>i hate trump now because muh GUNS
I hate trump now because muh GUNS
Other urls found in this thread:
Guns was the last thing making Trump any different at all from Hillary. Now you have a Republcian Hillary in the white house.
Guns were just a tool to oppress black people, now that minorities know they won't be shot by us whites we can start getting along.
and this
When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror.
i'll vote democrat next time!!! that'll teach him
Frogs are realizing how hot the water is.
The argument of the right against raising the minimum age from 18 to 21 is completely asinine.
Yes, 18 year olds can serve in the military. But, they don't join the army and an hour later get handed a gun and say "welp here ya go, buckaroo."
I really dont like his comments on grabbing guns and due process. I know he gives lip service a lot, but it not only sets a potentially bad precedent, It gives his enemies ammo to use against him and his base.
(((they))) have evil plans.
>you can be trusted to go to war and die a horrible death at the hand of sand niggers in the desert
>but you can't be trusted to own a pew pew stick
Lynch yourself.
That flag was and is the democratic party - they also didn't want women to vote or free their slaves.
>I agree with everything Trump says and I don't have any of my own opinions
>I like Trump because he delivered on any of his campaign promises
>you can be trusted...
After proper training in both technical use of weapons and learning some fkn adult discipline. US armed forces are brilliant at making men out of the bunch of faggots likes that roam these boards and occasionally join to serve. But before the training, faggots like you + war weaponry is good for no one.
Posting in a shareblue gaslighting divide and conquer thread.
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
I can guarantee you dont have white skin
2 points for the dumbest thing I've heard today. Complete and utter failure to understand the simplest basics of American politics.
Trump is literally taking muh guns and you think shill pasta from 2 years ago is going to keep anons asleep?
I like trump because he promised no lobbyists in his cabinet
Obama promised that too but couldn't even make it 6 months lol
BASED Q predicted this
Exactly, it's not so complicated.
18 year old, buthhurt detected.
>shill pasta from 2 years ago
soros dumped billions into what was already a nuisance 2 years ago
nice filename btw
I can guarantee you are a disappointment to most everyone around you, and constantly dip in suicidal thoughts when you gain enough clarity to realize you and your ideas are both baseless and worthless.
>pic says detected
>then makes a post that says detected
how do you do, fellow detectors
>adult discipline
>following orders without thinking and dying for the ZOG
yes, goy, you're not a man unless you die for greater israel!
>US armed forces are brilliant at making men out of the bunch of faggots likes that roam these boards
which is why it's full of literal trannies right?
maybe when bitcoin was below a dollar and people like you tried their hardest to demoralize me
but now bitcoin will never be a dollar again, and I see your projection for what it is
Out in full force, I see
soros is the faill guy for israel
trump is an agent of israel
thank you nice 5s
Lol. I was just taking a stab in the dark. Most of your maladapted basement dwellers obsess with white supremacy and guns when everything in your life points at you being a miserable failure. Whites have all the advantages, and you live in the most privileged society ever in human history. Yet you suck at life and seek to blame minorities for your inability to compete even when having everything laid in front you.
I figure being so fkn useless must lead to depression. Everytime I hear white supremacy this and kek that, all I see is a useless fkn moron that can't get it right even while holding all the cheat codes. You probably struggle to get women and tell yourself that they are all stupid. You can't hold a fkn job and tell yourself that they are all stupid. Everything is stupid. Except you, of course. You and your idealized nazi nonsense are fkn brilliant. We are all just too stupid to see that all light in this world shines straight out of your supreme white asshole.
I hate Trump because he's a shill for the kikes, personally.
>which is why it's full of literal trannies right?
Full you say? So like 90% of armed forces personnel are trannies? Or is it like 80%?
What a raging buffoon you are.
So how is that faggot allowed to violate the haircare standard?
cool did the founding fathers wield military style assault weapons? get over it faggot. trump is building an empire, no time for autists embarrassing us on the national stage. hopefully he goes for porn next.
Just imagine what a (((goblin's nest))) he's dealing with on a daily basis. He did well in the start, but it seems they've been getting to him more and more. Looks like Kissinger and the gang got their way.
>did the founding fathers wield military style assault weapons
Uh, yes?
>did the founding fathers wield military style assault weapons?
im sick of you fucking posers. you're not a natsoc if you think people should have access to ar 15s. the community comes before your "right" to do unecessary bs to engage in some impotent power fantasy. go to reddit if you want to shit on trump.
im sick of you larping faggots who call themselves fascists but are really just liberal plants who want to ban guns because of muh feelies
>the army
its kind of a joke these days
>the community comes
Yes, it comes all over you since you decided to host the community gangbang
>Trump's taking away MUH GUNS
Washing machines all breath a sigh of relief.
Fuck you, guns nuts.
>shareblue/faggot shills think it's this easy
Kek, good luck at trying to convince an autist, as more opposite his views are to the ones society has, better they will feel, only way is to turn everyone into a white supremacist so they become libcucks
That may be true, but it's inhabited by power hungry rulesfag bureaucrats who get a tingle up their leg everytime someone violates a standard because they get to act like the statist jackboots they are.
yeah, the one on the right
it will though
>Drumpf is LITERALLY taking guns!!!
Eh no he’s not.
bump stock ban is to appease liberals who thinks it will do anything. Restrictions against mentally ill and age limitations are positive changes as long as they can't brand whatever the hell they want as "mental illness" to prevent people from obtaining firearms. Other than that, he's proposing to abolish gun free zones on military bases and for some certified teachers to carry weapons. I fail to see why any of these things are bad ideas.
This thread is intellectual shit, uphold your rules
>another anti gun bill.
Dont you kids have homework?
hi /leftypol/
>unironically wanting natsoc instead of a libertarian society
Neck yourself.
This. Gonna be the ugliest primaries for a sitting president we've ever seen.
You're never going to need it for that in all likelihood
That's no excuse
Great argument pedes
>You're never going to need it for that in all likelihood
The Catalonia bullshit literally just happened a year ago. Do you think that would have happened if the citizens had arms like we do?
>Not conserving firearm rights.
do closet liberals like you realize Hitler relaxed gun laws and did not prohibit Germans from owning automatic guns? he made gun laws comparable to modern Florida.
>thinking people here will actually fall for this
It's the bill of rights, not the bill of needs faggot. Come take it from me and end up with 30 rounds in the chest instead.
>You're never going to need it for that in all likelihood
That's an opinion.
But I agree, I'm just as good of a shot with a pistol and a DMR. Real gun nerds know that Rifles and pistols btfo 5.56 everyday.
Already have a grandfathered 300 Blackout, so... Come and take it....?
what does trump have to do with conservatives
>internet tough guys
Great to see you guys are fags on top of being needlessly paranoid of government influence.
>"Whites get bullied by cops too...!"
>protect me daddy government!
Again, it's the Bill of Rights not the Bill of What Liberal Faggots Think You Need.
>>internet tough guys
Opinion discarded
>take away my rights please!
>muh Bill of rights
>this living document is infallible even though it's been amended 20 times for being retarded
None of you gun faggots have any argument besides MUH RIGHTS and IT'S FUN. Keep up the autistic screeching about government tyranny (which isn't happening), I'm sure normies will see you as rational people and not fat white neckbeards who can't into basic societal parameters.
Based Trump getting rid of MAGA faggots and reducing child murder in one stroke. Truly the GOAT.
You realize that all your bitching on Sup Forums won't take a single gun away from a single American, right? You'll still be a faggot, and I'll still have my guns.
>military style assault weapons
go back to fucking mika, joe.
Every liberal faggot I take shooting turns into a red-blooded gun nut. Just admit it, you're a closed minded soyboy who's never even held a real gun, and you lash out at people who have to balls to wield deadly force in their hands with responsibility, and who do it for fun, because you are jealous.
ya, but how did you not know that before the election. DT has been in the media spotlight for 40 years or more. I understand not wanting to vote for HRC, but to think that DT was anything other than himself is beyond me.
>Fires Flynn for no reason. Seen as admission of Russia collusion.
>Bombs Syria for no reason.
>Moslem ban struck down for being racist (tried to rename it "travel ban" nobody brought it).
>Session recuses himself from bogus Russia investigation which is STILL going on a year later. Tons of indictments. Flynn plead guilty. Everyone thinks Trump is Putin's catamite now.
>Obamacare will never be repealed
>@realDonaldTrump "Does anybody really want to throw out good, educated and accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military? Really!....." 14. sep. 2017
>Cucks on guns too
>Wall not happening. Mexico still killing us at the border.
>China still killing us in trade.
>DACA repeal blocked by courts.
What will be Trumps next big failure?
Glad I went and bought an AR last week
Imagine having such a garbage personality that you find more joy in destroying things instead of interacting with other people
I can only hope the broads you marry milk you for every alimony penny they can
Literally the only reason people get so ass devestated when people suggest almost microscopic forms of gun regulation is because shooting is fun and these people do it as a hobby. Thats literally it.
>people actually thought Trump had principals and isn't just some kind of ego monster
>[Autistic Screeching]
>MUH FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!
*Government becomes insanely corrupted*
I've had enough of this hellhole! I WANT OUT!!!
I destroy things while interacting with my good frjends, and it's one of the most visceral bonding experiences you can have. Not that you would know that :^)
Nothing more nat-soc than owning guns to kill commie swine like you.
Lock him up?
Nah, I thought Trump was a dope but that he'd listen to Bannon, since that was the only reason he won.
There's no discernible difference between a Republican and a Democrat. You are a blue-pilled faggot.
Give them an inch they take a mile. As always.
You're going to have to do better than that, Shareblue faggot
Nah, I like it here. It's fun!
fuckoff, soygoy
>Imagine having such a garbage personality that you find more joy in destroying things instead of interacting with other people
Imagine having such a garbage personality that you find more joy in taking away peoples rights instead of interacting with them
Washington is a traitor piece of shit
and thats why we love him
Why do liberals want Trump to take the guns away, are they reta-