Sign the petition to bring the Boer to the United States, then spam it on your social media.
If you need motivation to do something, Google image search "south africa farmer murders".
(((They))) will try to prevent it, no matter how bad it gets. There is already a mainstream media blackout on this. It ruins their narrative, and they hate us.
No one will give a shit. The US and Europe refuses to give refugee status to white people, so whereas niggers from Africa or spics can flood into the US without consequences, white people are stuck where they are. Nobody will do anything, the white guilt and racism shit is too strongly ingrained.
At this point, all we can do is tell the whites left in Africa to take up arms and die with some dignity.
Cooper Myers
>Be white >live in a nigger country >get raped and murdered Serves them right for being retarded.
Jonathan Murphy
Finally the day of Kara Boga is upon us, wh*Toids will pay for their sins
Nathaniel Robinson
Does this mean killing shitskins in white countries is deserving? Sorry its my first day.
Henry Lewis
> cities running out of water > government expropriates the farmers that grow their food Niggers didn't think this through, did they?
Samuel Ramirez
>Sorry its my first day. Welcome newfag. This is the rest of your life
Connor Johnson
Fight new times.
Angel Perez
wh*TE dogs need to fear warriors of KARA BOGA
Brandon Davis
Zero sympathy for whites in shithole Africa
Cooper Lopez
They don't have a choice. White countries won't give them refugee status which means they have a snowball's chance in hell of getting residency or citizenship. They're stuck there.
Hudson Evans
Niggers acting like niggers as always.
James Gonzalez
Giving them refugee status would mean admitting that black people are racists against white people, which would undermine the entire structure of what the globalists are pushing.
Adrian Foster
>implying that killing the boer isn't optimal
Tyler Peterson
Jordan Gray
This is the future of the wh*TE "race" as Mother Earth commanded.
John Evans
t. wh*Toid subhuman
Elijah James
Why don't they just build large moats around their property
Evan King
>there's nothing to steal anymore
Jose Wilson
Cumskins have been stealing from Africa for centuries. You WILL return what is ours.
Jack Bailey
It's not a nigger country, it was a bunch of loincloth wearing savages constantly genociding each other until Europeans actually established civilization, just as they did in the Americas
Zachary Gray
Ryan Brown
Cooper Ross
Dream on cumskin
Parker Powell
>sheeeiit Omar we did it da white devil is gone back to cave in white demon countries >ooga Malik dis farm ours now >booga Omar now put stuff in ground and make food >sheit I dunno how Malik >sheeeiiiiiiit
Andrew Flores
But that is a real picture
Lincoln Johnson
He can dream without getting shot you fucking shitskin
Tyler Wilson
Jonathan Perry
>expection Really showing that BLM education, Tyrone
David Fisher
Hunter Long
Eli Martinez
I know a few people who would kill to have that
Leo Gutierrez
>White farmers are being slaughtered >Sign the petition Would you like me to pray while I am at it?! Fucking morons! Stop allowing these whites to be "slaughtered" and kill all enemy. Just that simple.
Samuel Campbell
>the intelligence of average wh*te discourse
Red Army invade Germany again, when?
Joseph Nguyen
Literally brining a turkey before seasoning it. I guess if this meme is all black people have it's hard to be mad.
Michael Powell
We fucking deserve it for not living as one and fighting for stupid reasons...thanks 4 educating us
Josiah King
Why is Trump not offering them amnesty? Why is no one doing shit about this? It's fucked.
Austin Walker
Joshua Roberts
>Just that simple No, not that simple
Sebastian Cox
>Live in Cajun country >see this dank meme >go back to eating crawfish etouffe
Daniel Taylor
when the war comes around the nigger will still die after one bullet and he would be a bigger target, use your brain.
Henry Williams
Very simple. Do you really want more nigger hate threads?
Tyler Campbell
this tbf. ive tried convincing SA anons on here they have to gtfo of africa cause niggers are wild animals, but they refuse to listen. they're still attached to the land which is fine but then don't complain about niggers
>tfw you'll never slot floppies with an RPD with burned off serial numbers.
Jayden Kelly
>How likely is it for white South African women to have burned coal?
Unlikely unless raped. Apparently its a huge social no-no.
Christian Jones
Connor Rivera
This is the worst insult niggers can come up with and it's not even something to be mad about.
Robert James
>farmers are being killed >they are illegally taking the land of dead ppl what?
Connor Hall
Seriously, what happened to all the non-stop nigger hate threads? I was off of Sup Forums for a few weeks and now it appears the newfags have taken over.
Juan White
The only thing stopping you, is you
Lucas King
Black people should be hanged for their crimes against whites.
Ethan Martinez
Nice picture, nigger
Ryan Lee
made me kek
Jackson Martinez
>this is what spooks actually believe.
Nicholas Young
I feel like white farmers have been getting 'slaughtered' for decades now. Why don't they just fucking leave? Are niggers retarded? Are whites cock-roaches? We can all agree we should stop feeding wild apes cause it promotes their own degeneration why can't we agree if you're being genocided in fucking africa maybe its time to get the fuck out?
Carter Robinson
Oh they will and it's going to be sooner than expected.
Jayden Morgan
someone spam this shit to Lauren Southern. She's doing a doc on SA farm murders so she's sure to spread the petition around
Brandon Davis
we did that, you dumb fucking niggers started crying to have us back after you started starving to death. you can have Africa. Except north and south africa. Its been proven whites were there before blacks and egyptians were white too.
Adrian Hill
Lurk more faggot
Benjamin Bailey
>Common ancestry You done FUCKED the optics of this, should have left it as values and language.
Elijah Collins
Yeah... We used to do that you know. Then women got the "right" to vote.
Leo Stewart
>You done FUCKED the optics of this
Im not OP fag, sign and spread anyway
Jonathan Flores
Maybe if they had gun control, they wouldn't have to worry about this.
Anthony Martin
Juan Harris
i hope you find a white wife so that your children are all half white
Gabriel Walker
The virginal jew fucks us all. Pic related is my weakness.
David Perez
Lets push the left and see if we can get a reaction. Make them cover it.
Alexander Jackson
are you sure they are still alive and havent been slaughtered by nogs?
Parker Thomas
>niggers can't feed themselves without white farmers >therefore white farmers should stay
Yeah nah, how about stop feeding niggers first an maybe I'll care.
Chase Morgan
white man come home
Juan James
you- youre god damn right....
Get the booty shorts and FAL's ready limey. weve got floppies to slot in South Africa
Isaac Stewart
They should had been doing things long ago now its too late for them and only one path is open for them, a path that will lead to their own death.
Alexander Edwards
Joseph Brooks
its 130 am on a weekday
Aiden Rivera
They have bigger problems rn, to busy to browse Sup Forums
Connor Walker
nice work user
Grayson Young
Thomas Martinez
WHAT ARE WE FUCKING COWARDLY REFUGEES. Fight for what’s yours, white man and stop bending the knee like a bunch of fucking women
Chase Powell
Most of the area where the Boer's settled were not African native settled lands. They (the Africans) moved there for the prosperity.
Aaron Scott
America feed way more niggers then they do.
Levi Davis
It is pretty much all your fault whitey
Eli Baker
>muh food lmao kys black0id
Jacob Johnson
remember the last time white folk tried to Feed Africans?
Brandon Lopez
Says the American who's wife is at home getting blacked.
Matthew Bailey
>even right wing US conservatives want to bring in refugees Jesus christ, how can one country fuck up so much
Kayden Davis
>be White >live in apartheid state >surrounded by Blacks >apartheid ends >relax around the Blacks as though it's a safe place
They asked for it, desu. Surprised it's taken as long as it has.
Carson Gray
Wow sounds just like Palestine...
you fukkin goys are something else
Jordan Jones
Literal perfection. Also, checked.
Parker Murphy
I'm ready
Jackson Russell
Fuck off dude. If black people were taking me my fucking home you’d know I’d fight tooth and nail for it. Unlike your bitch ass