Bros......he...... betrayed us......
Bros......he...... betrayed us
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Good. First good thing Trump has ever done. Not even Obama had the balls to do this. Trump being based for once!
It's called shitposting.
all the jews should have been a big red flag for you, but then we tried to tell you. maga my dude, lmao
Everybody knows trump is a ziocon shabbos goy. Go spam this shit in reddit.
Trump NO!!!!
>B-but muh 4D chess shariablue!!!!
t. /ptg/cucks
>he confiscates guns from only the niggers and spics
believing a headline
like pottery fienstein rubbing her hands and smirking
It's over.
Yes just like he "embraced" DACA.
Fuck off man, he'll do nothing.
if this happens we will witness one of the bloodiest revolutions in history. mark my words
Look how happy that hand rubbing kike looks. I want to break her neck with my bare hands.
hUR DUUURRRR he is banning bump stocks
hur durrrrr he is no longer my president.
if trump wants to disarm us then i'll gladly give up my guns. if this is what it takes to MAGA, then let's fucking MAGA!
Did you see the video, you utter dumbass?
Lol, first thing I noticed. Unreal.
You're more than welcome to come help when the day of the rope begins, lafayette
>proposes gun laws he knows will never pass
>dems smile thinking they got him to bend
>msm talking non stop about it
>wall still being built
>illegals being rounded up
>Obamacare still imploding
>jobs being created
>stock market still going up
>all this while the right scrambles to arm themselves before this suppose
>the left scrambles to disarm itself and virtue signal about it on fagbook
>shills reeee on Sup Forums that drumpf is finished, again.
The memes are real.
This is the most R_TD thing I ever read.
>[meme magic intensifies]
>Be Illuminati
>Dark magic tricks stop working
>Wrighting is on the wall
>Calculations are off, shit is failing all around
>Only chance to get kingdom of darkness is to ramp up the plan and squeeze 100 years of illuminati tricks per 3 months
>All old scripts say that this wakes up mankind due to lack of subtlety
>Be of darkness so can't really consider any other kind of options
>Hilarity ensues
>School shooting not even over and LGQBT är already including toasters
>Wakanda people starts their genocidal empire without power structure in place
>Israel admits to being Nazis
>Rothschilds sperging on twitter
>CIA niggers screaming
>Whiter than you muhammad
mfw this is what the apocalypse looks like
Every time
His daughters a kike what do you expect she used her newfound Jewish ritual magic to corrupt the don
I like your sarcasm. But seriously though, some of these idiots will actually defend his anti-gun bullshit.
...and it took a fucking leaf to tell you.
Go back to sucking dicks OP.
>MFW people on Sup Forums right now still fall for the controlled opposition meme
This thought had crossed my mind. Either he’s a dyed in the wool populist or he’s playing a clever Long game that few can see.
>I already forgot the immigration meeting
>everyone worried that Obama was going to take their guns away
>Trump will be the one to do it
You can't make this shit up, folks!
It's nothing. Just relax. Seriously, there are Dem's that want guns.
He changed his mind in the light of new evidence and experience, like every sane rational person would do. This is a good trait on a leader.
Oh just like we have DACA amnesty now amirite? Wake me up when a law is actually passed you dumb nigger.
It's like reality has been transferred to a pol simulation thread
AND YET, even though it is so obvious, even though it literally screams in your face, Amerimutts will do NOTHING. Zero, zip, nada, niente, nichts.
Oh wait! That is not correct: Amerimutts EMBRACE it!
And you know what? You deserve it!
This is literally 4D chess. He is just pandering to the democrats and the media, and nothing will happen with guns.
>not giving guns to proven lunatics is comprehensive gun control.
This is what peak jewry looks like.
You can take the Democrat out the party but you can't take the Democrat out the soul
This just in. New York Liberal holds New York Liberal views on gun control.
You suck the dick and now complain for the taste? Idiot.
jewry intensifies
>don't worry guys, nothing will happen
>wakes up disarmed amongst a bunch of savage niggers and spics
okay bro
has actually policy pasted cause if not its all rhetoric
*grabs your gun*
I told y'all niggas Trump has been an undercover Demorat from the beginning. I admit that I had some hope in him as well, however.
>wtf i love guns now
I moderately chuckled
Is this all you're capable of? Memeing, while your liberties are taken away?
He's neither. He's a fucking actor who is playing with you faggots like a goddamn dredel. Wake up and smell the gefiltefish you absolute moron.
Objectively fake news.
you're not doing shit hill billy
Top kek.
go home cia
Anybody acting shocked on Sup Forums is a false flagging troll.
If you are still deluded enough to believe in the 4D Chess theory more than a year into trump's presidency then you are beyond saving.
Best you can do now is enjoy the shitshow. America is definitely not heading in the right direction
The Dems can't take away our guns if we give them away ourselves it's 4D chess
no it’s wtf we love Trump now
Damn it Sup Forums, sometimes you're memes aren't dreams.
stop shilling in every thread faggot
Do not reply to spammed troll threads.
Report them.
You can discuss this shit IF a law actually is proposed.
I can't wait for Americans to have their guns taken away. We will finally hear the end of how much "freedom" they have and they will sink into obscurity with the other former powers of the world.
there's video, retard
i did and the headline is bullshit
Just like he would never get the nomination, huh.
You think we'll just give them over?
You gun nuts are the absolute worst people. So god damn extreme in your love of guns, it's disturbing. You get a president that supports guns 95% as much as you do, and when he deviates from your militant stance just a little bit, you're all like "HE BETRAYED US, REVOLUTION NOW!!!" You stupid fucking manchildren.
I just emailed him. I hope he's just A-B testing positions, and my feedback makes a difference.
you are delusional
yeah, so you'll sit around watching the revolution
just like all the other big talking rednecks
net result: no revolution
ITT: massive AR fag butthurt-a-thon
Trump fucked you bastards
>muh 2nd amendment
Read the article or look at the video you retards. He’s talking about taking guns from individuals like Cruz... who had fuzz called on him forty times. Literally falling for shills. Look at the catalogue.
If that's how he wants to do things, then I'm completely fine with a libshit shooting him dead.
Nice argument, fuckwit.
Fucking hell, why doesn't Sup Forums meme magic something good into existence?
Most Americans will. If you have seen footage of what the police do to those who do not comply, you will do the same.
100% you will be in here sperging about some far off impossible liberal shit. It can't be bothered to even react when trump proposes literal confiscation without due process. you are a cuck and a retard
fuck off libtard
finally, people are too stupid for guns and no psychological tests will do shit
Seriously. That Jew is so happy he is cucking to them on guns. Fuck bros...
t-trump is playing 4d chess, and you guys will get your weapons back and own the libs, r-right?
So he's finally showing his true colors.
I hope the Californians finally grow some balls and throw this kike bitch on her ass when her term comes up
Of course, knowing them they'll just elect someone far worse
on a case by case basis, maybe, maybe not
on the whole? yes, absolutely
Fuck you Sup Forums Fuck you.
Memes are all we have left. I shall make my death a meme if Trump fails us all, we're screwed as a country if Trumps dumbass lied to everyone. Trump is literally killing his family name and enciting civil war with wha he's doing.
I think the elites offered Trump a piece of the pie awhile back and it might of been his whole intention. To have his family name forever immortalized and have his family in power with bush,obamas,clintons etc.
The parties are friends and the fights are "staged" prove me wrong, I've been saying this for months it always felt like they were stringing us along.
Sit back and watch the party because they're preparing traps for the public
>some trump lovers actually believe that shit
I bet you're the type of person who supports arming every single person in the country, toddlers included, with machine guns. That way we'll truly be safe from each other!
No wonder no one takes your ilk seriously.
Its his inner Jew screaming to get out
Can Sup Forums meme magic some antifa idiot into assasinating him?