NoFap and SIG in general

Hey Sup Forumsacks,

Leaf here, from meme country etc etc..

Been lifting for about a year now, going to bjj, and eating better like in the pic. I have been doing conscious efforts to better myself, and be an example to those around me.

But I'm frustrated af that I still can't shake off the fap.

I fap a few nights a week, usually watching porn. I tell myself Im not addicted, but at this point I think I'm just lying to myself. I feel diagusted with myself the moment I finish, every morning I tell myself I won't do it again, only to give in like a weakling the same night or the next one.

Nit looking for quick fixes, but I want to know how some of you managed to get over it. Resources/blogs/videos are all good, even a bit of encouragement will work really.

Also feel free to share anything SIG related.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi leaf I'm working at it too, slowly reducing porn/alcohol use and starting to work out at least every other day. My diet still needs work.

take a kundalini yoga approach, slow down your breathing and observe what you do without judging.


Anyone know a good way to ween myself off of sodas? I can't do cold turkey because the cravings are insane (and I work at a McDonalds right now so that's not helping), I try with sparkling water but unsweetened sucks ass and sweetened has Aspartame.

I was also in the same situation. Working and eating better certainly help. But what helped me the most was getting back into reading, taking up a hobby and getting involved in my community. My hobby is garden. It's tough at first but it'll get easier as time goes on. Hang in there bud.

Add to this that you are only supposed to eat once a week, on Wednesdays specifically, at 7pm and stop at 7:05 and no more than 100 calories.

Same, started to work out a month ago. I'm eating healthy and trying to talk to people.
But I also can't stop jacking off. I try my best to limit/stop it, but it's very hard. The best I did was a 1 month streak, after that I started again.
It depends, but I usually do it 2/3 times a week. Sometimes only 1.
However I can't stop porn, everyday I must get my dose. My plan is to stop fapping, then I'll stop porn. We'll see how it goes.

I am at a loss.
I married my best friend on Jan. 18th.
She is pregnant and 13 weeks in. We had a communication breakdown and she moved out if our apartment yesterday. We had a couples counseling session last night and that's when she told me that while I was at work she moved out.
She is dead set on having an abortion. My first child ever will be gone forever.
How do I cope with divorce without losing my mind, and how do I move on once my baby is gone?

And before all of this, I was SIG all day every day. I have lost my motivation to improve.

That small livestock area is way too close to your food patches. Livestock piss and shit will get into the soil and spread out quite a bit.

You want more of a separation. Also consider the ground, if sloping, obviously plant things uphill.

That house with a family that looks like this would make me die happy.

Started in the gym a month ago.
Deadlifts are fun

Completely depends on the underlying issues. Maybe she feels trapped, maybe you were having problems, she's not ready to be a mother.. options are endless.

Could be you can talk her out of it, but you need to be smart about things. Pushing might just as well cement her desire to get away. Do your best to understand what the actual cause is.

And that's why you don't get prego your wife right after marriage. How hard is it to get a condom and wait for the right time.


my family looks like that except that 90% of them are asian relatives of my wife. i would be the only white male in the picture.

She did feel trapped. We rushed getting married when we found out she was pregnant.
Also, I began bombarding her with questions when she started voicing her doubts and when she began telling me how she felt. I have since explained that I know I did this

She was preggo before marriage... In Dec., got married in Jan.

OP here, hell yeah they are. Stiffened my back for 3 days straight after my first time, but felt good man.


Is it the hormones?


women were a mistake
hang in there man

Doesn't change much. Pregnancy is not something to fool around with. She will get an abortion, you should be happy about it. You got something many people never get, a second chance. Next time chose the right one, give yourself some time and then you can start to think about a child.

Eating healthier is only beneficial because the food has less calories. It's not magically better for you just because your parents or health teacher told you it is.

You could eat shit and still maintain a healthy weight as long as you don't consume more calories than you put out.

pregnant women are extremely irrational. just tell her what she needs to hear

my wife was a COMPLETE BITCH while pregnant. she still says it was me (it wasnt).

definitely the hormones

>I began bombarding her with questions when she started voicing her doubts

Ouch, classic mistake. Trying to "hammer it out" is a male thing. When she's in a feels mood she doesn't know what she wants and you're just stressing her out trying to demand or work out straight answers.

>She did feel trapped. We rushed getting married

Definitely back off a bit. You should know she's also listening to the choir of whatever women are in her life, mom, siblings, friend group.. make sure you don't look like the bad guy because you're fighting them all in that case.

> I have since explained

Again it sounds like you're trying to lay it all down and believe me I get it, but she doesn't. She doesn't appreciate it. It doesn't calm her down. Literally saying "I'm sorry for the way I acted" means more than explaining why you did it.
Switch your gears to feels mode. Is this someone you want to spend a lifetime with or were you just caught in a trap as well? Take a breather yourself.

You're not gonna get at her with arguments. Try tying things back to whatever your relationship is built on. I hope that's not a fuckbuddy thing that went too far.

Attend a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat Leaf.

Google "S.N. Goenka Vipassana" they have centers all over the world including multiple in Canada. The retreats are funded by donations and are 100% free including room and food. Not only is the experience red-pilling from meditating all day but it gives you a 10-day streak of no fapping to work with and once you get back from it you feel very blissful and wholesome so if you keep up with the meditation it's easy to not fall back into porn.

are you supposed to eat all that shit in one day what the fuck?

dear /sig/

i am on 4th day of not smoking after 20 years (yes really) and also the 4th of a decent diet. i have also bought protein supplements, creatine and traded my last 2 cartons of beer for a bench press. i will be a NEET for the rest of the year but I will will be in much much better shape, Kek willing.

wish me luck.

I need a lifting routine. I've just been winging it lately.
I'm also pissed right now. I've never let myself be angry and I don't know how to channel this welled up anger into anything worthwhile. I used to calm down through self-destruction: drinking, drugs, self-harm.
I'm joining a church soon.
Fuck though. Fuck you guys for red-pilling me.

Good luck Aussie-fren

Do you smoke the devils grass? It raises your libido during&after smoking. Do you meditate? Try and focus on that sexual energy and try to focus it on more productive affairs, like the gym or reading, etc.


I used to drink a lot of coke, about 5-7 cans a day, somtimes i'd drink 4-5 cans in the evening alone. About a year and a half ago i went camping for 2 weeks in kamchatka. For 2 weeks i drank nothing but clear water from the forest and mountain springs. No boiling, no filtering, just raw water. When i got back to town and entered a store to buy some food for the evening i realized that the craving for soda was gone. It's not that i willed myself to not drink soda, the desire was simply not there. Haven't had a single soda since then, because i simply don't want to anymore.
So try that - go camping for a couple of weeks. Brave the forests, cross rivers, climb a mountain, or a vulcano. Nature is the best healer i've heard. I'm sure the are great places in the usa too, where you can safely drink raw water without boiling it. It's also a great workout and an opportunity to reevaluate some things


That's not how it works. What you consume is converted into your very being. The better the food, the better the cellular building blocks of you.
Plus - and importantly- the better your cellular makeup, the more wholesome your vibration


Why am i only ejaculating semen and not sperm?


Try just a fullbody routine using machines to start, then switch to a push-pull-legs routine once you get into the habit. There's a million ways to skin a commie tho





Yeah I made many mistakes.

The second baby appointment is tomorrow. We both agreed to go to it, and she said she is not going to discuss abortion with them. She will go somewhere else for that.
Should I still go? Should I try to reconcile before or after or at all? Giving her space was an issue when we were living together. Now she has a lot of space but continues to distance herself.

This. Walking barefoot in nature is supposed to be really fucking good for you too.



Also, it was never a fuckbuddy thing. We started as best friends and up until marriage it was that way.

>claims to be redpilled
>doesn’t eat keto




Haha what trite



It's hard to see it that way when it's your child. My personal views do not help, and the fact that she wanted this as badly as I did before marriage.

to all gym polacks out there
check out www dot symmetricstrength dot com

there you can fill in ur metrics and put in the 1 rep max numbers of your compoud movements to get a overveiw of what body part you need to work on. It's great imo
like this fella over here did

here's mine ; as you can tell I need to work on my chest muscles. I need to reach a strength gain on about 10.-20kg until it's on par with my other movements.


I thought that as well, but at 13 weeks it's supposed to start leveling out from what I've read and heard. That doesn't seem to be happening.

Did some thinking and realized I've been watching porn for 14 years and realize I need to stop too.

Best of luck OP, I'll be doing some research and hopefully find someone who overcame porn and can give a step by step

This is the only acceptable routine

>Push Press
>Bench Press
>Power Clean
3 x 5-12

The order doesn't matter I do a different order everday

>Should I still go?

Definitely. You want to "be there for her" if you can. Remind her of whatever she sees in you.

>Should I try to reconcile before or after or at all?
>Giving her space was an issue when we were living together.

If you have a pattern of getting on her case, definitely don't make any overt gesture, it'll just trigger her memories of previous times you've done it, she'll get mad again and it's a bad spiral.

Try just being compassionate and caring, don't overexplain shit or force confrontations. You have some time with this still, you gotta use it well.

>Now she has a lot of space but continues to distance herself.

I know you're burning up wanting to know what's going on explicitly so you can fix it -- trust me, with women you're not going to get the answers you want. Honestly they might not even be there to find in the first place. You gotta roll with the feels logic.
Look at it this way; being pushy hasn't paid off at all for you so far. You have to attempt a new approach.

Fuck off with this bullshit life is made to live it and not live it full of restriction just because a leaf tells me to.

Dairy NO
Peanuts NO
Oats NO/ rarely
Wholegrains No/ rarely
Fruit (very sparingly)
Nuts (very sparingly, preferably soaked)
Potatoes (very sparingly)
Beans(occasionally if they are soaked first)

I cant take control anons

how dose /sig/ feel about going keto??

>Dairy NO
>Peanuts NO
>Oats NO/ rarely
>Wholegrains No/ rarely
>Fruit (very sparingly)
>Nuts (very sparingly, preferably soaked)
>Potatoes (very sparingly)
>Beans(occasionally if they are soaked first)

Nibba what

i don't like it, you need the carbs.

This is excellent advice and I really appreciate it.

Okay, so don't tell her I have noticed more things I've done wrong? I thought maybe if I tell her something she's been waiting for me to realize it could trigger something good... but if I go and say nothing except for "I'm sorry for how I acted, and I hope your doing well" or something, that might go further...

The guy who introduced us suggested I write her a letter, that way she has the choice to look at it and read it. What do you think of this approach?

i feel u i just got here after a 30 min fap session i gota end this somehow .........never go to /gif/ EVER

if you have no self control you should meditate

Not at all. The shit you put into the body determines how well your body functions. Changing my diet helped me to overcome depression
Try drinking sweet tea for now, and afterwards switch to water. That's what I did(On top of getting out of the food industry).

what about doing keto like for a few months out of the year just for the fasting and weight loss. I hear fasting is great for you. Dose anyone hear fast from time to time?

How the fuck does anyone follow these diets? You would spend 90% of your day buying food and preparing it then eating , this is no diet for a working man

>Whole Eggs?
Yeah who the fuck buy broken eggs?

Dude you really need to read therationalmale and after that therationalmale for couples and families.
You totally lost frame and made your woman insecure.

You need to be a solid rock for her and not a total sentimental wreckage.

I have a serious question: If you don't fap but you don't have a girlfriend, how can you stop your sexual frustration/high testosterone level? Even Buddhist monks need to eat soy food and vegetables to deliberately lower their testosterone to avoid sexual thoughts.

I will keep masturbating and live my life happily without this autism, thanks

Starting strength 5x5 is a good routine for beginners

Rough user. I am twice divorced. The first one left me with my 18 month old son. My only advice is dont rush into another relationship. Pick carefully. Also dont shut down like i did after my second divorce. I fucked a couple women i was unatracted to after the split but havent dated or fucked in at least 3 years. Dont let yourself get into that kind of rut. Basically its going to suck, but hang in there and work towards being happy again. Once you are back on track start datting again.

Go to a Jew and ask for a circumcision. It means he will cut off your dick. You will be okay after that

SIG is needed. NEETs must rise up. Warning depressing video about a guy who is lost to NEETdom:

I'm asking a serious question. GTFO Swede cuck.

I will do that.

The question is, can I do anything right now to save what I'm losing. I've already gone down the sentimental route and it's failed, and I've identified that.

I work with a guy that had the title of being the strongest in the world, I know it sounds untrue, but whatever. I wanted his input on my routine, I said that I simply want to be strong.
My routine is something similar.

>Bench press
>Overhead press
>Bent over barbell rows
>Chin ups

I alternate between 4 x 4 and 5 x 5. He pretty much said that it was all you needed. Dont bother with isolation excercises.

Willpower user. Strengthen yourself. One day you'll stand proud and strong, knowing all what you have gone through.
You will accomplish much more once you get rid of porn addiction.
At most, fap to your imagination if you have to. But never to porn.

You got a serious answer you Mutt

Sorry that the Jew stole your dick at birth but you should be cured then

At what point with your first divorce did you stop trying to reconcile? When do I give it up? I feel like I should try until she aborts the child.

>Okay, so don't tell her I have noticed more things I've done wrong?

Eeeh this is really a knife's edge thing. I can't say if it's a good idea because I don't know her but I can say for sure it can blow up in your face completely.

You don't want to start rambling off all your insecurities and reminding her of your flaws.

> I thought maybe if I tell her something she's been waiting for me to realize it could trigger something good

It's never wrong if the conversation flows (it's not an opener) to say something like "I've been thinking on what you said" (they love this) and agreeing that she has a point about whatever she's been complaining about and that you're working on yourself. I'd be more generic than specific unless she's asking.

>The guy who introduced us suggested I write her a letter, that way she has the choice to look at it and read it. What do you think of this approach?

If you express yourself well in writing, then yes. But you gotta know what you want to say. I'd suggest writing more about your relationship, what you see in her, why you want to stay together.. things of that sort, rather than some inventory of all the ways you fucked up. It's that impossible balance of women wanting you to be strong and know where you're going, you don't want to appear floundering and clueless, but you ALSO don't want to appear a rigid boneheaded jerk that doesn't listen to her at all and doesn't care about her feelings.

You also risk (and I've had this happen) sitting there like an asshole waiting for her to comment on something you wrote and she doesn't mention the letter, you don't even know if she's read it, and you're caught trying not to go "DID YOU READ IT YET" like a fucking retard.

This shit is hard man. Rest assured there are no known universal winning moves to play. You gotta know your lady in particular. She's emotional now for sure, hormonal, scared. You're trying to talk her off an edge, you gotta be cool and look like you have a plan.

I’m off porn but I still fap, you got it backwards dude cut the porn out completely. Just think of a jew rubbing his hands together or a nigger fucking the girl you want when you give in. Trust me you will stop doing it quick

Put good in get good out. Its pretty simple. Best diet advice i ever saw is a synopsis of the paleo diet. OP closely follows it. Only buy on the perimeter of the grocery. Thats where all the natural fruit veg and protein is. Everything on the inside aisles is processed to some degree. Eat veg raw as much as possible.

Fapping is training for the balls
Fuck off shill

yeah fasting is great. I do intermediate fasting when I feel for it.

Ok thanks for good answer.

I think fapping around once a week without porn is the best answer. Not fapping and not having sex only make your testosterone too high. In the Mediaeval times men resolve this problem by start killing off each other and raping each other's women. But modern time is different and we need to adjust to that.

Having cold showers is a great way to build willpower. I’ve been doing it every day for a year and still hate it. Don’t try to fight your way through it with deep breaths or bullshit positive affirmations. Just stay under the water and observe your self.

1. I'm not Mutt
2. I'm not circumcised
3. You should worry about your own country before worrying about me

lmao sounds good. I've had success giving up the porn but I still fap a few times a week, it's feels like decent start to something great.