True or false? Why?
The World Would Be Better Without Tax
false, no roads
Being that dumb...
Tax goes to interest payments to international bankers aka juice
let me decide where every single tax dollar that i contribute goes & i will be 100% okay with today's tax levels
too ugly for being a semen demon.
USS Belgrano.
Obviously false, without taxes the government has to conform to a much smaller size and can't pay as many people to be part of it or do it's bidding as easily.
Much harder to hold on to your rights when the gov has a ton of money and power, and even harder when they just print up however much money they want so no one has any clue how much value is actually in the economy.
The gov will already pay people through money, power, privileges, etc to do what it wants, why should it get MORE money to provide almost nothing of value?
All it does even as an attempt to seem good is subsidize stupid peoples' bad decisions and ruin the natural selection process that makes free lands and markets so good.
muh roads statist.
>being this cliche unironically. reply if you're joking.
>True or false? Why?
If there was no tax anywhere in the world, then there would be no legitimate governments. If there were no legitimate governments, then some people would find it beneficial to form a government.
Bottomline is that you're asking the wrong question OP. Taxes exist because governments exist. Governments exist because majority of human beings have evolved from herbivorous humans who like to be part of herd and be told what to do. Independent thinking is hard, and having authorities tell you what to do is easy as long as the authorities don't abuse power.
So no, taxes will exist whether you like it or not. It's irrelevant whether they're good or bad.
There needs to be taxes for waste water treatment, utilities, roads and basic civil function.
Now as far as government spending is concerned, welfare needs to be cut, government jobs need to be cut and a lot of the industrial military contractors need to be cut. Get rid of all these things and the tax rate wouldn't even be 10%.
>the world would be better without theft
obviously true, good luck implementing it though
>without taxes the government has to conform to a much smaller size and can't pay as many people to be part of it or do it's bidding as easily.
How do they raise money without taxes? Bonds?
>The gov will already pay people through money, power, privileges, etc to do what it wants, why should it get MORE money to provide almost nothing of value?
Even the most inefficient governments exist to bring law and order to a population. Most people prefer to have a corrupt and dysfunctional government than anarchy.
>the natural selection process that makes free lands and markets so good.
>Free lands and markets encourage natural selection
>There's a correlation between natural selection and the political and economic framework of a society built on farming
Kys. You're a disgrace to the Gadsden flag.
US navy named a ship Belgrano?
>nobody pays taxes
>my nation decides to do so
>everybody laughing
>invest the money in military
>force the neighbors to pay me tribute so I won't invade them
Yes, I want it
Please don't bully.
the world would be better without jews : true
the world would be better without nigs : true
the world would be better without taxes : false
I think it's the wife of LinusTechTips
This thread is so fucking stupid. Fuck you op you are the fucking reason Brits are fucking hated.
My state consistently ranks among the worst for our roads and bridges and we have a billion taxes that are supposed to pay for the roads and bridges. 75 cents out of every gallon of gas is taxes and our infrastructure is fucking trash.
"Who will build the roads?" doesn't work when nobody fucking does it as is. I'll take a McRoad where I have to buy a small order of fries as toll over this shit. I get taxed left, right, and center for fucking nothing and it's infuriating.
The world would be better without cities.
Explain your logic.
Jewey US currency is kikenomics usury. Taxes eventually rise beyond masses toleration. How can you tax fairly while the government expands?
pro-tip. you fucking can't
Gov. expands, becomes cancerous, taxes become toxins. Revolution happens and the guillotines fall and ropes swing.
Taxes exist because lazy people exist. Kill the lazy and your taxes should proportionately fall.
No but taxes are too damn high
Land Cruisers and 4Runners exist for a reason burgerino.
>tfw you're too dumb to troll
Not the wife, she's an employee there
Also she's a hapa.
How much is a pint of shit beer in a pub/bar in Sweden? Is it true it's like 10 euros+?
Nice work, but she won't be fixed until that SJW haircut is gone