Trump was (((subverted))) by a real life happy merchant
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fuck you I wanted to post this picture lol
Trump is doing what's right for America. No one wants to see more gun massacres. The rest of the world has no school shootings.
Well, trump kicked out everyone who got him there, then kept his fucking kike daughter and son-in-law. I'm done with this faggot. He's not getting re-elected
Was Trump subverted or did Trump show their true colors on purpose?
Do you honestly believe Trump thinks that banning guns WITHOUT DUE PROCESS is even legal?
Shills are retarded.
My sides
What’s the problem with more restrictions and regulations on weapons? He’s not banning them, he’s just making it more difficult for pingaheads to get them.
they are just jealous and want to separate us all, it's very transparent
the posts are lame and full of shit
>we finally get to disarm those animals!
that's right fuckers bye bye guns
cry moar
>"I like taking the guns early ... Take the guns first, go through due process second."
HAAHAHAHAHA Trump says something and everyone goes into meltdown... trump cant do shit and he knows the dems will turn on him anyway making them look unreasonable not Trump ... its DACA 2.0
Stop spamming this shit in every thread, shill.
not your problem or your business, you faggot
Just like how Schumer was giddy during the immigration meeting and "everyone" said Trump embraced amnesty before Trump BTFO all of them by refusing to approve DACA? The fact is if you ever want a white nationalist government, you have to support civic nationalists like Trump to shift the Overton window from globalism to white nationalism. Otherwise, you're guaranteeing one world government and slavery to the globalist elites will be a reality in your lifetime.
Do not reply to troll posts. Report them.
the context of this picture is that feinstein was like
>muh weapons of war muh light triggers muh many bullets
>trump basically tells her to gtfo "you have to talk about it with some fuck over there"
NYT running this headline is laughable propaganda
If a single new gun restriction passes into law I will stay home for midterms and in 2020.
Trump talks about banning AR 15s
Ar 15 sales explode
Militia is armed
All potential leakers lose top secret access
Get ready
>the guy who gave his children to jews and stacked his cabinet with jews and is advised by jews follows the directions of the jew
what a stunning revelation
I'm taking names and voting for anyone with the balls to repeal any and all restrictions passed by the traitors
bonus points if they at least humor the idea of bringing charges against anyone who proposed or voted for gun restrictions
Rare merchant
I'll tell you how she makes her money
Owl Rock Capital investments, a George Soros company that invests in gun manufacturers and profits from whenever she pulls out a new law because people buy more guns:
Predictable, he is thinking about the mid-terms
>Say you'll kill them, Mr. President! Say you'll kill the evil gun owners! Make America great again by killing them!
I'm glad trump is doing the right thing for america
He's just impressionable by solid arguments. Nothing good about being a idealogue.
Whew, looks like Drumpfy isn't a complete shitlord after all. He supports the State of Israel and wants to BTFO the gun nuts. AND he cucked the conservatard voters. Nice. The GOP is finished now. He did a good job, he's almost as good as Her.
>Make Israel Great Again
Benoit yourself
You have to be shitting me
to be fair if shit really hits the fan then your ar15s aren't going to stop nanodrone death swarms
>those hands
>She's really good at managing our money
trump is a fucking merchant. he let his daughter get plowed by one and has been sucking israels dick while pence does everything in his power to pretend he isnt ghey despite going to plays. no straight man goes to a fucking play unless his child is in it
bet that was the most awkward thing in the world. pence trying to seduce n korean mommy while the olympics are going on while ex military faggots get beat up in the stands for running their mouths. pence probably cant stand the sight of blood that isnt on his own thighs
Fuck Trump
Tuck Frump
kek matt furie
AR fags on suicide watch
>no straight man goes to a fucking play unless his child is in it
This retard thinks TV's always existed
He already lost re-election. It wasn't Sup Forums far-right that carried him, it was all of the closet-far-right that hate niggers, want to keep their guns, etc, the average white boomer and gen x types, that carried him.
He's fucked them over, now he thinks he's going to curry favor with dems to get elected, as if those whites who carried him in 2016 are going to vote again after this shit.
All the dems have to do is run someone that all non-whites will vote for, then you're at near half the country at this point, white women will cuck in large numbers if it's a female dem candidate especially, and you won't need much more.
He's in for one term, and he's going to do a lot of damage on behalf of the dems thinking he'll solidify 2020, but he won't, he's done. It's one thing when Jews fuck with video games and turn them all into safespaces, it's another thing entirely when you fuck with 2A IN THE DIRECTION OF RESTRICTIONS.
Trump is a Democrat plant
Blump Brump
The guns Dahnald!
Take them.
I really hope that's not his plan. Democrats fucking hate him, he could cuck completely to them and they would never vote him. a lot of them hated him before he ran. He's fucked if that's his actual strategy
Qpredicted this
yah, she such a good friend to those who love to cause fear for profit
Top kek
We can't let her assault weapon ban pass.
>No one wants to see more gun massacres.
they're going to happen, and he doesn't want to be blamed. If he doesn't get something substantial passed, it's over for him.
Better quality pic
whoa now, someone with a rational explanation and common sense. not on nu/pol/ friend
>mfw i 100% agree and see how many shills and "wtfihatetrumpnow" posts there are
Trump is dead. Been replaced by a manageable look a like made by deep state. GG all this is over.
Why would we give a shit about the rest of the world?
The world bows down to Americana.
hehehe....stupid goyim!
Look at your retarded laws before you talk about ours chink
I've been telling you all along, dumb frog memers.
When Benny Overbeeke shot and killed 35 people in Australia they enacted a plan like Trumps and it worked great.
A gun buy back is needed and the funds made selling the guns to israel will be able to buy a Chertoff scanner in every school in the US.
Im sorry user
Dianne "Banker butt licker Margaret Thatcher" Feinstein - The dragon lady with no fucking heart - The Dead Kennedys
you think obama getting in and doing anythin without due process wasn't anti-constitutional?
that kenyan nigger stupid mother fucker and the rest of his lackies that pretend now theyre not while pushing their propoganda
this is just world destruction retard nigger
>Oy gevalt! Confiscate all guns or else! Hehehe
*rubs hands together furiously*
Art imitates life.
rest of the world doesnt have a subverted fbi either
Foolish goyim!
>I like taking the guns early ... Take the guns first, go through due process second.
Obama says this very quote. Imagine the reaction of people like Alex Jones and your average Trumplet. Just imagine. Oh wait, it doesn't matter because Trumplets have double standards for Trump. What mental gymnastics are Trumplets working on right now to make this statement OK in their minds? I thought we were on the NRA hype train and that we SHALL NOT INFRINGE?
Stupid bitch.
It’s how business works.
He runs things like a business; make them compete, and fire the weak.
You live with your mom, so you wouldn’t understand.