wtf I love taking guns now

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>mfw Trump is baiting them into making the most extreme proposals possible right before the midterms
Literally 14D upside down Jenga

And they still fall for it

Just like what out of context words he said about DACA, oh wait that went no where.
What about the one with more legal immigrants!? Oh wait thats lowered to and lottery system being challenged.

Fuck off, Report off topic and troll threads.

this is his standard play

it will never get old and they will never catch on

You're delusional. He's written in the past that he supports an assault weapons ban and longer waiting periods to buy a gun.

It truly wrinkles my raisins to know that you still think this is all going as planned.

how many times has this happened
>trump baits
>media bites
>his message gets out

Protip: Dems are going to get fucked on DACA, the Wall, gun control... and have most of Obama's top people indicted by the midterms. It's going to be a good year.

Dems are literally fucking retarded.

Have you seen the amount of shill threads about this subject? It's insane

back to r/donald

Go back to the_donald

If he really wants to bait them, he should get them all on record willing to repeal the second amendment. That would at least be something productive, since it would cut through their "I WOULD DIE FOR THE SECOND AMENDMENT!!!...But you don't need a fully semi automatic assault weapon ar15 to hunt turkey"

the phrase is go back to redddit
only a shill would get specific

Never. That only happens in your imagination.

his message is gun control. he always supported it except for a year when he needed the NRA to support him. Just like when he was pretending to be religious for exactly the length of time he was campaigning.

Why, it's so comfy here.
I can't fathom why people on this board seem to chimp out when Trump says some liberal bullshit. So far, he's only baiting them time and time again.

Isn't this basically what we did to the Japanese during WW2 (except with their actual selves)? Kek.

>he was pretending to be religious for exactly the length of time he was campaigning
he only started using god in his speeches after being elected president
fucking shill

>mfw he's not playing 4D chess and he just wants to be able to say he did more on guns than Obama
>everyone's 2A rights get trampled so Trump can say he solved school shootings
>he doesn't solve school shootings, and now we are stuck with a bunch of jumpy armed teachers and a populace that can't legally own anything above a wimpy pistol
>real tyranny begins and black market sales of banned firearms picks up


Trump: Lets kill gun owners

Trumpftards: Trump is playing Korean League of Legends Upside 5D Go

wait what? he has done this like a thousand times since he was elected, he plays the media like a fucking fiddle, hell its WHY he was elected, he had 10x more news coverage

you're legit retard if you don't think Trump knows exactly what hes doing

speaking of which hope you leafs revolt soon as your government is killing you and I don't think you can handle 1,000 years more of trudeau.