Hello Sup Forums...

Hello Sup Forums, Power is a online US politics game similar to BLOC (same developer) where you create a politician and run for a seat in one of the 50 states. We need more people to join the Republican Party (tight collection of pol, r9k and other chan boards) and defeat the Democrats (mostly reddit and tumblr). If you are interested then join the discord and we'll walk you through creating an account


If you don't have discord/don't know how to use it, download discord and then click the + sign at the bottom of the channel list and paste the code in.

As soon as you join the discord let us know what state you want to be in. It's crucial to join the discord before making an account since states can either be full (only 4 people per party per state, and it's necessary to have the right in game political positions for the state your in. Positions are nothing more than your ability to get elected in a given state.

Troy truluck is still a massive faggot


reminder that the republicans in this game are weeb NEETs that have a boring and inactive discord


how are the parties doing

We need more people


nice argument but it won't do against my blade

Lmao you alt right idiots trying desperately to get people to join your shitty little party
Even in online sims no one likes you lol keep losing

you are a massive commie faggot

Lol agreed can't believe they doing this shit again, even pol are fair weather as fuck and haven't cared about politics since election

everyone join the democrats if you playing this, we have cookies :)


Instead of playing with the shitty GOP, come to Russia and join Liberal'no-Demokraticheskaya Partiya Rossii. Our goal is to restore the Tsar and restore the borders of Imperial Russia. If you want to shit on bolsheviks and win then join this discord: K9EWrtp

the democrats are run by le reddit army

Other countries aren't even working lmao they're a work in progress

Nigger bitch titty fuck get in here

kill commies. join the GOP

They work, Russia has the Duma(parliament) and a President with a cabinet. Just need more people to join to get more regions and shit

>everyone join the democrats if you playing this, we have cookies :)

Just joined the Dems. Fuck Sup Forums

They're barely functional

>fuck Sup Forums
>on Sup Forums


They function much better than the GOP


good job joining the dems you complete faggot

For old glory!

hi we're going to keep spamming this thread until you faggots help us kill some dems

yep thats me


Dems may be redditors but dems>pol we destroy you polacks in public channels you guys are a joke, I say it again Jon the Dems if you are playing this game


I only come to pol to laugh at how stupid you are, only reason I play the game is to bully you guys from pol in the GOP

Bump, imma solo Alaska. "Chicken Wing"


*Best girl enters the thread*

Don't know what that means, but I'm right, a thread in pol about this game used to be scary for us, but now it's a joke