So from Saber's perspective was there ten years between Zero and Stay Night, or did she immediately destroy the Grail on Kiritsugu's orders and then wake up standing in front of Shirou?
Other urls found in this thread:
Go rewatch the Zero ending again, this time with your eyes open
> Excaliblasted the Grail
> spent unspecified amount of time on the Hill of Camlann (probably just enough to dry her tears)
> summoned again
Yes, she's been steadily bleeding for 10 years between the two, and 70 years between all other Grail Wars.
Nah she went back to bleeding out purgatory and got summoned again eventually
I doubt she was present for the other Fuyuki grail wars. She only got summoned twice because of Avalon as a plot device. She was probably participating in Grand Order type singularities up until that point, but that would suggest a constant string of failures if she never obtained a grail or THE grail in all of those misadventures.
I do think you missed the irony, user.
its explained
>Asshole master she never disagrees with orders her to destroy the thing shes fought so hard for
>Next thing she knows shes standing in front of said asshole's son
>And she wants him to bone her
Never agrees with*
Not instantly
I think the better question is WHERE/WHAT HAPPENED TO MERLIN!!!!
Imagine if he had met shirou or kerry!
posting best theme
But she's married to Guinevere
has nasu ever said if saber really loved her?
Not romantically, no.
She loved Gwen like she loved Merlin and Gawain. She cherished them, adored them.
But she wasn't IN love with anyone. She vaguely wondered if the love she felt for Merlin was that sort of love, but Merlin knew that wasn't it. If you have to ask, then it's clearly not that at all. If you're IN love with someone, then you'd usually know.
Well, unless you're an autist like Roa.
Guin was gay for Saber though.
The reason Guin and Lancelot started boning was because they found a shared passion in wanting to bone Saber.
>Gwinivere and Lancelot start boning while wearing bags with Saber's faces on them
They should've had a threesome. Might have saved a lot of lives
Where was it stated? Did Nasu alter the legend? Cos it sounds pretty dumb.
Unfortunately, fate was saving Saber for Shirou. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.
>Did Nasu alter the legend?
No, King Arthur was always a little girl.
This is how I think after every grail war she just went back to ultimately reliving the same moments she has regrets of and wishes to change
And yet Rin got to pop her lesbian cherry with Saber.
Dying after Filicide -> Zero -> Back to dying after Filicide -> FSN -> Bedivere...I'm done feeling sorry for myself. I did what I could. Return to my sword to the Lady of the Lake. I'm going to Avalon to wait for my Japanese bf. Don't worry about Merlin, he's fine. Painfully fine. Tell Kay that I forgive him if you cross paths into the future.
>read the VN
>no results
what a bunch of secondary redditors
There's people who haven't read it?
Yes. And they're all over this thread.
I can't imagine a man who has read the VN and still takes pleasure in a modern Type Moon production. It's on the whole different level.
I know people who do, but I don't pay all that much attention to it myself these days.
I just gave up after Grand Order. Until that i have eat up all their shit every time while thinking "well, at least it has some good ideas in in, right. Next one will be better". And then Grand Order happened. Fuck Type Moon.