope ive seen pretty much every vietnam movien and doc. I know that shit when i see it
Depends where you live. In Nevada, you can get on backpage, and if you have cash (usually less than buying new) you can meet another burger in a Wal-Mart parking lot, and conduct a private sale with no paperwork
>Walk in, drop $1000 on the counter, walk out with a death machine. Yes it is that simple, unless youre a felon or underage.
I just ordered an M&P sport 2. It was under $600.
You can also fill a pressure cooker with nails and kill a shit load of people. What's your point?
My first child-killer was about $200. It didn't have fully automatic assault capability or a high-capacity death clip, but you better believe I could have shot 17 fish in a barrel with it if nobody bothered to stop me.
So this is clearly not considered an assault rifle?
week long background check, ~450$, and absolutely mirror-polish clean criminal history and it's yours buddy
Why should it be difficult? You have to fill out forms for the background check.
>and in most states
then most states are cucked. Rifles in Florida in 10 minutes . I'm kidding sometimes the background checks take a little longer but it feels like about 10 minutes. Probably closer to 30 minutes. There is a 3 day wait on pistols though.
Wouldn't a magazine fed 12ga shotgun be a far more effective "killing machine"?
Imagine the insane carnage of 30 well placed hp deer slugs.
>I am buying an AR15
No you're not, they're banned up here faggot.
i'm holding mine right now
liberals revealing how the minds work, folks.
They are fucking mentally deranged.
>My first child-killer
My first child killer was an M1 Carbine. I have many child killers, including pistols. I was shopping ONLY for a over/under turkey blaster (20g/.222) and when I got there I changed my mind. Bought my wife a handgun, ordered the M&P and will go back for another revolver later. I love my .44, but looking for a .357 for a cc. I can't hide my .44 because the barrel is over 8 inches long.
It all depends. They are working on changing the "definition" of assault to include semi autos, but currently I would say No, that is a sporting rifle.
To be "assault" you need a few features that this does not have. Again, they are trying to change the definition.
>Why should it be difficult? You have to fill out forms for the background check.
They just want to make it "harder", which I don't know how they can. You are right. I filled out a BG check to buy the handgun the other day. Less then a half hour later, I was out the door with a gun. But I can prove I am a law abiding citizen.
Wrap your brain around this. I work in schools in the summer months. EVERY year I must submit fingerprints, federal, local and state checks. EVERY YEAR. But teachers in our state only have to do this every 3 years. I don't have any contact with kids during the summer...They see kids 5 days a week. >hp deer slugs.
This is the point they are trying to get to. They want to remove the rights to possess most firearms. If they get what they want, we will be relegated to single shot break barrel .22 rifles.
All firearms can be used for assault. Calling a weapon an "assault" weapon insinuates that it will be used to kill. They want to make all guns scary. They are only scary when you are at the wrong end of them.
I'd go for 00 or so. Tears the shit of kids :3
I like the idea of 20 round mags.
Fits in pockets easily.
40 minutes in Wisconsin for my first gun. Second gun took 5 minutes.
Where do you live, California? Here in Michigan it's fill out the form, pay the money, walk out with your weapon.
I bought 3 of them; 2 through the mail for 300$ and one at a pawn shop for 340$, it took 5 minutes.
How about 000?
If you walk out your house there you immediately get free bullets. For the weapon you just go to walmart.
I live in Oklahoma, it’s wsy easy to buy from an individual with no paperwork at all and totally legal.
Toss-up IMO. Even single would probably just more or less liquify an innocent school child as long as you didn't miss.
Sometimes they even deliver free ammo when you are inside your house.
Bro PLEASE PLEASE check the barrel before you go to the range. I bought one and it came with a smooth bore barrel
kek.. No way
>go on armslist
>find nigger selling AK for $400
>meet nigger at gas station parking lot
>go home with AK