Italy/pol/ general - Late night edition

"Ducetta" Giorgia-chan: "The Government will prohibit the NGOs of Soros from operating in Italy"
"The right wing coalition govt will prioritize dialogue with Visegrad group" [Eng Translate]

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]


Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with AfD"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

Memelord (Lega): "We need to completely shut down Antifa" (Eng Translate)

Giorgia-chan (Fratelli d'Italia): "We will outlaw Antifa when in govt" (Eng Translate)

Italian Secret Services: "Antifa are more dangerous than islamic extremists" (Eng Translate)

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore (Eng Translate)

"32% Italians say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/4400ce08d3549d97ad37a684ce49f2a248ed19b822a002ee8c7bd91569eff7a5.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:;13.4;5&l=temperature-2m&t=20180303/22

Pevious thread: Latest polls (not including clandestine)


1) Italian Election: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

2) Black Pigeon Speaks vid:
Electoral New HOPE: Italy STRIKES BACK at the EU (English)

3) The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

4) Quick rundown on our last govt and Italian parties in this 2018 election

Election day is approaching us. It's our time, it's now or never.
It's our moment to show our anger and our discontent towards the leftist policy that's killing our nation and our identity. This may be our last chance to stop this madness, in a few years it will be too late.

You may think that whoever you vote that day it won't matter because "they are all the same".

That might be true even this time, but there is one thing that we should fear, something that we should stop or slow down. We all know what that is, right?

The only candidate who has a chance to win and do something about that issue is Salvini.
Unless we want to make Italy look like Paris, we all have to vote him.

He's trying to appear more moderate than he is in order to not get killed by mass media and gain some votes and try to beat Berlusconi.
We have to help him in his propaganda to make him win his coalition.
We have a weapon, usually underestimated, which is meme.

Let's make some to help our future premier.

We wanted to create a chat to stick together, to coordinate, to strike better as a team, and also to share some information and propagandistic memes. Here's the link to join us.

>Y telegram?
It should be as safe as discord, but since it's way more easy to use, having the same functions, we chose telegram.

>If I join, are you gonna see my phone number?
Chill, no one is gonna see your number in a telegram chat (except those who already saved you in their contacts).

All the redpills we'll get are gonna be published in this channel

you're back, finally

>hysterically searching for "italian", "anchovy" or "election" in the search bar
>finally this thread pops up

Di Maio was on Canale5, I listened for 5 minutes what he had to say about the migrants and it was total bullshit btw.

Friendly reminder: you're not a true Italian patriot if you're not wearing a white /canottiera/.

I'm usually bake these threads early morning, but since there was non right now...

Is it snowing in Italy?

what did he say?

>canottierina da bisticcio
>peli sul petto
>a bit skinny
True italian man

Most of Italy, yes, especially center and south (but it's soon to end).
Here in the northern plain no snow but the coldest wind I've ever seen

disgusting hairs

not where i live


wait I correct myself, there is actually a bit of snow

Penultime prove libere sul veloce autodromo ungherese del BungaroRing: Team Toro Blu: 36,9" Monoposto Cricket 5 Cilindri: 29,5" Scuderia Mercedes Renz: 27,5" Officina Peter the Fat: 4,6" Catorchen Kart: 1,3" Spettatori non concorrenti: 34,3"

>5 stelle almost 30%


Are normies and DioImperatoreSalvini posting czech memes on facebook?
We need you guys

How's going, anons?

>the face of the antifa menace

I don't even know what is evening going on anymore in this world.

Italy is going to uncuck the west, that's what's happening
Witness us

i'm literally shaking right now

we'll uncuck the West as we uncucked it in 1922.

He said that instead of expending years to check if a migrant can obtain asylum, this must be done in two months (too bad he didn't mention how this could be done), then he said that the money for repatriations could be found by using the money that at the moment is used for the hospitality to invest in Africa, so that african countries in exchange would take the niggers back (if this was the case, what would stop the african countries to keep smuggling millions of niggers to keep flowing this "investment money"?).
And them Mario Giordano who was there too asked him "Mister Di Maio how do you think to actually stop the flood of people in the meantime that you try to manage all this diplomatic efforts in Africa"?
At that point he started bumbling and I turned off the electric jew.

Italy is already totally cucked and a vassal state of the EU.... its elections are meaningless and in the event of any right wing win will be annulled or declared unable to govern for some BS reason... Shit isnt going to happen in Italy unfortunately .. trust me, you can screencap this if you like

It sleeted this afternoon but only for less than an hour

>its elections are meaningless and in the event of any right wing win will be annulled or declared unable to govern for some BS reason

>trust me, you can screencap this if you like
No need to screencap, what you said it's just common knowledge

At least we didn't ruin ww2


>tfw i went to check on DIOIMPERATORESALVINI
no, they are not posting Czebro's memes there,
oh wait you meant we should go there and post them ?.

>ywn get to vote for Fidesz or PiS
>ywn have Orban as your prime minister
It hurts guys

we already know this.
Let us shitpost in peace at least.

>trust me, you can screencap this if you like
>open search bar
>"snipping tool"
>take pic
>save the pic
>"disfattista anglico.png"
did it bro

If lega,fdi and Silvio maintain this trend I don't see how we could get cucked, mattarella maybe?

>snow on election day

Will PD share increase?

You’ve got gyno.

Nigger hate snow

In my city there will not be snow on sunday, on the contrary the temperature is supposed to go up very much.

>tfw found a Peterson meme on Dioimperatoresalvini facebook

well, i'm impressed

>>open search bar
>>"snipping tool"
Are you fucking kidding me?

Is this the most right-wing team in europe?

what is this tool?
I use paint t b h

snibeti snab

>facebook page """trademark"""
my god this guys

for fuck's sake.


Quick rundown
Who do we want to win
How far are they in the lead/behind
what day is the result?;13.4;5&l=temperature-2m&t=20180303/22

Wish us luck

Ho lasciato morire il 3d perchè era diventato un divide and conquer shills e un mio amico che avevo inserito nel circuito di Sup Forums mi ha watsappato "solita merda nord contro sud" è il problema è che gli avevo detto che Italy/pol/ era pro Memelord (come è).
Praticamente ogni volta che cadete per il D&C vanificate tutti gli sforzi che noi del sud abbiamo fatto per shillare il Memelord.
Spero che siete contenti (considerando che la maggior parte delle persone giovani del sud vorrebbe sradicare la mafia e gli stereotipi)

We need to make Salvini the winner
He's in the cdx coalition

So you just need to see this

I see no cdx?


I noticed a huge amount of shitposting too.
Low quality discussion and no memes is no good.

>spero che siete

>considerando che la maggior parte delle persone giovani del sud vorrebbe sradicare la mafia e gli stereotipi
agli alpini frega un cazzo, per loro siamo peggio dell'ulcera anale

cdx is italian for centre-right

yes, few memes, and lots of useless babbles
makes you wonder (((who))) could be behind it

Public schools didnt work well because all good south people win concorsi in north Italy :)

Perché i 5 stelle sono così inteligenti?

Capoterrone Borghi ritorna al Africa.

So what's italy Sup Forums opinion on pic related?

>say the South is perfect or you are a D&C shill!

Shit, it is heavily snowing here in Milan in my area...I have a job interview tomorrow.

Il potere dell'onestà

I see you guys are doing well. Good luck my Italian friends and Reclaim your national pride and glory.

You are right. These elections are pretty much just a meme... nothing will change

300 post per questa merda.

>per piacere le h

>Say the south has some problems but try to resolve them with people who want to do it

Literally spotted the jew

Italians are not white is quite an argument on Sup Forums

Literally a butthurt terrone who isn't able to do self criticism and shut the fuck up in front of the evidence.

Hairs are manly user.

They Will be almost 30% because the will be above the 30% ;)

Maybe its better to ally with 90% who want to change instead of pushing the usual stereotypes?

Why they’re so obsessed with us?

>Why are (((they))) obsessed with us?


You already know why.

It's mostly people trying to derail the thread

>sta dicendo certamentissimo, che quì non c'è sta neanche una sola ragazza, e che stiamo 100% tutti uomini
mi ho piaciuto che il based OP ha lavato il suo post contro i pericoli dei culattoni ed etc etc

>Dici che nel sud ci sono problemi, ma che c'è tanta gente che vuole risolverli
>Gli shill dicono che non riconosci che nel sud ci sono dei problemi

Serio, quando morite non è mai troppo tardi.

(((They))) are choosing us to be on their side, be glad for that! We are the chosen ones!

Sóc jo o en Salvini sembla un terrone?
n'esteu segurs que és del nord?
us parlo en català perquè vull saber fins a quin punt m'entendríeu

Her double Ponytales are really cringe desu. The Tyrolian girl on her team has the right idea

anyone knows how to find a gf that's not a whore or a fucking batshit insane neo-malthusian?

>anyone knows how to find a gf that's not a whore or a fucking batshit insane neo-malthusian?
We're not in the USA.

>tfw added text to an old Czechbro meme

A qui votareu? Penseu que Lega té possibilitats de guanyar?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

What if cinque stelle win?

Try Trentino's girls. Better are sud Tiroler girls but I guess you don't speak german

That you're degenerates.

That your Mother is a whore imo

Probably Jews

>Trentino, South Tyrol
German whores, are you retarded? The more you go North, the more degenerate they are.

Being a terrone is a state of mind user, the ones that emigrated in the north are causing problems too since we're not filled with mafia and a lot of southerners that are causing the same problems you experience in the south, even if in a minimum part compared to their homeland because here things work.

Threadily reminder that terrone is different from being a southern Italian, it's just like the difference from niggers and blacks.

In Rome is snowing right now

They will be the first party (as in 2013) for sure... But how will they win?
With more than 45℅ ?