why did hitler kill millions of european peasants and jewish ghetto bottom feeders instead of the actual jewish aristocracy?
Why did hitler kill millions of european peasants and jewish ghetto bottom feeders instead of the actual jewish...
He arrested head Rothschild you dunce
So close
Got the palindrome though
Hitler's "Holocaust" and WW2 were one big occult sacrifice to create the state of Israel. Most Jews who died were like you said ghetto jews.
The Nazis were a Zionist funded outfit. Either Hitler was legitmate and independent of the Zionist bankers, or he was in on it or at the very least provacatuered by the elite.
partisans got killed
family of partisans got killed
peasant volunteers helped the killing
jews were rounded up because 90% became partisan
for every single german police officer there were 10 eastern european volunteer officers (schutzmanschaften)
slavs were a lot more brutal towards jews
romenia, slovenia, croatia hungary all helped with it
allied bombed the food lines and railroads
honestly if you lived in eastern europe and you simply cooperated with the germans your ass would be save, and when they started losing simply switch sides and become commie!
>that quote
True if big
Go to hell, the truth will come out.
Because you hit the jack pot!
Because he was one of the Rothshield bastards
Hahaha, wait for it...
Not exactly he had a Rothschild arrested and he nationalized the currency. Non-Germans, the rabble you refer to, were taken to camps where they later died due to typhus and starvation.
The zionists had made deals with BOTH parties of WW2 for the land known as Palestine.
I believe Hitler believed that simply putting all the Jews in one place would prevent them from subverting the new found national socialist German government government.
because Germans are stupid and insane?
Germany was crippled economically, and in a few short years the Nazi's somehow turned it around. They couldn't have done that without consulting and needing the "enemy" (Rothschild banking) to help them.
I don't know and I'm not sure it matters if he knew he was being used or not. I'm sure he fully believed the rhetoric he was fed and spewed up.
Was this a 3D chess setup by the Rotschilds?
>The zionists had made deals with BOTH parties of WW2 for the land known as Palestine.
Slaughter the aryans. They are too white. HH. Sieg Heil .
Arrested him seized his bank and let him go... that's literally the furtherst a goyim has come to tearing down this fucking shit show
YOU gotta remember these people run the institutions on the world he probably Just used his 'get out of jail for free' card
The notion that hitler was a Rothschild is the most retarded shill garbage spewed on this board
Hitler was one of the only people to stand up to international finance
Regarding the poor jews, those were sacrifices made for Zion.
Most of those people were real Jews that knew that zionism is sacreligious (man isn't supposed to take that land for the jews himself, God is supposed to give it to then upon his return)
>that picture
WTF I love Hitler now
Hitler was an expendable puppet to the Zionists whether you can accept it or not. Its either Hitler was legitmate and independent of the Zionist bankers, or he was in on it or at the very least provacatuered by the elite.
To the "Hitler was a great man" folks
Do they deny the Bush family moved money to the Nazis ?
Do they deny other wall street connections ?
Do they deny that Zionists like Warburg, Rockefeller secretly did deals with the Nazi's facilitating the aquisition of fuel, steel etc. for the war effort ?
Do they deny that Standard Oil gave the Nazi's the patent to produce synthetic oil from coal ?
I hope i´m just too high and i didnt just read that.
Anyways... The fight goes on comrades!
Because "le jews" were not his main focus, more like a side-quest. He wanted land and dominance of Europe.
Yes indeed, sneaky kikes.
Hitler may have been a puppet in the sense that the Zionists have so much global control to the point where they have deep roots on both sides of the conflict.
it is known that both the allies and Hitler had promised the land known as Palestine to the Zionists? does this make him a shill? I'm not so sure.
if there were shadow groups and Zionist high ups that did deals with the nazi's I would think this should be expected considering the amount of global influence they had.
Do you deny that hitler arrested a rothschild (to be later released, also expected? Do you deny he seized his assets? Do you deny he nationalized the German currency?
I believe when Hitler separated from international finance the logical move from the Zionists would actually be to involve themselves with his plans until it was no longer logical.
although I am open to discussion lmk what you think
i thought Hitler is the good guy?
i don't know what to believe in anymore :(
he was
the zionist roots run deep though
Germans goal during ww2 was retaking lost lands and expansion. America's goal was to replace great Britain as the dominant world power. This is why bush's apparent treason went unpunished because they benefited the American oligarchy
because Nazis were NOT white nationalist, they were German ultranationalist/supremacist. They thought the German Race was superior, and thought slavs were basically just suhuman niggers to be done away with and enslaved while the Germans took their land. Hitlers main reason for hating Austria was because of all the slavs there and the encouragement of Germans to mingle with them. He says all of this in the first chapter of mein kampf
Jews on the other hand were seen as way worse based on Nazi ideals of nationalism. While Mussolini basically considered anyone from Italy who adopted the culture and langue as Italian, Nazism saw the "german nation" as something in the blood and not on a map. Jews were considered subversive pest, so it didnt matter if they were just some poor yokel in the outskirts of Kiev, they were seen as a potential threat.